Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2019/10/05 12:26:30




  • How many products get on garbage cans?
  • What harmful effect is caused by them to ecology at decomposition?
  • Why the companies prefer to throw out food tons, but not to give it needy?
  • Who will be able to provide control of distribution of free food?


Russia expects distribution of a fudshering

According to the UN, about a third of all food made in the world turns into waste. As of October, 2019, for the last year in a recycle bin of the Russian consumers there were 17 million tons of food. It would be possible to feed with such quantity of products 30 million people that considerably exceeds number of the Russians who are living below the poverty line, but instead food appears on dumps, selects toxins and greenhouse gas, contaminates the soil, water and air.

Experts consider that fudshering online services where users will share food with the expiring expiration date can solve a problem of the thrown-out food (for 1.6 trillion rub a year).

Fudshering - the project first of all ecological, but not charitable and who exactly will get food – to the poor starving or secure person, not so important. The main thing - that it did not get to a garbage can.

In Russia the culture of wasteless consumption is still poorly developed, and the r2r-fudshering is used so far - people agree about exchange of food directly with each other. Thus for 2018 saved 7 thousand tons of products.

Experts predict that by 2024 fudshering online services in Russia will be able to save already up to 1 million tons of food worth about 85 billion rubles.

In EU countries the fudshering becomes more and more popular

In Germany, for example, everything is organized officially, through the platform. It is possible to become a fudseyver (the activist of the movement of a fudshering) there, having only passed the special test.

In other countries, for example, in Belgium, special institutions on the basis of a fudshering where dishes are prepared from a remaining balance of products open.

In Denmark in 2019 the special application of Too Good To Go which shows unsold excesses of products at restaurants, supermarkets and bakeries was started.

This application is already used in 11 countries of Europe and managed to prevent loss of thousands of kilograms of food. At the same time the problem of hunger remains relevant even for the developed countries — according to official statistics, only in Great Britain 8.4 million people regularly undereat, at regular utilization by the food industry about 2 million tons of food.

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