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X5 Retail Group uses smart trash cans with sensors of filling and temperature

Customers: X5 Retail Group

Contractors: GoodWAN
Product: GoodWAN LPWAN technology

Project date: 2019/10  - 2020/08

At the beginning of August, 2020 X5 Retail Group completed testing of smart trash cans and now begins their commercial operation and also is going to use sensors from such equipment on other objects of the retailer.

Smart garbage containers were developed by GoodWAN company.  It implemented sensors which signal about fullness, fixed time of filling and emptying, falling of tanks and temperature increase in them.

X5 Retail Group uses smart trash cans with sensors of filling and temperature

Testing of a pilot zone took place in 10 Moscow shops of the company since October, 2019. Sensors were installed on trash cans and reported data on fullness, fixed time of filling and emptying, falling of tanks and temperature increase in them.

All information from sensors is transferred on a radio channel of the license-free range of 868 MHz. The automated system of collection of information creates reports and provides transparency in the field of export of waste, providing the broad picture of filling and service of tanks, including an output of up-to-date data to the card, says X5 Retail Group.

Sensors work at a basis of the patented GoodWAN of technology based on infrared sensors, are quickly mounted on a container, unmistakably define fillability of a container and the carried-out service (emptying of a container). Design features of products, provide high protection against dust, dirt.

It is noted that sensors are insensitive to external influences, have the shock-resistant body, allow to avoid false operations from the oversized garbage which is partially blocking a container. Sensors have no dead band: they equally well "see" garbage both near the sensor, and in the middle of a container. The rechargeable battery in sensors is expected 5 years of continuous work.

The radio channel developed by GoodWAN company allows to obtain information from sensors, even taking into account that in shops metal containers which clean up in metal shields are applied. In some shops containers are located in the cellar or on the first floor.

Comparison of the reports made manually and automatic on visits of contractors on platforms in shops, showed that sensors allow to collect information precisely. For the beginning of August, 2020 the issue of their installation on other objects of the company is resolved.

The GoodWAN company also developed the new version of the sensor on the basis of the superhigh-frequency radar which shows fillability of a trash can as a percentage. Using data on the volume of trash cans, a system automatically considers the actual volume of the exported garbage.[1]
