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Logistics and distribution

Technology News by Month

This year
December ^

- PickPoint redeemed all automatic post offices of Qiwi

- "The first Bit" helped Phoenix company to reduce labor costs by 50%

- "Relief Center" automated the distribution center using the solution Lead WMS

- Sidis expanded "mobilization" of couriers of Pony Express

- "National Logistic Technologies" invest 3 billion rubles in the equipment for the logistic mail center in Novosibirsk

- Generix Group submitted solution SaaS for effective work of supply service

- Corus Consulting took part in development of the system of calculation of rates for Freight One

- VTB provided uninterrupted calculations for the period of reorganization of Russian Post

November ^

- MegaFon started the logistic platform Megafon Cargo

- In China are prepared the robots couriers moving underground

- Bronwyn Hastings became the new senior vice president of Citrix for development of a global distributor network and an ecosystem

- Sberlogistika passes to the online signature of documents in service

- Andrey Emelyanov has been appointed the head of the development of the commercial channel Acer in Russia

- Russian Post will in addition install 2 thousand video walls in postal telegraph offices

- Alibaba rented all airplanes of Russian Post to deliver orders with AliExpress in 10 days

- Traft intends to complete creation of a system of assessment of drivers of trucks in 2020

October ^

- PEK transferred the geodistributed IT cluster to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

- Russian Post and IQ Media continue cooperation"

- In Segezha Group the logistic Transporeon platform is implemented

- The Otkrytiye bank simplified the procedure of issue of payroll cards

- Russian Post started delivery service from online stores

- Freight One summed up the results of transition to SAP S/4HANA

- Russia created the drone transporting loads to 80 kg

September ^

- Maximum allowable concentration refused paper way bills

- At the airports there were electronic labels for registration and tracking of baggage in the smartphone

- Mastertel connected the Synkovo multipark to fiber-optical network "Master-Konnekt"

- VTB Leasing will provide to Russian Post of 70 luggage mail cars

- Siltek will bring to Russia indicators of external influences from SpotSee

- DB Schenker tested exoskeletons for warehouse workers

- The new ideology of working with information will allow Russian Post to abandon the creation of files in Excel and Word

- TAdviser Interview: CIO of Russian Post Sergey Emelchenkov - about digital KPI, the future doubling of IT personnel and import substitution

- Axelot Negotiator of Standard performed complex automation of transport logistics

- Ozon laucnhes delivery to a door across all Russia

- The first telemedicine terminal of Rostelecom accepted patients in the Kaluga region

- Vostok develops the international logistic platform based on the systems of the distributed register

- Darkside Corporation reduced terms of preparation of client orders for 50% using Penta WMS

August ^

- Russian Post and UEC agreed about cooperation in a reach of engines Tu-204-100C

- DB Schenker Russia began to use electronic way bills

- Mercedes-Benz began to deliver parcels in the trunk of a car from any online store

- Softline developed for Alers the system of approval of agreements on the basis of cloud services of MS Office365

June ^

- Sberbank purchased Shiptor, a logistic aggregator

- UPS created new company for use of drones

- Lorus SCM takes orders for cargo transportation through the Vezubr platform

- Corus Consulting booked audit of an information security system in Itell Rossiya

- Solvo.TOS was selected by Sogester S.A. for upgrade of four container and multi-profile terminals from Angola

- Lorus SCM will implement a blockchain in the work

- Anton Kirikov is appointed the director of the macroregion Far East of Transtelecom

- Euroaziya performed complex control automation by transport logistics

- Traft through Sberbank will issue an IP for drivers

- Oboz logistics service uses IDensic-based driver and vehicle identification

- The Russian Post implements ecologically safe transport

- Implementation of InStock WMS in the warehouse "Expert-pro" is complete

- The solution for automobile companies OntargIT IDMS is available on Microsoft AppSource now

January ^

- AlphaInsurance started service for stream cargo insurance on the Vezubr platform

- WMS Logistics Vision Suite is implemented on the DPD terminal in Russia

- In retail network MTS the operating officer was replaced

- "KM Logistic" completed control automation by warehouse logistics

- Russian Post increases efficiency and customer focus using the solution "1C: Document Flow"

- Robots mail carriers began to carry sendings

- Russian Post and Rostelecom expand the project of broadcast of video advertizing in post offices

- Zebra Technologies submitted the web platform for data processing of Savanna Data Services

- Russian Post was engaged in telemedicine

- Interprocom expanded possibilities of an online service "Where the courier"

May ^

- Pony Express updated the mobile solution for a courier delivery

- Experts of NORBIT told about development and deployment of the solution on Sailfish Mobile OS RUS on TAdviser SummIT

- PEK and to Neoflex announced start "Command center transportations"

- "Circle" delivered the control cabinet for an APCS of an account warehouse of oil products in Krasnoyarsk Krai

- TAdviser Interview: Experts Spetsenergotrans how IT solve relevant problems of the transport and logistic company

- U.S. Postal Service begin mail delivery by self-driving trucks

- Driverless electric trucks appeared on public roads

April ^

- MGTS will develop the platform for control of UAVs

- "Ronav logistics systems" created the solution for control of warehouse robots using SAP EWM

- Trasko implemented the CRM system on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform

- Gruber Logistics IT infrastructure in Russia is unrolled in Oblakoteka

- "White rast" using Docsvision optimized work with documents in the project of construction of TLTs

- Solvo and Infoskan implemented the universal measuring instrument of weight and dimensional characteristics of a load in the warehouse Sim Logistic

- InStock Technologies automated work of the warehouse "Permryba"

- DHL launches service which open African market to hundreds of global retailers

- Zebra Technologies announced the output of the touch TC8300 computer

- Zebra provided the mobile MC9300 computer for work in the conditions of economy on demand

- The analytical center will develop to Russian Post the international strategy

March ^

- Dassault Systèmes will help Eurostar to optimize service of passengers using Delmia Quintiq

- Cargo drones began to fly to the USA. They deliver analyses

- BlackBerry unveils IoT-device for freight tracking which collects in 100 times more of data than the GPS module

- Airbus Skyways drones delivered freights from the coast to the ship in the port of Singapore

- "East-West" passed to EDMS Docsvision

- Raduml implemented a security system based on the cameras Mobotix

- DB Schenker summed up the results of digitalization of logistics for car makers

- Airbus drones began to deliver freights to the floating ships

- Accenture developed and tested the solution based on blockchain technology for operations on sea cargo transportation

February ^

- How Russian Post earned 1.2 billion rubles using Big Data

- Gnewt and Ford test a cloud service for multimodal delivery

- Ford submitted the logistic program for multimodal delivery of MoDe: Link

- "A gradient Distribution" implemented software products of Antor

- SK Operations transferred business data on the operations in Russia to a cloud Croc

January ^

- AYuSS VSTK is going to use Forecast NOW for management of trade inventories

- Russian Post Created United Data Center

- Everpoint issued the alpha-version of the new server of the EverGIS platform

- XPO Logistics reduced idle times of transport and increased the volume of cargo transportation using the system of 1C

December ^

- In 2020 turnover of iGooods grew by 3 times

- The ВЭБ.РФ venture fund invested 0.5 billion rubles in the IT platform for cargo transportation

- 49,500 times Russians purchased goods in online stores of purchases using CDEK Forward service worldwide

- Clients of SDEK will be able to pay services at office for the QR code

- Canonfarma Production automated the warehouse using InStock WMS and InStock FGIS

- SDEK will build network of self-service together with OMNIC

- With circuit.Diadoc Pirelli accelerated document handling twice

- Syssoft protected corporate network "Kuryer Service Express"

- The service of a courier delivery Dostavista works quicker with the help of a cloud Croc

- Lenovo and VMware develop hyper convergent infrastructure in Gradient

- Samsung Galaxy XCover is used in Germany to provide medical services

- Ruselectronics will deliver the Antison system for installation on transport of the gold mining enterprise

- DPD in Russia predstvit software for high-speed reading of the DPD Courierf shrikh-codes

- SDEK started CDEK ID service

- "The exchange of cargo transportation ATI.SU" developed the automated service for selection of routes for carriers

- Digital Disrupt invested 30 million rubles in service of storage of personal belongings "Kyyubi"

- In "A personal account of the client" of PGK it is possible to trace a load when sending railway transport on the interactive map

- "1C: Delivery" in service "1C: The business network" is integrated with Business Lines

- Panasonic tests pilotless robots for the contactless goods delivery

- Russian Post will pay E&Y millions to deal with motivation of heads

- China created infrastructure for delivery of vaccines against a coronavirus worldwide

- "Tape" started order online services in all cities of presence

- Siemens, SAP and BMW create the platform for data exchange in automotive industry

- Maxim Oreshkin headed Board of Directors of Russian Post. New structure

- Staff of KSE received solutions based on the Samsung Galaxy J4 and Galaxy A10 smartphones

- Russian Post buys automatic post offices for 1.25 billion rubles

November ^

- SDEK started service of online payments together with Pikassa

- Rider Global with the Russian founders invested in the developer of the platform for cargo transportation

- The experiment of Ministry of Transport on use of the electronic way bill and electronic waybill is complete

- LoRa is networks which will replace a 5G for IoT

- Eracheyn announced a large-scale update of the mobile application of the same name

- NORBIT provided service "We will deliver" for sending correspondence and small loads

- MTS helped cargo carrier Verst to make secure against data loss

- "Intellectual security" automated information security of Russian Post

- Alidi reported on results of implementation of a digital system of demand forecasting of Novo Forecast Enterprise

- The international business of Russian Post will be developed by Georgy Alikoshvili

- Corus Consulting organized accounting of work for Yusen Lodzhistiks Rus 3PL-operator based on Manhattan SCALE

October ^

- The container platform Universal Logistics Services will implement the warehouse management system Solvo.WMS

- Fastzila robotized mass personnel recruitment using artificial intelligence technologies

- Sabre and Google created artificial intelligence technology in tourism

- The Accord Post printing house increased production capacities thanks to installation two the Xerox Nuvera 314 CFM 

- Pony Express implemented a profitability analysis system on the Optimacros platform

- The fund of the co-owner of Vkusvill invested in delivery service for online stores

- X5 Retail Group and Sovcombank divided the postamatny Halvah project and ceased to cooperate

- The Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov caught a coronavirus

- Service attracted $0.5 billion to the order of cargo transportation of Uber Freight and was evaluated in $3.3 billion

- GMCS automated budgeting for "The container terminal of St. Petersburg"

- SKB Kontur helped FM Logistic to increase a share of electronic document management

September ^

- The SIBUR automated warehouses with the help of SAP EWM

- Russian Post started a marketplace in mobile application. There 2 million goods

- Kuryer Service Express transferred couriers to mobile acquiring

- Rostelecom placed electronic platform of freight rail transportation in a cloud

- "1C: Motor Vehicle Management PROF 2.0" helps to manage more than 17,000 units of transport of Russian Post

- Ruselectronics brought to the market automatic post offices of domestic production for the organization of the contactless goods delivery

- Pony Express implemented Yandex.routing

- "Technoserv included" in the cloud "the Northwest Logistic Company"

- From China the container train using digital technologies of Gruzovye perevozki ETP is for the first time sent to Europe

- Idea of new digital business emerged in Rosatom

- Irina Kozina headed the personnel block of Russian Post

- Russia started AliExpress "Is!" – the section with convenience goods with delivery of 15 minutes

August ^

- Sibur automated process of container transportations

- The resident of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ developed the system of protection of perimeter using AI

- Vezubr logistics ecosystem launched in Russia

- Konica Minolta developed the solution Box Defect Detection for visual control of packaging

- "The platform of Big Data" created the universal platform of geoanalytics

- Siltek starts a line of radio tags labels under the general S-Label brand

- Sberlogistika constructed a logistic circuit based on SAP

- "Warehouse Service" automated a warehouse of safe custody using the solution InStock WMS

June ^

- "the Russian Railway the Logistics" implemented the CRM system

- Kama Truck semi-trailers refrigerators are equipped with registrar of temperature ThermoFleet

- The native of VTB became the deputy chairman of Rosselkhozbank

- "KAMAZ" will deliver to Russian Post 93 KamAZ-5325 on compressed natural gas in 2021

- Innoware completed implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Portals in Elcore Group

- Russian Post saved more than one billion rubles after switching to Multi-Sourcing

- The Acting Chief information officer \\\"Russian Post \\\" is appointed

- Yandex released the program for routing of courier services

- SimbirSoft releases ShopChat app for chat sales

- Orange implemented contact center and services of joint work in shipping company of Israel

- Uber purchased delivery service of food for $2.65 billion

- Lanit seized hundreds of millions from Russian Post

- At Metallocomplekt-M metal base, the Neuroniq YMS system was introduced

- Blockchain company released the tool for canceling of transactions with bitcoins

January ^

- "Digital Control Technologies" released the version of an APCS "A weight flow" with the free license

- The circuit helped "to the Agency of the Avia the Center" to reduce delivery date of documents to several seconds

- The native of Komus and Ulmart Alexander Dolgov is appointed the Deputy CEO of PGK for IT

- CTI provided service of Contact center Express

- In Russia "the digital long-distance truck driver" will be started for control of loads and the driver

- DHL: 60% of logistics professionals noted insufficient transparency of supply chain processes

- Producer of tin packaging "New can from Europe" implemented "1C: Accounting"

May ^

- IT solution 'The transparent logistics' will take payment from the client, only if the client saved using this service

- Kuryer Service Express provided service of management of deliveries for business

- In Russia is going to invest 2 billion rubles in deployment of network of industrial Internet of Things of Sigfox

- Corus Consulting CIS implemented e-document flow service and module 1C for Sberlogistiki

April ^

- Omnic began installation in Moscow of services of self-service "all-water" OmniHub

- Siltek implemented the system of the automated programming of korpusirovanny RFID tags

- The largest courier service of China implemented a blockchain for supply of drugs and food

- Itella cut down expenses on IT with new Wi-Fi based on mesh-technologies from Oberon

- The former Deputy Prime Minister for digital economy Maxim Akimov headed Russian Post

- Sidis automated merchandising of the Georgian distributor

- MegaFon launches updated Multi-CDN service

- SKB Kontur and Vivienne Sabò tested perfumery marking

- Russian Post and AliExpress Russia bought 1 million medical masks and 50 thousand sanitayzer for protection of couriers and employees of mail

March ^

- UPS began to buy drones for delivery of sendings

- Edisoft provided mobile application of EdiCourier for automation of courier services

- Siltek provided the device with a RFID tag – ShockWatch RFID blow indicator

- Monolit-Info provided a system "the Monolith: EPM" under management MSSQL2019

- GMCS develops a BI system for DB Schenker in Russia

- Generix Group and Extracode presented the solution for obligatory marking

February ^

- The native of VimpelCom and M.Video became the chief innovation officer of retail network "Magnit"

- Russian Post started creation of a complex of intellectual robotization

- In "M. Video Eldorado" implements the module of management of the warehouse yard of SAP Yard Logistics

- Russian Post started the digital platform for fleet management and will spend 400 million rubles for its development

- Rostec begins creation of infrastructure for mail delivery with drones

- Drones for the first time began to deliver the spare parts printed on the 3D-printer directly to the ships

- Oktron was brought to the Russian market by the protected Chainway tablet on Android 9.0

- The first OFD provided service of a cloud fiskalization for a small and medium entrepreneurship

- A new system of intervals for sending out requests for transportation has been launched in the Traft-Online mobile application

- Japonica "1C: Integrated Automation" automated operating activities with the help

- iGooods started transfer of a tip for couriers and purchasers through CloudTips service

January ^

- UPS ordered 20 thousand electric vehicles from the company of the ex-Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

- 5Post accelerates connection of new partners using the Apiship platform

- The Swiss mail resumes delivery by drones after two accidents

- Siltek it is ready to release of locking and sealing Cordon devices with a RFID tag

- Konica Minolta updated a video surveillance system in DB Schenker

- For "East transport energy company" the information system of fuel supply is developed

- Samsung Electronics provided the Galaxy XCover Pro protected smartphone

- Sales of the orthograde robot courier began

- Accenture: 61% of retail marketing directors are not ready for artificial intelligence

December ^

- Lester IT has released a new version of the Transportation IRS

- "DC Office" accelerated work with customer applications thanks to ITSM 365

- The new board of directors of Ozon has been approved. It included 4 new members

- "Business Lines" launched a delivery application for private customers

- Yuri Yuryev headed the direction of multimodal transportation in the Russian Post

- WMS Logistics Vision Suite implemented in another warehouse of logistics operator MC Logistics CIS

- MyHoreca Reduced Support Burden with ITSM 365

- X5 closes the food delivery aggregator "About"

- Tablogix acquired the Moscow warehouse and transport business of the Finnish company Itella Logistics

- Korus Consulting automated warehouse accounting at the Kuban Bakery Plant

- Cars without drivers began to deliver products from supermarkets in Silicon Valley

- Corus Consulting launches updated WMS Manhattan in cloud for Geb distributor

- Sber launches food delivery service in Belarus

- Spanish analogue of Yandex.Food bought a Ukrainian competitor

November ^

- Amazon launches platform to control robots in warehouses and factories

- Toplog integrated the warehouse management system TopLog WMS in the Discover Invest warehouse

- Russian Flashpoint VC invested in Finnish logistics service for online stores

- Dostavista launches new delivery products for brands and online stores

- GetFaster attracted €7.5 million in investments

- Alibaba invested 500 million rubles in a new sorting center in Russia

- Agrotrak automated warehouse logistics based on InStock WMS

- Ozon bought the former Carlo Pazolini warehouse for 2.3 billion rubles

- NIPIgazpererabotka has developed a comprehensive solution for centralized control over the logistics of mega-projects

- DST Global Yuri Milner withdrew from the capital of the Finnish food delivery service. It sold for 7 billion euros

- Mars Petcare introduced artificial intelligence to optimize promotions

October ^

- DHL client data leak recorded

- Google launched drone delivery in Texas

- Galamart network launched darkstore on Manhattan platform

- Yuri Milner Fund invested in the German express product delivery service, which is valued at $3.1 billion

- Tiggy food delivery service with founders from Russia attracted $6.1 million

- A new head of Yandex.Food has been appointed

September ^

- Technocom introduced WMS TopLog in a dealership in the Rostov Region

- Alexey Skatin transferred to the post of adviser to the general director of Russian Post

- Russians invested in the American document delivery service

- The Jiffy product delivery service founded by Russians attracted $28 million

- ABB has released robotic FlexBuffer cells for quick processing of goods

- Google has released a tool for creating digital twins in logistics and manufacturing

- Blockchain platform launched to digitalize a third of container traffic

- SDEK switched to contactless shipment of parcels

- Wildberries launches over-the-counter drug sales

- MTT launches PREmedia service

- FESCO, NtechLab and Binom begin to implement a digital project in VMTP

- The fund of the Russian woman who kissed Putin invested in a platform for orders from restaurants

August ^

- Mastercard certified the Assist solution for accepting payments on a smartphone

- Deutsche Post acquired Hillebrand logistics company for $1.8 billion

- Concern "Automatics" demonstrated the work of the IoT-solution for the city "Pelena"

- In the "Personal Account of the Client" PGK there was an opportunity to find out the cost of transporting goods online

- Domino's launches pizza delivery service on unmanned cars

- Yandex allocated Yandex.Market logistics to a separate company

- Russian Post has created a separate company to service its IT infrastructure

- Mega deal: Russian Post will purchase communications services worth 13.5 billion rubles from Rostelecom

- Salateria automated the delivery of fresh vegetables and salads

- Aerotrak began to equip German Meusburger trailers with aerodynamic skirts

June ^

- Authorities oblige Chinese food delivery services to raise salaries for couriers and soften working conditions

- A large logistics company was attacked by hackers. Operation of container terminals paralyzed

- Yandex registered a company in Britain for a food and food delivery service

- Micron launched the production of RFID tags Z1885M-34D Scorpion

- In Shanghai, the creation of infrastructure for flights of drone couriers began

- In Russia, developed and launched into sale robots for sorting parcels

- Moscow Mayor's Office launches city network of postamats

- Anna Klinskova appointed Managing Director of DHL Express in Russia

- Headwind MDM Receives Official Samsung Knox Validated Partner Certification

January ^

- Equity fund to install Rewtas to monitor employee time

- A thousand PEK trucks will go in semi-automatic mode

- Ukrainian food delivery service Rocket launched in Greece and France

- SDEK handed over 90% of appeals to artificial intelligence

- Magnit has begun to introduce a unified transport management system

- Amazon began using robots carrying objects without human intervention

- "Special control technologies" introduced an improved version of a disinfector robot

- -1 XLIFFService: The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9979983. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a

- AliExpress Russia began exporting Russian goods to the EU

May ^

- Grishin Robotics invested in food delivery service from restaurants in the United States

- B2B-Center Bought Cloud Logistics Transportation Service

- Logistics subsidiary Alibaba invests 4 billion rubles in a network of postamats to issue orders from AliExpress throughout Russia

- Sever-Auto-M automated the delivery of car tires throughout Russia

- Biocad automated warehouse management based on SAP EWM

- The new general director of Digital Logistics was the ex-top manager of Fesco and the Russian Troika

April ^

- TopDelivery increased revenue by 50% in 2020

- Solvo.KPI module implemented at Container Terminal St. Petersburg

- Founder of LavkaLavka launched a subscription service for boxes with farm products

- Orange Business Services Transforms RS Components Global Infrastructure

- The Russian market of auto-refrigerators decreased in 2020 by 23% in kind

- Aerotruck began selling aerodynamic "skirts" in France

- Deliveroo Food Delivery Service IPO Failed

March ^

- DST Global Yuri Milner invested in fresh food delivery service

- Grocery delivery service founded by Russians in New York attracted $15.4 million

- Presented warehouse robots working "swarms"

- "MyWayhouse" and "Taxcom" have simplified the labeling of goods for stores

- Ivideon unveils Ivideon Analytics cloud end-to-end analytics service

- Russian-founded Target Global invested in food delivery service

- SOHO Fashion uses Synerdocs in the process of marking shoes

February ^

- Advantum has completed the creation of a system for transport logistics - Digital Forwarder

- Russian Post began to accept orders from online stores with delivery to the door in all regions of Russia

- Electronic delivery of the solution "1C: Transport logistics, forwarding and management of Korp vehicles" for universities and colleges was released

- IBM and ExxonMobil developed quantum algorithms for control of cargo vessels worldwide

- ANTOR TeamMaster began to support scanning of codes of goods marking for online stores and distributors

- SDEK is going to translate employees to "salary on demand"

- Express delivery of Intersection executed one million orders in 2020

- Warehouses of the distributor "Avtospeys" are integrated with the system of marking of buses

- The fund of the son of the ex-financial director of Yukos invested in a logistic marketplace of Newtrul

- "Sollers Ford" will make 771 cars by request of Russian Post

- Castor automated accounting of transportations of especially dangerous loads

January ^

- 95% of all transportations in PEK are made out through electronic marketplace

- Translated to Ant Technologies the warehouse Metro Group Logistics in Noginsk under management of WMS Logistics Vision Suite

- The joint SAP solution and Loginet will allow to save on logistic processes

- Users of AliExpress will be able to select service of shipment at own expense from shops of local sellers

- Technoserv created IT infrastructure in a cloud for Demetra-Holding

- "РТКомм.РУ" was provided with the satellite Internet "by Arktik Katering Service"

- Future logistics: whether there will be in Russia full-fledged infrastructure for drones

- In California permitted driving of pilotless cars on public roads

- "1C: The first Bit" automated calculation wage in Castor

December ^

- PEC launches a single route delivery network

- Toplog has integrated TopLog WMS in the warehouse of TechnoLight

- "Russian Post" launched a personal account for individuals on its website

- TopLog WMS is GOST certified

- Ackermann Cement halves the burden on support staff with ITSM 365

- The InStock WMS system has been implemented at the Akor warehouse

- PGK has optimized work with contracts using the new ATI.SU ecosystem service

- A new head of Russian Post has been appointed

- Yandex Delivery creates a unified IT infrastructure for trunk transportation in the EAEU

- The inspection complex "Schwabe" is included in the register of Russian software

November ^

- Import substitution of WMS systems: difficulties and prospects

- IBM and Maersk shut down failed blockchain platform for logistics

- "Russian Post" ordered to pay "Lanit" 360 million rubles. For ensuring the work of GIS housing and communal services

- InStock WMS manages Servico warehouses

- Leader-Moscow automated a warehouse based on the InStock WMS system

- Kurgan Meat Processing Plant "Standard" optimized logistics processes using "ATI.SU Sites"

- Amazon has started using roboruca, which, without workers, sorts 65% of the range in warehouses

- Imredi and Infocom help Russian Railways improve the work of Sapsan high-speed train personnel

- UES Research Center coordinates contractors in different regions using the ITSM 365 cloud platform

- ElVIS-NeoTech has created a smart complex to ensure the safety of transport and logistics centers

- New CEO of Pochtatech appointed

October ^

- Unified IT control system for construction waste carriers launched in Leningrad Region

- CorpSoft24 implements REWTAS working time monitoring system at Gazprom Teploenergo

- "Russian Post" launched a service for working with address data

- The supplier of water to the house and office of Eden Springs transferred the Russian division to the CEO of the company

- The first Russian ship traffic management system has been created

- FedEx closes failed parcel delivery service with robots

- Amazon curtails failed robot delivery project

- "Intelligent technologies" have developed mobile cargo carriers for construction

- Just IT launched a new business area on the platform

September ^

- The IT department of the Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant began to process 1.5 times more internal calls using ITSM 365

- The new warehouse accounting system at Ruskhimseti has accelerated the processing of orders by a quarter

- Sber transferred SberShuttle completely to its own software

- ActiveCloud has updated its enterprise ActiveDrive file store

- A transformer drone is presented that can drag boxes and turn valves. Video

- Docrobot has released a mobile application for checking ETrH

- During the year of work, 25 thousand gondola cars of FGK were provided at the ETP GP

- Large-scale development of 1C-based systems in Russian Post. Up to 1.6 billion rubles are provided for these purposes

August ^

- The Sprint software platform from SberService is included in the register of Russian software

- Russian Post launched a service for ordering goods from the United States

- M.Video-Eldorado launches advanced analytics on traffic and demand for electronics in the supplier's personal account

- Yandex closed express grocery delivery services in Paris and London

- Yandex Market has reduced the emissions of its delivery service

- Pilot transportation of exchange-traded goods of the "Petroleum Products" section of SPIMEX has been completed

- MTS has created a "smart" IoT lock with access through a mobile application

June ^

- "Transpertico" launched a service for the delivery of equipment and components for automation of enterprises turnkey

- M.Video-Eldorado has developed its own logistics supply planning platform

- Rostec will launch the production of logistics robots

- KFC has accelerated case processing by combining the chain's restaurants and contractors on the ITSM 365 platform

- "Russian Post" has simplified the online design of parcels

- S3, together with Korus Consulting, increased the speed of assembling Internet orders by 40%

- Toplog completed a project to re-automate the Nizhny Novgorod warehouse Optikom

- "Greenatom" together with "Sitronics" will create software complexes for the Unified Platform for Digital Services of the NSR

- How to engage in digitalization in the new reality? Overview of the main reports of TAdviser SummIT 2022

- Online store "Outskirts" introduced dynamic routes in delivery

January ^

- InStock Technologies has implemented InStock WMS at the Volzhsky Pipe Plant warehouse

- AgroEco Group automated logistics processes using the ATI.SU Sites SaaS service

- InStock WMS system implemented at Transit-Oil warehouse

- World's largest electric-powered ship begins carrying passengers

- Neoflex Launches Cloud Infrastructure Efficiency and Security Assessment Product

- Detsky Mir has updated the supplier's personal account

- SberKorus has connected Krasnoye and Beloye to its document exchange system with suppliers

- "Technologies of the Future" presented the Delivery Neuroniq solution

- Digital Logistics has connected the infrastructure of the Yamal Railway Company to the Freight Transportation ETP

- "Business Lines" launched a delivery service with an on-delivery payment to the address

- Pizza chain "Papa Jones" transferred technical support of partners to the ITSM 365 platform

- How to use blockchain to ensure transparency of supplies

- Trasco has implemented the product 1C: Transport Logistics, Freight Forwarding and Vehicle Management Corp

- ProFresh signed an agreement on the development of prototypes of robots for moving goods in stock

- How to transform the logistics industry with AI

May ^

- Ex-Accenture team develops Russian supply chain planning solution

- American cloud platform for cargo management attracted investments from a fund founded by Russians

- "Technologies of the Future" presented a solution for automating the last stage of the transport route

- The owner of clothing stores Reserved and Cropp sells Russian business to the Chinese

- Innodata will offer developers its own dynamic pricing system

April ^

- The founder of "Dodo Pizza" Fedor Ovchinnikov invested in the Dubai YallaMarket delivery service, founded by Russians.

- Imredi and Softline have deployed digital services for inspections and task management in stores "Capital"

- Energy Kit warehouse in Rostov-on-Don introduced TopLog WMS system

- An online order for transportation using a railway ferry to Sakhalin Island is available at the ETP GP

- 5Post developed, implemented and registered 5Box pedestal management software

March ^

- Runa Capital invested in logistics platform for online stores

- "ATI.SU Freight Exchange" updated online insurance service

- Castor reduced labor costs for the preparation and visualization of operational and financial statements by 90%

- Amazon courier drivers strike over rising gas prices

- Antor LogistInWeb 2.6 Transport Logistics Management Solution Update Presented

- bought a logistics company for $1.42 billion

- Antor organized temperature control at the PKM Group refrigeration warehouses

- Google drones began to deliver products from supermarkets

- Penta WMS system implemented at Artplast warehouse

February ^

- Direct courier delivery service raised $6 million for development abroad

- Sedov Dmitry appointed CFO and member of the board of directors InDriver

- "ANANTERM telematics" accelerated the processing of calls from users of transport monitoring systems using ITSM 365

- InStock Technologies has completed WMS automation of the warehouse "SVline"

- Ferroni plans to reduce transportation costs and improve planning with SAP

January ^

- Coffee Like Network Improves Partner Remote Service with ITSM 365

- Borzo appoints Idriss Al Rifai as CEO

- Wildberries released WB Drive app for commercial freight

- VTB bought a warehouse in the suburbs for 1.6 billion rubles

- Maersk ceases to be the largest container water carrier

December ^

- The total freight turnover of transport in Russia remains unchanged

- Revitech automated warehouse based on InStock WMS

- A complex for the production and repair of parts for aircraft for 0.5 billion rubles is being created in Solnechnogorsk

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange launches beta testing of EDO ETrN service

- Yard Neuroniq is included in the state register of computer programs in Rospatent

- IT service "Courier" is included in the register of domestic software

- Orders from Tasty - and the Point will be delivered by courier robots

- Russian food delivery service Broniboy attracted 100 million rubles of investment

- Leader-Krasnodar automated warehouse processes based on InStock WMS

- "BIA. Assistant Logist "will help reduce the time to find drivers

- Video surveillance of Rostelecom will help minimize losses and losses at points of issue of orders for marketplaces

- "Korus Consulting" optimized the warehouse "Ormatek" with the help of "1C:WMS"

- Cordiant has implemented the Smart Logistics TMS system

November ^

- The first freight company replaced the CEO

- Norbit unveils' smart'Norbit CDS delivery management system

- SDEK founder emigrated to Israel

- The InStock WMS system has been implemented at the Etreko-Service warehouse

- Ozon has developed and implemented a device for automatic measurement of dimensions and weight of goods in its warehouses

- Russian Post abandoned Yandex courier robots because they are expensive to maintain

- M.Video-Eldorado launched express delivery of large equipment

- New CEO of Transcontainer appointed

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange has updated the Search for Active Carriers service

- EPD testing was carried out on passenger transport in Kaliningrad

- Logistics companies will test the CRM platform of a student of the University "Synergy"

- Yandex has increased the accuracy of routes for business, taking into account the weather

- Chainway launches universal hand-held barcode scanner

- Rock and Mill Has Increased IT Service Performance by 1.5 Times with ITSM 365

October ^

- Rosatom and one of the world's largest logistics companies DP World have created a joint venture for container transportation

- The volume of transported mail in Russia for the year decreased by 38.6%

- Exchange of ETrN from the operator "Kaluga Astral" is now available in the "Smart Logistics" system

- Glavstroy accelerated the provision of services to personnel by 1.5 times thanks to ITSM 365

September ^

- The fat and fat business of the Rusagro group optimized the management of the yard in warehouses with the help of Korus Consulting

- A warehouse robot has been developed and introduced in Russia that can ride around the room and carry 100-kg of cargo

- "Simplreal" expands opportunities for rail and motor transport

- Bulgaria took the port terminal Rosenets from Lukoil

- An application for automating logistics of large and medium-sized businesses is being created in Russia

August ^

- Baikal Service switched to MFD with "Contour" services

- KamAZ bought a logistics company

- Yandex uses a new robot that collects orders with employees

- "Innoseti" and Monopoly.Online transfer logicians to digital insurance

- AgroTerra builds a common service center based on the ITSM 365 cloud platform

- The largest warehouse owner in Russia moved from Cyprus to Abu Dhabi

- Russian Central Properties bought a warehouse complex in Dmitrov from French FM Logistic for 3 billion rubles

- Digital management of 3PL warehouses made it possible to process orders of Business Lines 2 times faster

June ^

- Cargo carrier Globaltruck, which launched unmanned trucks on the Moscow-Petersburg highway, recorded an increase in shares by 85% per day

- Ozon launched a program to hire convicts

- Medical equipment supplier "Firm Galen" transferred customer support to the ITSM 365 platform

- SDEK went out of business to develop a network of checkpoints

- 1C-Rarus and Ob-Irtysh River Shipping Company modernized the transportation management system

- Metro launches express delivery for business

- Sitronics Group digital logistics management platform registered in Rospatent

- Urgent delivery from Russian Post offices is now available in all cities with a population of 500,000 or more

- "Dikargotrans" introduced the monitoring service "ATI Driver"

January ^

- Resident SEZ "Technopolice Moscow" develops cooperation with Myanmar

- "Magistrate-Don" implemented DPrice platform

- Reshape Planning Cloud: Inventory Management in a New Way

- Evocargo autonomous trucks automate PEC warehouse logistics

- Sber robots pharmaceutical warehouse for JNB

- "ATI.SU Freight Exchange" has updated the educational online service "ATI.SU Academy"

- Severstal operates a fleet of 2,900 units with 1C: Transportation Logistics, Freight Forwarding and Vehicle Management KORP

- VkusVill scales delivery service from restaurants

- Pony Express Launches New Sales Agent Partner Program

- Warehouse operator Multicold has bought out the Russian assets of online retailer Otto. They are estimated at 2.3 billion rubles

- Maxima presented a platform for monitoring mobile objects

May ^

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange launched a report service for carriers

- The National Lottery has doubled the processing of requests from draw participants and partners on the ITSM 365 platform

- In St. Petersburg, developed an exoperutis that increases the strength of the hand with hard physical work

- Marshal has implemented the ATI.SU Sites SaaS platform in its business processes

- InStock WMS solution implemented in Four Lap warehouse

- Penta WMS solution launched at AR Fashion warehouse

- Treolan uses 1C-Rarus system to manage deliveries

- Docsvision transferred service support from a foreign solution to the Russian ITSM 365 platform

- Liga-Region has automated warehouse process management based on Penta WMS

April ^

- Forum-Auto automated the provision of services to personnel on the ITSM 365 platform

- Pony Express launched a mobile app

- "Halva Express" joined the project "Moscow Postamat"

- Korus Consulting will introduce 1C:WMS at Vostokcement warehouses

- Russian Railways-Technologies together with Robin created a platform of software robots for transport and logistics enterprises

- Baikal Service has doubled the work of internal support thanks to the ITSM 365 platform

March ^

- How Amazon employees take bribes from sellers to help them boost sales

- Retail network "Verny" switched to "1C: Transport logistics, forwarding and vehicle management"

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange launched individual settings in the Orders service

- "Scooter" doubled turnover for the year

- First Freight Company automates IT project management

- AstMarket increases the efficiency of control networks using Imredi

- OpenTask Partner Network serves customers on ITSM 365 platform

- A new head of SberMarket has been appointed

- ATI.SU Exchange launched a service for monitoring average rates for cargo transportation

- Russia has developed a technology for transporting goods to ships using wind

February ^

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange has made the transaction security tool more accessible

- The Russians bought from the Czech PPF Group the logistics park "Triloji Park Tomilino" in the Moscow region

- Critical holes found in Schneider Electric controllers used in airports, power and mining

- ALP Group has optimized the financial model of the service line of business on the ITSM 365 platform

- Russian Post automated its fulfillment centers using TopLog WMS

- One of the largest US logistics companies FedEx fires 10% of executives due to crisis in the country

- In the SDEK mobile application, you can now track orders for CDEK.Shopping

- ITSM 365 Cloud Platform Reduces Client Call Processing Time in Its Group

- Docrobot has released the free Docrobot.Logistics mobile app

January ^

- Amazon begins laying off employees of disastrous drone delivery unit

- The owner of the manufacturer of furniture and mattresses "Armanna" received 14% in the Fura cargo transportation service of the son of Oleg Gazmanov

- Toplog automated one of Rusagro's warehouses

- NMCC automated warehouse management with Novardis

November ^

- Iskra Technologiya presented a comprehensive private LTE/5G solution for industrial enterprises

- Hackers managed to turn off the tracking system and alarm buttons in British autosacks

- InStock WMS implemented at Greenworks warehouse

- Tracking transport in the mobile application "ATI Driver" has become easier

- Russian Post launched intelligent planning of employee work schedules

- On "Megamarket" now you can order dry cleaning clothes

October ^

- In Japan, launched the delivery of goods by robots by air. They drive on wires

- Investments in warehouses in Russia decreased by 36% over the year. 3 biggest deals

- Russian manufacturer of industrial robots Ronavi Robotics increased annual revenue by 115%

- Mendeleevsk 2.0 industrial park built in Tatarstan for ₽5 billion

- Russian Railways Logistics has reduced the time for the transfer of bills of lading using the "Contour"

- Unified logistics platform, IT system "Sortmaster" and transition to Linux. How is the digital transformation of the "Post of Russia"

- X5 Group Implements T1 Innotech Solution to Manage Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk and Control Procedures

- The company owned by Vladislav Bakalchuk filed a lawsuit against him for ₽37 billion

- Buyers of Nizhny Novgorod can now order dishes from restaurants in Yandex Lavka with delivery from 15 minutes

- Cooper launched a Telegram application for partners

- The future has come: robocurriers have begun handing over food orders to the drone. VIDEO

- VTB launches food and food delivery service

- Russia is creating a national system for confirming the expectation of goods, which will add hundreds of billions of rubles to the budget

- The first circulation of postage stamps with domestic drones was printed in Russia

September ^

- VK Tech has developed a single data platform

- Sales of pizza with delivery are growing in Russia

- Yandex launched an automatic route planning service for small businesses

- Global sales of cargo delivery robots for the year reached $11.68 billion

- DNS buys the checkpoints of the bankrupt PickPoint network

- Avto-PEK tests transportation with electronic waybills

- VTB bought the first cargo company for 200 billion rubles

- "Korus Consulting" introduced "1C:WMS" in the warehouse of the agro-industrial holding "ECO-culture" in the Moscow region

August ^

- X5 has completely switched to electronic waybills

- Online sales of clothing and footwear in Russia for the year increased by a third

- Wildberries built a logistics center in Vladimir for billions of rubles

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange announces cargo copy service updates

- Korus Consulting has expanded the capabilities of 1C:WMS and Koncrit using GOLAS voice technologies

- The working hours of Russians reached a maximum in 11 years

- CorpSoft24 has developed a version of Rewtas for Linux

- FCS allocated 2 billion rubles for the purchase of Russian complexes for the inspection of goods to replace foreign equipment

- Presented a warehouse robot that scans goods for 100 thousand pallets every day

- Presented a kargobike developed in Russia for couriers, which does not allow them to drive at high speed

- Mosgiprotrans automated internal processes using ITSM 365

- Russian carriers will be able to log in to the personal accounts of the GIS EPD to reserve the time and date of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation

- MIPT engineers have developed a storage robot

- "Many are still in shock." Co-founder of Wildberries Sergey Anufriev - about what is happening in the company

- In Moscow, there was an accident with a Yandex delivery robot and a car. Video

- X5 Group and Yandex launched a robotic product delivery project

- Sentenced in criminal case to former Chief information officer of Russian Post Sergei Emelchenkov

June ^

- The number of self-employed in Moscow exceeded 1.7 million

- A unified digital register of road carriers is being created in Russia

- Co-founder of the company Pixaev appointed CEO of SDEK

- Signs of online payment "Post of Russia" can pay international letters

- The Russian market for logistics outsourcing services has grown over the year to a new record

- 1C-Rarus has transferred Noytech Supply Chain Solutions to the 1C industry solution

- Russian Post creates its own DBMS for 1.09 billion rubles

- Konica Minolta assisted EvoKom in the transition to the domestic Service Desk ITSM 365

- Mirrico optimized all service departments with ITSM 365

- The number of posts in Russia for the year decreased by 8%

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange has updated the "Profitable Directions" service

- The profit of Russian companies for the year increased by 23% and reached 38.2 trillion rubles

January ^

- Kazakhstan, China and Russia create digital container transportation platform

- Digitalization and online services helped Russian Post reach operating profit

- The founder of KazanExpress launched a marketplace with express delivery in Kazakhstan

- A unified digital register of freight transport carriers is being created in Russia

- "Valenta Pharm" switched to EDO in cargo transportation with the help of "Contour"

- 26.9 million people are employed in small and medium-sized businesses in Russia

- Data leakage of SDEK

- Mosaic-Synthesis has transferred its warehouse to the InStock WMS 7 system

May ^

- The number of courier deliveries in Russia for the year increased by 9%

- In which regions of the Russian Federation most of all individual entrepreneurs

- Tatyana Bakalchuk transferred the management of Wildberries to the former top manager of Magnit, but remained the general director

- Wildberries began using robots in warehouses. Video

- 1C-Rarus automated motor transport shops management processes in OMK

- Astrakhan port doubled its annual revenue

- Maersk stopped the liquidation of Russian business

- ATIMO users switched to EPL using the Logistics service from Contour

April ^

- Pharmland implemented a project to implement InStock WMS and InStock FSIS systems

- Mail speeds up the issuance and sending of letters and parcels three times thanks to QR codes

- Russia's largest transport and logistics holding Delo increased annual revenue 6 times

- Artlogics implements TMS system for AB InBev Efes

- Wildberries revenue for the year increased by 70%

- NatCar introduced ETrN when transporting goods by drones using the "Contour" solution

March ^

- Robot storekeeper launched at Istok-Prom

- FESCO and Kaluga Astral will test the transfer of electronic transportation documents to GIS EPD

- X5 has developed and implemented its own warehouse management system

- "Federal Freight Company" replaced the general director

- "Vkusville" introduced robots to move goods in warehouses without human participation

- SoftBalance transferred the Würt-Rus warehouse from imported software to 1C: WMS

- "First Bit" automated the tasks of logistics, accounting and management accounting in "Priority"

- "Traffic" presented the insurance service "Multipolis" for freight carriers

- Avito launches its delivery network and its own software for owners of point of issue orders

- Avito launches its delivery network and implements its own software for owners of point of issue orders

- Ronavi Robotics updates lineup

- "Daughters" "Rostec" for the year put in the Russian Federation and abroad complexes for the inspection of transport for 5.5 billion rubles

- The leak from "Sberbank" allegedly occurred due to the lack of two-factor authentication

- Magnit launched delivery from other food and non-food stores, restaurants and cafes

February ^

- The transport industry has entered the top 10 most attacked hackers in the world. Top Attack Methods

- Mail will deliver letters to home and office in 90 minutes

- "Sabermarket" increased the annual turnover 1.6 times

- Why Russian business does not yet favor electronic waybills

- Fifty Yandex delivery employees fined after mass brawl in Moscow

- ATI.SU Freight Exchange launched an online freight carrier liability insurance service

- "VkusVill" has implemented payment processing with Tap-on-Phone technology

- 1C-Rarus and Gazstroyprom completed a pre-design survey of motor vehicle control processes

- Letters can now be issued and paid on the website of "Russian Post"

- "Unique robots" have begun to develop the first batch of universal robotic manipulators

- New CEO of United Wagon Company appointed

January ^

- UPS logistics company laying off 12,000 employees due to lack of money

- Toplog automated the Aros distribution center

- Container turnover of Russian ports for the year increased by 15%

- What did you remember 2023. Main results and trends. Opinions of key IT market players

- Fujitsu puts hundreds of entrepreneurs in jail

- World's first underground parcel delivery network launched by robots

- InStock WMS was introduced at the World of Clamps warehouse

- Robotic shoes for work in warehouses are presented. It will help save 400 hours a year