The report acquires more and more unclear digits, and before you understand it, such separation of information finally kills your confidence in it. And having suspicious data, it is impossible to optimize effectively the website or its pages.
Unfortunately, 'murderers' of confidence arise more often than it would be desirable. To cope with them, we hurry to share several simple councils: they will help to find confidence in indicators of your reports that then to use them during the testing and analytics.
Council 1. Deserve access to analytics or fight for it
It can seem strange, but sometimes access to analytical data of the company is limited even for a team of researchers for whom similar information is simply necessary. Such restriction - a big error as can distort project planning accuracy. Try to agree about access to any data which can be necessary in advance. So you will be able to reveal any inconsistency even prior to testing.
If all of you cannot get access to necessary data, then here that needs to be made:
At the very beginning of the project request reports in advance for sections of the website on which you work. Analyze data to which you have an access at once to define negative factors which can do much harm to the project.
During testing or updating of the page it is important to agree about drawing up regular reports. So you will be able to check the accuracy of data and to reveal an error on the early term of work with the project. It is the best of all to check data within two days after changes, and further every day from this reference point.
Council 2. Treat quality control as to a compound component of any project
Though control is not the most noticeable part of the project, it is important for reduction of quantity of errors in analytics.
It is the best of all to set several test scripts and to carefully write selection. Thus, you are convinced that the analytics corresponds to data which you entered as you wrote them in advance: the number of the pages visited by you, buttons which you click, etc.
Council 3. Set a tracking mode in other analytical service
Do you use special service for tracking of your online sales and advertizing campaigns? Then it is necessary to think of implementation of one more, parallel to your analytical platform or in the range of the same problem zone.
It is difficult to predict whether the acquired information will match, but it will help your team to see a difference in data which will define inconsistencies.
Try to find the most similar metrics and base the received analytics from different platforms or services on it.
Council 4. Use double control – A/B tests
This council especially is useful to Internet marketing specialists who should check twice the reports before their presentation.
Did you sometime have an ideal landing page? And you sometime suspected what everything put here in analytics, but not in the page?
The easy way to achieve detailed data – to use the test consolidated by A/V where both pages are exact copies of each other. It is also possible to set target funnels, separate for each page, to trace necessary metrics. If tests do not give any effect, or in results of pages there will be no essential distinctions, then your tracking at least can be considered to the answering testing purpose.
Do not throw the analytics on a will of a case
Always it is necessary to make the work plan in advance, and then confidence in your analytics will not decrease from a will of a case. Let foreign clients 'suffer' from results of the tests constructed on the vague assumptions! Purchase of services or goods on your website will take place for them much easier and will bring more benefit.