In the medical center "To +31" service of patients by means of the NeuroniQ system was optimized
Customers: To +31
Contractors: Technologies of the Future Product: NeuroniQ Management system for queueProject date: 2020/04 - 2020/10
2020: Installation of a management system for NeuroniQ queue
In the medical center "To +31" (Moscow) service of patients by means of an intelligent system of NEURONIQ was optimized. The Technologies of the Future company reported about it on November 9, 2020.
Clinic K +31-this multi-profile organization which integrated in itself clinic, a multi-profile hospital, the operational block, intensive care unit and practically all types of polyclinic services. The center distinguishes the high level of service maintenance and its continuous improvement therefore installation of a management system for the queue allowing to automate flux profile of visitors on employees and to simplify navigation on offices was executed.
When implementing the project the administration of clinic was guided first of all by comfort and convenience to clients. In this connection for registration in queue the touch terminal with screen 32 was installed' on which one half it is offered to select the visit purpose, and on the second – the card with indication of the place of acceptance is displayed.
Integration NEURONIQ and medical information system "Infoklinika", used in the center, gives an opportunity to identify repeatedly come patient by the phone number and to register it in queue to the specific specialist. Besides, information about an office and the doctor takes place on the printed coupon. Thus, need is excluded to address to registry that reduces waiting time and stay in clinic and reduces load of personnel.
NEURONIQ provides collecting of analytical information on process of service and creates in a report type for last period and also traces service indicators in real time for quick reaction on critical changes of parameters. A hardware and software system not just increase comfort of clients, but also is the tool for direction finding of improvement of business processes and measurement of efficiency of their optimization.