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2021/11/17 13:18:38

Chargers (Russian market)


Chargers (Global Market)

Smartphones (Russian market)

2021: Sales of chargers in Russia for 9 months increased by 45% to 5 million units

The group M of Video El Dorado recorded increased interest in network and wireless chargers against the background of increased frequency of use, smartphones the popularity of flagships and simplification of configuration by device manufacturers. The company announced this on November 17, 2021. For nine months of 2021 Russian , the total sales of such accessories on the market were slightly less than 5 million units and more than 6 billion, rubles which is respectively 45% more and 2.3 times more than a year earlier. The charger is purchased for almost every fourth. In to the smartphone M.Video Dorado , total sales of accessories increased 3.2 times in pieces and 3.8 times in money.

According to the retailer, sales of network chargers in Russia for 9 months of 2021 reached about 4.5 million devices and 5 billion rubles, which is more than a year-to-year by almost 50% in quantitative terms and 2.5 times in money. The average check was 1.1 thousand rubles. The popularity of power adapters costing more than 1.5 thousand with power from 18 W is growing, including models for fast "smart" power replenishment of the gadget.

The demand for wireless charging accessories that support the Qi standard in 2021 increased by a third in pieces and 90% times in money, to more than 350 thousand devices and 1.2 billion rubles. To replenish the battery capacity of smartphones, and sometimes smartwatches or headphones (there are models for simultaneously charging several devices). The average cost of such an accessory is just over 3 thousand rubles.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = said Ekaterina Dityatkina, Head of the Digital Equipment Accessories Department of M.Video-Eldorado Group.


Counterfeit accounts for 40% of the Russian market for smartphone chargers

Counterfeit accounts for 40% of the Russian charging market for, and the smartphones annual turnover of counterfeits is 10 billion. rubles BrandMonitor released such data on September 22, 2020.

As Kommersant writes with reference to this study, two-thirds of fake chargers are sold in retail, and online channels account for only 3 billion rubles. More than half of this amount - 1.7 billion rubles - is occupied by sales through Russian online stores, and 1.3 billion rubles - through social networks, message boards and foreign online retail.

According to experts, the cost of non-original charging is usually two to three times lower than the original one. Counterfeits in BrandMonitor mean chargers from third companies that are illegally labeled with the logos of smartphone manufacturers.

Counterfeit accounts for 40% of the Russian market for smartphone chargers, the annual turnover reaches 10 billion rubles.

Mobile Research Group analyst Eldar Murtazin called BrandMonitor's numbers inflated. He estimates the entire chargers market at no more than 3.5 billion rubles. According to him, chargers are most often faked. Apple First, because the original accessories for iPhone are expensive, and users are looking for a budget alternative. Secondly, it is difficult to identify fake Apple charging: it has the simplest design, and it is quite simple to create its non-original "clone." For comparison: most chargers Samsung support fast charging, and therefore copying them in such a way that users do not notice the difference is much more difficult.

Huawei and Xiaomi products are so affordable that there will be no benefit from counterfeiting them, Murtazin explains. According to a representative of Xiaomi itself, the share of its devices imported into Russia illegally is decreasing, and the number of fake accessories is also falling proportionately.[1]

MTS: The Russian market for smartphone chargers took off after Apple refused to supply them in kits

The volume of the Russian market for wired chargers for smartphones in 2020 amounted to 4 million units. In money, sales reached 3 billion rubles. The average cost of such products for the year increased by 20%, to 750 billion rubles, calculated in MTS.

The market grew in part because Apple refused to include power adapters in the kit with the new iPhones, experts said. In this regard, only in November-December 2020, Russians bought 510% more chargers for Apple smartphones than a year earlier, MTS data reports to Kommersant.

The growth in charging sales was noted not only in MTS. Other retailers have a similar situation:

  • Wildberries - growth in sales of adapters in November-December by 344%, and kits - by 411%;
  • M.Video and Eldorado - demand growth by 3.5 times, as well as "several tens of times" for adapters of other brands that are suitable for charging the iPhone.

According to Sergei Vorzov, head of the procurement group for cell phones, tablets and gadgets at Citylink, sales of such devices in their network showed an increase of 95% year-on-year. Sales of Apple wireless chargers at Svyaznoy have grown tenfold in number and sevenfold in revenue, said Mikhail Dogadin, vice president of purchasing and development at the retailer.

According to MTS experts, consumers bought new adapters in order to resell their old gadget with them. Used gadgets are usually displayed along with a full set and a network charger - goods without a set of accessories are cheaper. The proceeds from the sale are spent on the purchase of a new model, the study explains.

Also, the growth of the smartphone chargers market was influenced by the release of new power supplies with support for fast charging. Such adapters allow you to fill the battery of the device noticeably faster than the standard complete devices.[2]
