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2023/09/08 11:20:20

DTC (Digital Travel Credentials) Digital passports in Finland

2023: Smartphone instead of paper document. The world's first country introduced digital passports that can be used at passport control at airports

In early September 2023, it became known that Finland introduced digital passports for cross-border travel for the first time in the world. The technology is called DTC - Digital Travel Credentials.

As part of the project, passengers on flights of the state-owned airline Finnair will be able to use a digital version of the passport stored on a smartphone at passport control at airports. As of early September 2023, the service is available to citizens departing from Helsinki and heading to Manchester, London or Edinburgh. It is said that the new service will help simplify and speed up travel in Europe.

Finland introduces digital passports for cross-border travel for the first time in the world
The DTC project will allow Finnair passengers to pass border control faster and without queues. The DTC ID is a digital version of a physical passport and is equally reliable. This makes it possible to cross borders without compromising security, "said a spokesman for the Finnish Border Guard Service.

In accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in order to use the DTC system, travelers need to download the FIN DTC Pilot mobile application, registered with the General Police Department of Vantaa Airport, provide the Finnish Border Guard with a fresh passport photo and other necessary information 36 hours before departure. Then, at the airport, a terminal with facial recognition technology will verify the identity. This approach, according to the authorities, will speed up the processing of documents in air harbors by more than 30%.

The system will eliminate the possibility of losing a regular passport. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people lose or damage their documents while travelling and need urgent travel cards. On the other hand, DTC has a drawback: it is necessary to carry a device for storing a digital passport.[1]
