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2013/10/16 15:45:04

The reporting in RPF. Possible problems and ways of their elimination

The reporting in RPF - about potential difficulties and how to cope with them.

Problem 1. The amount of payment by an insurance part differs in ADV and RSV

If you have employees who worked (at the same time or consistently) under the employment contract and under the agreement GPH, then you, perhaps, faced the investigation of an error in program 1C release. In this case, we recommend to you to update the program to the last release. Also there are messages that such error occurs also at change in your organization of a rate of insurance premiums. Council "update a configuration" in principle it is universal, and this the first that should be done in the presence of problems.

Problem 2. The amount of charges differs in ADV and RSV

Most likely, reports differ on a solidary part of contributions. And should be. We already wrote about it in our blog in the section "Frequently asked questions".

Problem 3. The amounts of the paid contributions for dismissed

Traditionally the amount of the paid contributions for the dismissed employee "is closed" next quarter. Nevertheless it happens that the dismissed employee is included in the reporting several quarters in a row. Such behavior of the NE program is wrong if the amount of payment on the employee is still less added. Most likely, there is big "underpay" therefore closing on dismissed goes slowly. If on the dismissed employee it is added = paid, and he all the same gets to a pack current quarter, it is necessary to check whether everything the previous packs are mentioned as "Admitted to RPF".

Problem 4. An overpayment under the employment contract when with the worker there is also agreement GPH

If the employee worked also under the employment contract, and under the agreement GPH, the program creates on it 2 packs. At the same time happens that all share of payment on this employee gets only to one of these packs. It is important to check whether payment exceeds assessed contributions in general on the individual. And if NE exceeds, then there is no problem here. The NE pension fund requires to divide payment on each of categories of the insured persons.

Problem 5. Negative base on the employee

Sometimes, that as a result of recalculations current quarter of charges of the last quarter at the employee the negative base for calculation of insurance premiums is formed. For example, if to the employee the holiday is added, the employee on a holiday got sick and in new reporting period brought the sick leave note. Charge according to the sick leave note reverses a part of a holiday. If the employee has no other charges capable to cover this "minus", receive negative base. In this case the most correct way – to submit to RPF the adjusting data for a previous period. In the section "Frequently asked questions" in our blog we told how to make it.