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2021/03/03 19:49:40

Starbase (city of Ilona Mask)

2021: Elon Musk announces construction of Starbase city in Texas

In early March 2021, Elon Musk announced the construction of his own city in Texas. The entrepreneur plans to name the village Starbase (English "star base").

"I am creating the city of Starbase, Texas," Musk wrote on his Twitter blog.

According to him, the area of ​ ​ the new city will be much larger than the village of Boca-Chika, where the SpaceX cosmodrome is located. In addition, the businessman said that the city will "treat" dogs "very well, and its leader will bear the title of" Doge "(The Doge). According to Forbes, this is how he hints at the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, named after dog Doge from memes about a pumped and small shiba-inu.

According to Bloomberg, we are talking about renaming and expanding the Texas village of Boca Chica, where the company's base is located. Since 2014, the Mask team has been developing and testing prototypes of Starship interplanetary rockets there. As Elon Musk specified in comments on Twitter, Starbase will cover "a territory much larger than Boca Chica."

Elon Musk began building his city of Stabase in Texas

By the beginning of March 2021, only 6 people constantly live in Boca Chika, located in a sparsely populated area, the rest of the houses are used as summer cottages. In the village there is no centralized water supply system, water is brought there in tanks.

Project Starbase Musk is expanding its influence in Texas. In particular, the manufacturer electric vehicles Tesla is building a large enterprise in eastern Austin, where electric pickups will be assembled. Meanwhile, the Mask Musk Foundation moved its headquarters to Austin from, California while the entrepreneur himself said that he had moved to Texas.

SpaceX also tests missiles in the Texas city of McGregor. The prototypes of spacecraft that the company is developing in Boca Chica, according to the company's plans, should be able to fly to the moon and Mars.[1]
