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Rostelecom installed a system for monitoring of body temperature of visitors of shopping center "Kosmos" in Volgograd

Customers: Space shopping center

Volgograd; Trade

Contractors: Rostelecom
Product: Video analytics (projects)
На базе: Complex projects of video surveillance

Project date: 2020/05  - 2020/11

2020: Installation of a system for monitoring of body temperature of visitors

Rostelecom installed a system for monitoring of body temperature of visitors of shopping center "Kosmos" in Volgograd and reported about it on December 21, 2020. The stationary complex consisting of the thermal thermal imager, flash, a siren and the registrar allows to control with a high accuracy the state of health of visitors of shopping center on an input, at the same time is capable to cover at the same time group to 20 people and is completely automated. Data on results of measurements are output directly to point of protection and in parallel remain on a cloud server from where can be available at any time. Thanks to the solution of Rostelecom visitors of shopping center are less subject to risk of infection with infections now.

We care for health of visitors of our shopping center therefore went on the way of implementation of the technologies allowing not to cause to people excess disturbance, not to contact to employees, but at the same time quickly and to precisely take temperature. The stationary point of the thermal imager from Rostelecom completely corresponds to assigned tasks, and our guests can be sure that it is safe to visit our complex, – Yury Ignatov, the director of Shopping Center Kosmos emphasized.

Inhabitants of Volgograd and city visitors will be able to plan family leisure for New Year's holidays, knowing that risks of spread of a viral infection are minimized.

Thermal imagers stop being luxury and attributes of fantastic movies, becoming a necessary part of technologies for protection of health of the population. Their application for contactless temperature measurement on objects with big passability of people already proved the efficiency, and system solutions from Rostelecom allow to perform flexible configuration of monitoring of thermometry and safe data storage. It is sure that universal application of points of the thermal imager will become a measure for decrease in incidence of viral infections, important and convenient for inhabitants of Volgograd, – Fedor Abramov, the director of work with a corporate segment of the Volgograd branch PJSC Rostelecom noted.