As mobile application can help retailers to win war for the client
Increase in business performance and the state using technologies – the main objective which is set for itself by our country. Active implementation of new IT solutions became one of the main trends for modern retailers. At the same time need of compliance to the changing customer needs forces to monitor innovations. What technologies give the maximum effect? To what innovations and the ideas it is necessary to pay attention? Answering these questions, the Omega-R company presented the application allowing to build automatically the qualitative and long relations between partners (B2B) and clients (B2C). In more detail [1] Rustam Fatykhov, the project manager of Omega-R told about it during the performance on May 29, 2019 on TAdviser SummIT.
Most of marketing specialists and entrepreneurs daily work on optimization of the business, and know that for each company and each enterprise it is necessary to think up the unique personal offer.
But very often occurs so that that "bicycle" which you invent, is very long time ago thought up by competitors. And in general, here It should be noted the market overstocking fact practically in all spheres. It is very difficult think up something exclusive, but it is possible. The issue on which we touched is very popular and at the same time difficult, – Rustam Fatykhov says. |
Customer loyalty
According to the WantaGroup command, most of Russians (76%) show cards of loyalty of shops at purchase commission. At the same time 44% of consumers are necessary discounts for the current purchase today. 26% – use the saved-up points and bonuses, and 22% – are interested in coupons on the following purchase. For comparison we will provide statistics on the world. According to the marketing agency inbreff, 90% of the American companies use retenshn-mechanics, and at the same time significant growth of participants of the loyalty program for the last few years – nearly 27% is noted. Be necessary to note and other trend – 61% of consumers in the world for the last year replaced one or several club programs. From all above-stated digits it is possible to draw a conclusion that in the world the increasing growth of popularity of programs of loyalty is observed, people love discounts, however, the involvement of clients falls if there is no regular stimulation. The loyalty program are vital for business existence.
Here at once there is a question: How to achieve the qualitative long-term relations? What marketing tools use specifically to your business? How afterwards to win "war" for the client?
Answering the first question, we will a little go deep into the theory on the example of retailers. There are three methods for involvement of the client:
The first – small business integrates in the coalition in which there will be one loyalty program. At the client one "the bonus card" which he can use in all shops entering into the coalition. Conveniently? Conveniently! Works? Works.
The second – when the large companies create the services raising a customer loyalty. At least, they can afford it. Examples of such systems are known to all – large brands with the systems. From pluses:
- the ecosystem with the accounting, the accounting and data analysis;
- implementation based on solutions of any possible wishes of customer organization;
- powerful tools of analytics and communication with the client.
The third – the aggregator which brings together a large number of the local companies of participants. And among a set of offers there are a website or the mobile application aggregator gives to the client the personal offer. The main plus of such approach – being registered in one of such services, the client receives a certain number of small motivations in the form of a small discount or a cashback.
All these tools increase loyalty and induce to make a purchase or to use service. But each system separately has minuses. The coalitions have, for example, more attraction, than deduction; services have a work only with the existing customer base; at aggregators is absent though some analytics and there are no personal offers for the client.
Analyzing interaction of business with marketing, we came to a conclusion that we are capable to create a system which will be able to integrate, if not all, then the majority of instruments of marketing. Ideal system of interaction of B2B and B2C of the sector. Sounds not bad, – Rustam Fatykhov noted. |
All completeness of instruments of segmentation, analytics, communication, creation of stocks and personal offers – in one solution which will help the marketing specialist of any level of training to understand methods of customer retention and correction of the user experience. All analytics both on the certain client, and on a customer group in general is presented in the form of dashbord.
For convenience the chat-bot which will help to create call center was implemented, or, at its existence, to reduce costs for keeping of staff of operators and to reduce answering interval for the client.
Algoritmymashinny training will help to select the most suitable clients for an action or the most suitable actions under specific clients. Besides, some outputs of an algorithm can surprise even the experienced marketing specialist, the expert of Omega-R notes.
All this was implemented in the form of mobile application in which each company can communicate with the clients and it is brightest and clear to present the offers as the general, and personal. Why "mobile phone", I think, it is not necessary to explain, – Fatykhov added. |
4 months later after implementation of such system, partners of Omega-R estimated the first results of efficiency of the platform. At an investment of 40 thousand rubles, the number of repeated purchases increased by 7%, the average bill increased by 20 rubles, and additional revenue increased by 1 million rubles.
So after all, how to win war for the client? How to construct business where there will be an ideal loyalty program? And whether it is possible to make it in general? The answer to this question – it is possible! But for this purpose important to marketing specialists to refuse the usual, but outdate, not considering interests separate audiences, mechanics long ago. Finally, everything rests against personalisation of the offer. Business should know that the client in what language he talks wants, and already then to create such offer that even the most stubborn millenial will respond to it, – Rustam Fatykhov is sure. |
Those instruments of digitalization of marketing which are presented in the application interact with systems collecting all information in one point. It is clear, that retail problems which are today not to solve one application. Omega-R only created the tool which analyzes all marketing of business and much more simplifies all mechanisms of interaction between B2B and B2C.
The correct marketing – here one of the main instruments of increase in efficiency of your business. What marketing your company will have tomorrow, to solve only to you, – the expert concluded. |
About TAdviser SummIT
TAdviser SummIT took place in Moscow on May 29, 2019 and attracted about 610 participants – heads and experts of IT departments of the largest companies and the state departments of Russia, representatives of IT developer and contractors. During the action the prospects of digital transformation of business and state agencies, development of technologies, products and services were discussed. In a plenary part and five thematic sections more than 70 reports were heard. The action took place Sokolniki in 5 halls of Holiday Inn.