How independently to pick up the Control and management system for Access?
"This article is input, the first of a cycle of articles devoted to this subject. In them you learn: what is an access control system as it is correct to pick up it and at the same time not to overpay superfluous". The directory of ACS systems and projects is available on TAdviser
For a start we will be defined what is the ACS?
Follows from interpretation of an abbreviation that the ACS is the certain system exercising control and access control in some area (area of physical space, area of data, etc.). Access to this area is open only for a certain and limited group of people.
Let's consider two of its main parts:
- 1. Access control system.
- 2. Access control system.
Let's begin with the first. The control system of access is a hardware-software part of a system. Consists of the software and its hardware part, actually, of the controller. Softwares – the most flexible part of a system, functionality and appointment can be very various: from banal "opened/closed a door" before recognition of passport data, license plate numbers, calculation of the spent time in these or those premises and managements of evacuation. On it we will not stop, it is a subject for the separate article.
Now, the controller is certain "device" which is running the software and manages actuators, we will talk about them a bit later. The severe grandmother like "commandant" was the most widespread control system of access in Russia until recently.
The severe grandmother like "commandant" was the access controller most widespread until recently in Russia.
In such control systems of access of shortcomings was more, than advantages. Rather small amount of memory over time decreasing "weak" software, the bad autonomy, short term of operation, frequent failures and failures, but the price was very attractive, and recently people began to pass to more modern devices - electronic. We will also talk about them. Key parameters at the controller only three: quantity of keys (access cards which the controller is able to remember), quantity of points of pass (quantity of doors), the number of events (the latest events which the controller is able to be remembered). As example: the office of people gains at 20-30 about hundred thousand events a month.
Further we will pass to an access control system. It is that system which directly blocks/provides access.
Consists of so-called "actuators". Their list can be very wide, we will stop on the most widespread: locks, tourniquets, barriers, gate. All with electronic control. And, as this article has an appearance of the general character, we will not consider in detail types of these devices. In more detail you will be able to learn about them in the scraper of my articles "How Independently to Pick Up the ACS and at the Same Time Not to Overpay Superfluous?"
Here all is also ready, but a postoyta and on the basis of what the controller will make the decision - to pass you somewhere or not? Correctly, the admission is necessary.
The password, the Touch Memory key, and biometric data can serve as the admission as proksimiti-karta/brelok/metka: a papillary pattern on a finger, an eye iris of the eye, geometry of the person and so forth and so forth. When choosing a method of authentication it is necessary to remember some things, namely: the key/map can be transferred, the password – to tell, and to transfer here to use the eye / finger / head will be more problematic. Decided on the admission, now are necessary to the eyes controller. He needs to see the admission. Eyes in the ACS system are readers. Such devices which read out certain information from your "admission", transfer it to the controller, and he in turn makes the decision on providing or failure to you access.
Readers. Readers there is great variety, but all of them are divided into two views: contact and contactless. Example: the first - Touch Memory (in the people just "tablets"), the second – proksimiti-cards, charms, tags and all that works at distance. So, let's sum up the result in the form of the simplest table. Arrows designate data streams.
What do we see in this plate? In heart of all access control system there is a software. And, it can be in a type as a separate component (the network mode), and is integrated into the controller (autonomous option). So, we bring the card to the reader. Information is transferred from the reader to the controller, the controller compares the arrived code to the database of the codes which are stored in memory if such is, then access is provided (so occurs in the simplest autonomous system). In more complex systems of access control the key is checked for compliance by a little bigger number of parameters, generally such as access time, place of access. The controller gives a signal to the actuator, and that will be unblocked. Ideally also transfers back to the controller information on pass. In order to avoid repeated pass. So-called AntiPassBack (antipasbek), but we will talk about it later.