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2020/10/13 15:12:08

Blockchain in Moscow



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Moscow started implementation of blockchain technology in the systems of a state administration

The authorities of Moscow together with federal agencies prepare a pilot project on use of blockchain technology for monitoring of reliability of data of the Unified state registry of the real estate in the capital. The Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin reported about it to students of the Russian economic university of G. Plekhanov during the lecture which took place in university.

We began to implement with federal authorities, at the request of the government, we create with them a blokcheynovsky system on registration of the real estate. Because there are cases when someone takes your apartment, changes the owner or with your real estate carry out different frauds. Frankly speaking, I do not know in Moscow of such cases any more. But they in the history were. And in other regions they are. Theoretically we can have them. Though it is very difficult. But here that such concerns to remove, and to make this system more advanced and protected, we now with Rosreestr develop the program too blokcheynovsky where we would distribute this system" — Sobyanin noted

According to him, these data could be stored not only on the server of Rosreestr, but also Government of Moscow, and tax administration. "Thus, nobody will be able to forge a Rosreestrovsky system" — the mayor emphasized.

According to Sobyanin, this technology is going to be implemented also in "The active citizen".

"We solved and now we implement the project of transfer of "The active citizen" to a blockchain system. So that data on "The active citizen" were not only in our base, but also in several other independent bases, then precisely nobody will tell us that we tighten up something there, we change questions and we interpret. It can always be checked because it is distributed not only in ours at once, but also in independent bases" — Sobyanin added.

Moscow City Duma: The blockchain will be widely applied in management of the city

The Moscow authorities study the mechanism of use of technology blockchain for the most effective management of the city systems. The chairman told on November 8, 2017 about it Moscow City Duma Alexey Shaposhnikov during commission session of Public chamber of the city on development of civil society.

The blockchain technology will be widely applied in management of the city, - the portal of the Moscow City Duma quotes Shaposhnikov.

At the same time, according to him, it is impossible to call so far the complete list of those spheres in which the blockchain will be used. According to him, the most logical and expected scenario of succession of events in the near future, in the next years, is implementation of technology in city portals and services.

Alexey Shaposhnikov expects implementation of a blockchain in city portals and services in the near future (a photo -

Follows from the presentation of the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma that other possible scopes of a blockchain in the municipal government of the power of Moscow see carrying out and registration of transactions (for example, on lease and purchase of housing), holding auctions and tenders, management of housing and public utilities, distribution of subsidies, accounting of the state of health of patients, the cadastral registration.

Alexey Shaposhnikov reminded that the pilot project on use of a blockchain will be implemented in 2018 by Rosreestr, FTS and the Government of Moscow for monitoring of reliability of data of the Uniform state real estate register in the capital.

The technology of a blockchain could be applied also in electronic vote. Among pluses of its use the official gave an opportunity for the net surfer to participate in public life directly from the device, an opportunity for each voter to check as an own voice, and to make sure of the accuracy of accounting of voices of other participants in this area.

The reliability of the rights to the real estate in Moscow will control a blockchain

The Ministry of Economic Development developed a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on carrying out in Moscow of an experiment on use of a blockchain for the purpose of monitoring of reliability of data of the Uniform State Real Estate Register (USRER). The document was published on the official portal of projects of regulatory legal acts in October, 2017[1]. Read more here.

2016: Moscow wants to become the proving ground a blockchain in Russia

Such offer at a meeting with the Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation of German Klimenko was made on August 24 by the deputy director of the Moscow Department of Information Technology Andrey Belozyorov. According to him, blockchain guaranteeing impossibility of change of data "backdating" can widely be used during the electronic vote [2].

— In society there is a certain mistrust to this system, there is an opinion that data are adjusted though it not so — Belozyorov noted.

But in the beginning it is necessary to create the blockchain system with the Russian enciphering, the expert noted. For this purpose regulators should participate in the working group.

The head of Development department of the electronic government of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Vladimir Averbakh supported the offer of Moscow. According to him, blockchain has big perspectives in Russia — especially in the field of electronic votes. This technology will be included in the five-year system development plan for the electronic government in the country. Averbakh suggested to use the system of identification of the website of state services for identification of users of the Russian blockchain.

The Internet ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev suggested to turn on in the Civil code regulations on cryptocurrencies (blockchain — one of them) as objects of property rights and to adopt the law on the investment status of cryptocurrencies.

According to Klimenko's proposal it is decided to create at Institute of development of the Internet the working group on kritovalyuta.

You look also the Blockchain and cryptocurrency
