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2025/03/05 16:20:28

Birth and mortality in Ukraine


Birth rate

2024: Birth rate drop to 177 thousand people or 0.9 children per woman

According to official data, in 2024, 177 thousand people were born in Ukraine, and 495 thousand died. But it is not known whether the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are included here.

In Ukraine, at the end of 2024, a historical minimum birth rate was recorded - the coefficient from the beginning of the military conflict dropped to 0.9 children per woman of childbearing age. This was announced on March 3, 2025 by the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Daria Marchak. This level is the lowest in the history of the country.

According to TASS, before the start of a special military operation, the birth rate was 1.16, which was already significantly lower than the international population reproduction rate, which is 2.2 children per woman of childbearing age. The current figure of 0.9 indicates a serious demographic crisis.

Ukraine recorded a decrease in the birth rate to a historic minimum

Daria Marchak noted that the population of Ukraine is rapidly aging due to two key factors: low birth rate and external migration of citizens. Over the past few years, the average age of a resident of Ukraine has increased from 41 years to 45 years, which is a significant demographic shift in such a short period.

Of particular concern to the government is the ratio of the working population and pensioners. At the moment, this ratio is 1:1, and excluding citizens receiving social assistance. Daria Marchak warned that when the current able-bodied generation reaches retirement age, this ratio is likely to be even lower, which will create an additional burden on the country's social system.

According to the estimates of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, the total population of Ukraine decreased from 48.5 million people in 2001 to 29 million by the beginning of 2024. This indicates a population decline of more than 40% over two decades.

The demographic situation is aggravated by the inverted demographic pyramid: 9.5 million employed citizens account for 23 million pensioners, children and unemployed. This distribution creates significant pressure on the economy and social sphere, since the working population is forced to provide a significantly larger number of economically inactive citizens.[1]

2023: The birth rate in Ukraine has decreased to a minimum in 300 years: 187 thousand children

At the end of 2023, 187 thousand children were born in Ukraine - this is the lowest figure in the entire history of observations, even taking into account children who could be born abroad and in lost territories.

"Given the historical estimates of the population of Ukraine, as well as estimates of the number of newborns per 1000 inhabitants (50-51 in the XVIII-XIX centuries against six in 2023), it can be reasonably assumed that so few children were not born in Ukraine for at least three centuries," wrote Vladimir Landa, senior economist at the Center for Economic Strategy.

During January-June 2023, 96,755 children were born in Ukraine, including 47,129 girls and 49,626 boys. This is 28% less than in the same period in 2021, when 135,079 children were born, and even less than in the corresponding period in 2022 (exact data are not indicated). Such figures on July 31, 2023 were cited by the Ukrainian portal Opendatabot, which provides access to state statistics based on an analysis of information published by local authorities and private companies.

The birth rate recorded in the first half of 2023 was the lowest since 1991. In general, the number of newborns in Ukraine has been declining since 2013 - by about 7% per year. The previous anti-birth record was recorded in 2015: then the number of newborns in the country for the year decreased by 12%.

In 2023, an average of 16.1 thousand children per month are born in Ukraine. For comparison, in previous years, before the deterioration of the geopolitical situation, the number of babies fluctuated at around 21-23 thousand per month. In 2020, 299,058 children were born in Ukraine, in 2021 - 277,793 babies, and in 2022 - 209,393 children. The decline in the birth rate is also influenced by the migration of citizens.

Since 2020, more boys are born in the country than girls. So, in 2020, the ratio was 154,630 against 144,428, in 2021 - 143,072 against 134,721, in 2022 - 107,781 against 101,612. Before the formation of the observed geopolitical situation, the peak birth rate occurred in July, while in 2022 and 2023 the maximum number of newborns was recorded in March.

A high number of newborns were registered in Ukraine from 2011 to 2013. So, in 2011, 502,595 babies were born, in 2012 - 520,705 children, and in 2013 - 503,657 babies.[2]


2023: Life expectancy - 73 years

Life expectancy in European countries in 2023

2020: The increase in mortality in Ukraine to a record figure in 5 years - up to 616,835 people by

Mortality in Ukraine at the end of 2020 was a record in 5 years. In total, 616,835 people died in the country, including 67 thousand people in December (a record figure for three years) and 63 thousand in November.

According to UNIAN, excess mortality in 2020 compared to the previous three years amounted to 35 thousand people compared to 2019.

Among the main causes of mortality are cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases and accidents. Due to the coronavirus COVID-19 or its consequences in 2020, 18.5 thousand people died in the country.

According to the ex-chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Svyatoslav Protas, in fact, official statistics confirm that the data on mortality from COVID-19 in Ukraine are underestimated.

Almost no testing of all those who died for covid was carried out, although initially there were such attempts. But they did not put them on the flow of research. I talked about this with laboratories, they said that they did not have time to cope with the PCR shaft from living patients, dead, they say, there is no time to engage. Moreover, there is a relatively complex system for preparing material for research, - said Protas in a conversation with the publication "Страна.ua."

Therefore, according to him, the real number of deaths from coronavirus infection (and therefore the mortality rates, which, as is commonly believed, are not very high in Ukraine), in reality may turn out to be much higher than official ones. The Ukrainian Ministry of Health estimates mortality from coronavirus at 2%.

At the end of 2020, there were 48 newborns per 100 deaths in Ukraine, which is not indicated by the demographic crisis in the country. If we take the natural decline in the population (the difference between the dead and those born), then at the end of 2020 it exceeded 51 thousand people.[3]


Number of drug deaths per million residents

Number of deaths from drug use between the ages of 15 and 64 per million inhabitants, 2018

Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018

The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants

The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants in Europe. Data for Russia for 2013

2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders

Number of deaths from opioid use disorders per 100,000 people (2016)

2012: Male-female suicide ratio

How many times more likely are men to commit suicide than women in Europe, 2012
