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Cisco TelePresence

Developers: Cisco Systems
Last Release Date: May, 2013
Technology: Video conferencing


The Cisco Systems technology allowing to hold meetings at a virtual table with effect of physical presence. Images of the people sitting at a virtual table are transferred full-scale, and all conferees feel so as if they are in one premises. In solutions of a video conferencing Cisco TelePresence video of high definition, volume transmission systems of a sound, specially created working environment and means of interactive interaction are used.

Cisco TelePresence of TX9000 series

TX9000 studio aggregated the best of the previous solutions of telepresence of Tandberg companies (T-series) and Cisco (CTS series). A system is developed for use by top managers taking into account the high requirements imposed to the similar equipment. Cisco TelePresence of TX9000 series creates effect of complete presence, providing the video image of the high definition (HD) full-scale and a space sound, providing convenient tools for joint work.

In comparison with the previous solutions of a similar class, installation of TX9000 happens quicker. Also requirements to preparation of the premises changed: they became much less strict that allows to install a system practically in any place. Thanks to technology construction features access to the main nodes and components is simplified.

Features of Cisco TelePresence of TX9000 series

  • The systems of TX9000 series are installed the new quality standard of video and are capable to support at the same time three video flows of high definition with the resolution up to 1920х1080 points and speed up to 60 frames per second and also FullHD-flows of high-dynamic content.
  • Three 65-inch FullHD-screens provide realistic image transfer full-scale.
  • The advanced management system based on the touchpad Touch 12' allows to regulate all modes of connection with the help of the intuitive interface.
  • Nearby three modern cameras help to provide optimal visual contact and a complete overview of all premises without overlapping of a viewing field.
  • Advanced desktop microphones guarantee the high-quality directed sound and give the chance of their selective shutdown.
  • Superthin (only one inch) the reflector of light provides high-quality illumination of persons and reduces flares thanks to flexible opportunities of placement (wall fastening or floor installation).
  • The improved construction of the loudspeakers placed over screens guarantees the highest quality of sound reproduction to all participants and also accurate positioning of a sound.

Five myths about telepresence technology

The broad demand of a video conferencing generated around it the most improbable technology myths. Not to take away your precious time, from all myths what I happened to hear, I made a short selection of five most widespread and tried to prove their insolvency.

Myth No. 1. 'It is very expensive and available only to the large companies'

The technology of a video conferencing telepresence allows the dispersed group of people to cooperate, solve problems and to improve the projects in a live and dynamic format of real time. At the same time the telepresence system is available to any organizations. Improvement of technologies, especially cloud, allows the companies to use advantages of a video conferencing worldwide. Realizing as teleconference communication is profitable to business and as investments in this technology quickly pay off, the small organizations implement it for expansion of opportunities of cooperation more and more actively.

Myth No. 2. 'Budget video services on the Internet are quite enough'

Mass services for video transmission lose to a professional video conferencing by such parameters, important for any company, as security, quality, flexibility and multifunctionality. Of course, suppliers of amateur video always promise the realistic picture, but in practice in most cases you receive the poor image accompanied with a muffled audiorow. And if it, in general, is acceptable for normal users as it is about free programs, then for business it is ineffective option.

Myth No. 3. 'The software against hardware'

Trends of the market demonstrate the choice for benefit of a video conferencing which cornerstone the software is, however you should not go in cycles in selecting something one. We live in conditions of the global economy functioning in the mode of non-feet where software and hardware video solutions should interact and provide to the user бóльшие opportunities, mobility and necessary experience. The choice only program or only hardware solutions limits possibilities of interaction, the main thing is the correct combination of technologies and ample opportunities of connection from the computer, from a conference room or directly in way.

Myth No. 4. 'The video conferencing is very difficult in installation and application'

Models of implementation of a video conferencing are developed in such a way that they can be adapted to needs of end users and personnel of technical support. Thanks to flexible schemes of implementation, such as cloud, local or mixed, deployment of infrastructure of teleconference communication does not cause special difficulties. The last innovations simplified process of video conferencing by users in and out of the organization, allowed to be connected using mobile devices and to share content in real time.

Myth No. 5. 'The video conferencing is necessary only to those who often travel'

The potential investment payback in the presence of a video conferencing is beyond far travel. Using video it is possible to optimize practically all business processes which as a result will bring you the quantitative results measured in digits. Video promotes strengthening of partnership, helps to reduce product output terms to the market, allows to hire remote workers and to quickly solve the arising problems. Practically for each business division there are applications for video conferencing — from management, sales and marketing to the personnel, research and development.