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  Business Intelligence
Business Analytics
партнеры обзора:


Партнеры обзора:
link=Статья:Business Intelligence (рынок России)

The Russian BI market is in an active stage of transformation. At the end of 2023, Russian companies have not yet managed to squeeze out foreign solutions that continue to meet the need for analytics for about half of Russian customers. However, the situation continues to change, and the market is gradually moving into a new phase, when players offering mature solutions expand their spheres of influence, and new systems continue to appear in the still unoccupied niches (more...).

link=Статья:Business Intelligence (рынок России)

GlowByte became the leader in the rating of BI system suppliers prepared by TAdviser at the end of 2023 based on the results of the corresponding revenue for 2022. Its revenues from the implementation of BI projects increased by 17.6% and reached 9.2 billion rubles. The second line of the rating at the Digital Economy League, it managed to increase revenue in the BI direction by 9.5% to 8.9 billion rubles. Both companies are ahead of all other players in the market by a notable margin. In total, 40 companies took part in the new ranking - vendors and integrators of BI-systems. Their total revenue exceeded 37 billion rubles. (more...).

link=Статья:Business Intelligence (рынок России)
" " "
Interviews with experts
link=Статья:Гибкость и легкость освоения — это черта идеальной современной BI-системы?erid=LjN8KQwnA
link=Статья:Глеб Калкутин, директор по развитию компании Quillis: Наше главное конкурентное преимущество — скорость.?erid=LjN8KBjzC
link=Статья:Делаем все, чтобы корпоративные заказчики могли быстрее импортозаместить зарубежный BI?erid=LjN8KWYaS
link=Статья:Алексей Никитин: Опыт 2023 года показал, как избежать неоправданных затрат при миграции на российский BI?erid=LjN8JwfWe
link=Статья:Экспертиза ЛАНИТ по работе с Visiology 3 позволила реализовать возможность глубокого анализа данных?erid=LjN8JwfWe
link=Статья:Александр Тютюнник, Luxms: Аналитика данных: как сделать хороший продукт в мире рекламных фетишей?erid=LjN8K81rx

The rapid development of Russian BI platforms, provoked by the departure of Western players from the domestic market, brings its results. The number of solutions is growing, the range of possibilities of the most common and mature systems continues to expand. According to experts, in most cases, on the basis of a particular Russian BI platform, 90% or more business requests in BI can be closed. What other trends are market participants talking about - in the new TAdviser material (more...).

Current solutions
link=Статья:8 критериев для верного выбора BI-системы?erid=LjN8KJrg9
link=Статья:Analytic Workspace: Новая глава в мире российских BI-систем?erid=LjN8KC9Vx
link=Статья:Luxms BI — платформа бизнес-аналитики данных?erid=LjN8K81rx
link=Статья:Quillis: как сделать сложную аналитику понятной с помощью российских решений?erid=LjN8KBjzC
link=Статья:Унифицированная бизнес-аналитика: раскрытие возможностей платформы Polymatica?erid=LjN8KQwnA
link=Статья:Visiology 3: российская BI-платформа с поддержкой DAX, ТОМ и более высокой производительностью
link=Статья:Быстрее, больше, мощнее: построение высоконагруженных систем на базе Форсайт. Аналитическая платформа?erid=LjN8KWYaS
link=Статья:Как исключить незапланированные расходы при выборе и внедрении BI-системы?erid=LjN8KK8jp

As of December 2023, the TAdviser database contained information on 2.9 thousand. BI projects. Of these, about 300 were implemented in 2021-2023. According to the data for this period, the leading vendor of business analytics systems in the Russian market is SPC BusinessAutomatics. The top 3 also includes two other domestic developers - Forsyth and Optimacros.

In addition to vendor data, TAdviser keeps statistics on the implementation of specific BI systems. To keep the data up-to-date, in preparing the last cut, it was decided to limit the sample to a 3-year period. Thus, irrelevant products were cut off, and the most popular solutions at the moment were included in the final chart. According to implementation statistics for the period from 2021 to 2023 inclusive, BI projects in Russia were most often carried out using Visary products, Forsyth. Analytical Platform "and Optimacros. Other popular systems are mentioned in the diagram below.

Current projects
link=Статья:Создание импортозамещенной информационной системы управления бюджетированием АО Концерн Росэнергоатом?erid=LjN8KWYjg
link=Статья:%22Форсайт%22 обеспечивает поддержку аналитической деятельности Министерства труда и социальной защиты Республики Беларусь?erid=LjN8Kbc6v
BI Definitions

The uncertainty of the term business intelligence was influenced by the ambiguity of the English word "intelligence." Today, theorists, vendors and BI market researchers often disagree in determining what BI (business analysis systems) is.

Self-service BI (literally "BI self-service systems"). IDC and Gartner experts recorded the emergence of a large number of business analytics solutions addressed to end users from 2011-2012, stating the formation of a new segment of the BI market with a "human face." And the term self-service BI is a rather successful definition for it.
What is BI Self-Service ? | Main players

Advanced data visualization tools have become an integral part of corporate BI platforms. Some vendors, such as Tableau, have made visualization the cornerstone of their analytical systems. The trend permeates the market of analytics systems completely: today even the simplest analytical tools for end users often rely on visual representation of data.

Further development of the global business analysis market will follow the path of active mastering of advanced (advanced) analytics, including predictive analysis, construction of simulators and variable models.
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In Gartner's interpretation, advanced analytics means the application of advanced technologies such as machine learning (MO) and artificial intelligence (AI) in order to prepare data, generate insights and interpret them. In other words, it empowers people to study and analyze data in analytical and BI platforms.

Data discovery is a relatively young term, but some industrial BI platforms, such as QlikTech, for example, have already built their marketing strategy around it. Such solutions have become very popular with users due to their ease of operation and an accessible interface.

  • The tabs below provide information about the BI systems (business analysis systems) used in Russia, as well as unique information about the integrating companies and their BI projects.
  • Companies can register their systems and projects in the TAdviser/BI catalog for free. The partition is in online update mode.


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