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2018/02/15 12:48:33

The Internet in Belarus



Control of behavior of users on the Internet

2018: Level of penetration of the Internet in comparison with other countries



In Belarus in the Internet 10 million subscribers use broadband access

The number of subscribers of broadband access in the Internet in Belarus exceeded number of inhabitants of the republic. According to the Minister of Communications and Informatization of Belarus Sergey Popkov, the number of subscribers of broadband access makes 10.3 million[1].

"In the Internet in Belarus about 10.3 million subscribers use broadband access. There are about 3.1 million subscribers and users of stationary and about 7.2 million subscribers of mobile broadband access. An indicator 'a share of the population using the Internet' – one of main in the state program of development of digital economy. According to selective inspection of Belstat, 70% of Internet users daily use the Internet, existence of personal computers in households for the last five years increased more than twice (from 44 to 96 by 100 households)", – Popkov told.

In a year the total power of the external gateway of Belarus increased almost by 10 times. The minister noted that today two trunk operators cope with the organization of access to external communication channels.

"Today we have two operators of external Internet traffic – the National center of exchange of traffic and Beltelekom. They provide traffic transmission in the western and east directions through the Russian hubs and Frankfurt am Main. The total total power of the gateway for 2017 increased by 140 Gbps to 1,240 Gbps, depending on requirement we have all technology capacities that still to increase it. Peak load at us about 800-900 Gbps, naturally, has the features New Year's loading. Two operators quite successfully cope with assigned tasks, without any restrictions providing services to operators of telecommunication. Create the third operator we do not see need".

All apartment houses will be connected to the Internet on GPON technology in 2018

As the head of Ministry of Communications of Belarus Sergey Popkov told in September, 2017, all apartment houses in the republic will be connected to the Internet on GPON technology until the end of 2018. He noted: "We actively work, we pass to new technologies of so-called last mile – GPON technology. Until the end of 2018 our national operator 'Beltelekom' will provide all apartment building of the country with optical inclusions. It will give the chance to fully satisfy all requests for services both telephony and digital television, and data transmission, including the new concept of services 'The smart house'"[2].

For the first half of the year the number of the subscribers connected on GPON technology grew by 300 thousand and for July 1, 2017 was 1.39 million. The head of department also explained that the purpose of development of the concept "Smart city" is consolidation of all data sources which are in subjects to civil appointment (apartments, business centers and other non-residential premises). According to him, it is the first step in respect of ensuring transfer of telemetry, its processing with the subsequent exposure of commercial calculations for these or those services.


98.6% of the organizations of Minsk used the EDS

In 2016, on a research of the head statistical office of Minsk, 98.6% of the capital companies used the EDS, Internet access was organized at 99.1%, and employees of 95.6% of the organizations used e-mail.

99.1% of the companies which work in the capital of Belarus in 2016 had an Internet access, employees of 95.6% of the organizations used e-mail and 98.6% of structures used the EDS. Such data of survey conducted among 3,141 companies of Minsk which purpose was determination of level of use of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the business environment were read by the head static department of the Belarusian capital[3].

According to a research, 99.1% of the companies had Internet access, from them 90.8% were provided broadband access (broadband access). At 57.5% of the organizations the maximum speed of data transmission on the Internet was from 2 Mbps to 30 Mbps, at 22.9% – from 30 Mbps and above, at 19.6% – up to 2 Mbps. 31.9% of the organizations used in work the Internet, 13.9% – an extranet.

75% of the companies which use the Internet in work have an official website. 36.1% of the organizations provided to the workers technical means for mobile Internet access. 65.7% of a total quantity of staff of the companies worked on personal computers.

According to poll, used access to Network for sending and obtaining e-mail of 99.4% of respondents, for information search – 99.3%, for banking operations – 96.7%, for providing tax declarations – 96.4%, for obtaining forms of forms from state bodies (organizations) – 94.5%, for participation in electronic auctions on public procurement of goods (works, services) – 38.1% and for electronic registration (re-registration) of subjects of managing – 31.7%.

33.3% of the total cost of the capital companies of ICT were made by payment of services of third parties and specialists. 24% of means of the organization spent for purchase of software (29.3% from them left on acquisition of domestic software products). Purchase costs of ADP equipment, including with installation and adjustment, made 21.9% (15.6% left them on purchase of the ADP equipment manufactured in Belarus). Spent 13.3% of total cost of ICT for payment of telecommunication services of the organization.

The number of Internet users grew by 5.5% up to 3 million in 2016

In Belarus the number of users of broadband access (broadband access) in the Internet grew by 5.5% in comparison with 2015 and was 3 million[4].

The broadband Internet in Belarus for the beginning of 2017 provided 3 million 60 thousand users, growth in comparison with the last period was 5.5%. On GPON technology 1 million 90 thousand subscribers in the republic use Internet access. Such data were read by the press service of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus.

68 users from 100 used last year wireless broadband access in the Internet. Width of the external channel for access to Network increased by 137 GB / with and was up to 1100 GB / page. The number of subscribers of interactive television (IPTV) made 1.5 million, in a year nearly 200 thousand new users were connected. The number of subscribers the Smart home system which was started in April, 2016, – 5 thousand.

91% of Internet users daily leave in online

Daily use the Internet of 91% of the Belarusian Internet users. According to poll of Google, Belarus on this indicator took the 3rd place in Europe.

The Google company annually conducts the research Connected Consumer Review which purpose – to reveal how often people from the different countries use the Internet in the life. This year part in rating was taken for the first time by Belarus. Also it turned out that Belarusians it is sure take the 3rd place in it as in the republic of 91% Internet users who daily connect to the Web make. Only residents of Norway (93%), the Netherlands and Sweden (92%) were ahead of Belarusians in this rating.

98% of the Belarusian Internet users up to 35 years use network every day, people, the senior generation (after 55 years) make 78% of Internet users. On this indicator Belarus takes the 5th place in Europe.

The most part of Belarusians for net surfing uses 2 devices – the smartphone and the computer. 59% from them use smartphones (on this indicator Belarus is advanced by Poland and Russia (61%), but cede the Baltic States). Tablets in use only at 14% of the Belarusian Internet users.

Using smartphones of 58% of Belarusians look for information, 53% communicate in social networks, 43% watch video.

2013: Internet advertizing in Belarus

Heads and specialists of the largest Belarusian platforms and Internet seylkhauzov at another meeting in the summer of 2013 estimated the volume and dynamics of market development of media Internet advertizing of Republic of Belarus. The meeting was initiated by the media agency ZenithOptimedia Belarus, reported the resource.

By estimates of representatives of the largest Belarusian Internet platforms and Internet seylkhauzov, growth rates of the market of Internet advertizing in Republic of Belarus according to the results of the first half of the year 2013 exceeded 60% in comparison with the first half of the year of the last year. Such growth rates by the end of the year will provide to an Internet advertizing segment the sure second place on volume to advertizing costs in Belarus after television.

For the first half of the year 2013 the volume of the Belarusian market of media Internet advertizing grew in comparison with the first half of the year of the last year by 65% and was practically equal to results of the second half of the year 2012. Costs for media Internet advertizing in the first half of the year 2013 made $4.5 million including VAT. From this amount of $4.11 million are implemented on platforms which were represented by participants of a meeting. This digit includes banner, text advertizing and special projects, does not include contextual advertizing and advertizing in directories.

According to forecasts of experts in 2013 volumes of the media market of Internet advertizing of Belarus will continue to grow and by the end of the year will exceed $11 million. If to add costs to media advertizing on context, then it guarantees to an Internet advertizing segment in general at the end of 2013 the sure second place on volume to advertizing costs in Belarus after television.

The meeting integrated representatives of companies, RG Media, Web Expert, "Video International-Minsk", "Here There Is Bai Miedia", ZenithOptimedia Belarus.

2015: 64% of the population use the Internet

2012: Google searcher, most popular in Belarus

As of August, 2012 the Google Internet search engine bypassed in popularity in Kazakhstan the competitors of "Yandex" and

Шаблон:Subject Belarus