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Group-IB will protect the largest holding of Kazakhstan from cyberthreats

Customers: Samruk

Project date: 2016/07  - 2016/09

In September, 2016 during the II International IT forum in Astana (Kazakhstan) Group-IB and Samruk-Kazyna Business Service LLP entering into the largest state holding JSC Samruk- azyna signed the agreement on cooperation in the field of information security.

JSC Samruk-Kazyna integrates more than 500 largest companies of Kazakhstan working in spheres of power, information technologies, the industry, transport. The document provides development of the general model of warning of incidents of information security which can be applied in any company of holding. Agreement signature took place in the presence of world experts and more than 200 Kazakhstan specialists in information technology field.

"Today high dynamics of cyberthreats is around the world observed. We hope that our partnership with Group-IB which is one of world leaders in their prevention will help us to protect assets and information of Samruk-azyna group, - the CEO of Samruk-Kazyna Business Service LLP David Tuganov.

According to David Tuganov, collaboration in increase in cyber security is already conducted, and since January 1, 2017 uniform service will be available to the largest companies entering into JSC Samruk-Kazyna such as KazMunaiGas National company, Kazpost, National company "[[azastan tem_r sholas|azastan tem_r sholas]]", "The Kazakhstan company on management of the electric networks of KEGOC", "Samruk-Energo" and Kazatomprom.