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2024/04/27 15:15:09

Digitalization of housing and communal services

Analysts believe that the main driver of IT consumption in the field of housing and communal services will be the need to comply with regulatory rules and reduce costs.


Main article: housing and communal services in Russia


Main article: GIS Housing and Communal Services

Digitalization of water supply

Main article: Digitalization of water supply

Internet of things in housing and communal services

Main article: Internet of things in housing and communal services

ERP in housing and communal services

In Russia

2024: Robots for cleaning streets and diagnosing plumbing. How digitalization will transform housing and communal services in Russia

In Russia, as of the beginning of 2024, the active digitalization of the housing and communal services (housing and communal services) sector continues. We are talking about the introduction of artificial intelligence tools, Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, robotic equipment for cleaning streets and other automated systems, as stated in materials published at the end of April 2024.

According to Russian newspaper"," in the project Smart city"" on the digitalization of urban economy by the beginning of 2024, more than 200 settlements of the Russian Federation are participating with the number of inhabitants over 100 thousand people. The most active digital technologies are being introduced in megacities. In particular, To Moscow the total length of communications is approximately 170 thousand km: this is more than 115 thousand km of power grids, over 16.6 thousand km of heating networks, as well as more than 13 thousand km of water pipes. Diagnostics of such systems are increasingly engaged in special robots, due to which the load on personnel is reduced and the human factor is eliminated when identifying possible problem areas. For example, Mosvodokanala robots help specialists not only to assess the technical condition of pipes, but also to eliminate damage. Similar devices are used to monitor the drainage network, the pipelines of which are often difficult to reach for humans.

Robot cleaner in Moscow

It is noted that digitalization in the field of housing and communal services helps cities to ensure the effective and uninterrupted operation of utilities, and residents - to quickly resolve household issues. At the same time, the demand for online services in the housing and communal services is growing. According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, digitalization of the sector in question is one of the priorities in the development of information technology in the capital.

Ultimately, digitalization and the large-scale introduction of artificial intelligence will make our city more modern and convenient for life, says Sobyanin.

In addition, robotic harvesters operate on Moscow streets, which are capable of maintaining cleanliness without human presence at any time of the year. In winter, such cars can clean snow and sprinkle deicing reagents on the sidewalks, remove foliage in the fall, and sweep the streets in the summer. The equipment of the robot includes all kinds of sensors and cameras that allow it to navigate in space, recognize objects and obstacles. The machine can function completely independently and under the control of the operator. In general, according to experts, as smart equipment is introduced into the utilities, the need for manual labor will decrease.

The janitor of the future is not a cleaner, but an operator who coordinates and monitors the work of unmanned vehicles. He will have sufficient competencies for minor preventive or urgent repairs, for configuration and debugging, "says Alexander Belogortsev, president of Mercator Holding.

Within the framework of the Industrial Competence Center "Housing and Communal Services," 12 projects for import substitution of software with a total budget of about 6.1 billion rubles were identified. This, in particular, is smart homes management platform that can be used by developers, management organizations, municipal and federal authorities, supervisory authorities, service companies, residents and visitors to buildings, resource supplying organizations. In addition, the service for the transfer of keys for apartments "Сделка.рф" is mentioned: it, among other things, allows the developer to notify about the acceptance of apartments and makes it possible to record owners online.[1]


Launched 12 state projects for import substitution of software in housing and communal services for 6.1 billion rubles

On January 24, 2024, it became known that within the framework of the Industrial Competence Center "Housing and Communal Services" (ICC Housing and Communal Services), 12 projects on import substitution of software in the relevant area were identified. Their total budget is estimated at 6.1 billion rubles.

According to CNews, we are talking about particularly significant projects (OZP). One of them is the Ujin smart homes management platform, which is being created by Unicorn by order of the Airplane group of companies. The product is used by developers, management organizations, municipal and federal authorities, supervisory authorities, service companies, residents and visitors to buildings, resource supplying organizations. Ujin is planned to be converted into an operating system that will allow third-party developers to create their own integration modules and services for users on the platform. The Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) has allocated a grant of 258 million rubles for the project.

ICS Housing and Communal Services defined 12 projects on import substitution of software

Another initiative is the service for the transfer of keys for apartments "Сделка.рф." This platform solves the problem of the last stage in buying apartments and partially replaces the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce solutions. "Сделка.рф." allows the developer to notify about the acceptance of apartments and makes it possible to record owners online.

Three OZPs are being worked out by Sigma by order of Inter RAO. This is a corporate system for managing regulatory reference information of housing and communal services of the KSU, an automated information system of standard housing and communal services processes "TORO-Supa," as well as a platform for automating billing and CRM processes for housing and communal services to solve specific industry problems.

Four projects are being implemented in the interests of the holding T Plus"" by its subsidiary IT Plus. These include: a comprehensive system of optimization modeling and heat supply efficiency management; CCP CAS systems APCS (software and hardware complex of automated control systems for gas generating plants); unified system of centralized dispatch control and control of heat networks; SCADA Housing and communal services "Building" and. CRM

Two OZPs are implemented in the interests of Citymatik: a single cloud solution for regional operators for solid municipal waste management and the My Clean Region portal. And by order of RKS Holding, a single centralized system of settlements with subscribers is being created within the framework of the Digital Water Utility project, which includes accrual and control of payments.[2]

Russian energy companies and housing and communal services enterprises began to actively use domestic software

and The Russian power companies businesses HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES have become even more active in the last two years use domestic software solutions to digitalize their activities. In particular, according to a study conducted by analysts of RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC (RIR, part of Rosatom State Corporation), from 2020 to early 2023, the share of Russian software in procurement of enterprises in the resource supply sector increased from 60% to 80%. Accordingly, the share of Western solutions is rapidly declining. The trend is due to state measures to achieve technological sovereignty, as well as stimulating the use of products of Russian programmers against the background of the ongoing digital transformation of the industry. This was announced on May 16, 2023 by representatives of RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC. Read more here.

2022: The Ministry of Construction decided to add the costs of digitalization of housing and communal services to tariffs for heat and water

Ministries of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation At the end of July 2022, it became known about the decision to add digitalization costs HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES to heat and water tariffs. Writes about this "" Kommersant with reference to its sources, as well as to the representative of the department. The latter noted that the initiative will make it possible to include in the investment programs of companies "IT events, including smart accounting systems."

The increase in tariffs for water and heat can help the Ministry of Construction to carry out a large-scale digitalization of the construction industry and housing and communal services worth 393 billion rubles until 2030. It provides for the installation of standard resource management systems, including smart metering devices, smart sensors, building control systems and the like. Digital systems will reduce the accident rate of infrastructure and increase its service life, according to the Ministry of Construction.

The Ministry of Construction will add the cost of digitalization of housing and communal services to tariffs for heat and water

It is added that the amendments "will not affect the amount of utility tariffs for the population, since the indices of changes in citizens' fees are approved at the end of the year by a government order."

The FAS told the publication that they do not support changing the principles of marginal indices of payments for Russians, and measures to protect consumers from unreasonable increases in housing and communal services prices should remain the same. The department noted that the possibility of taking into account the costs of digitalization is provided for in the law, but it is necessary to justify its need.

The Council of Energy Producers supports the possibility of accounting for the cost of introducing and operating digital infrastructure in the tariff. By July 2022, the possibility of "including such costs in the tariff is not directly provided," they say. Tariff regulation does not change and the restriction of tariff growth by the index of changes in the size of citizens' fees remains, the association says.[3]


The Ministry of Construction estimated savings on payments from digitalization of housing and communal services at 50 billion rubles

On December 8, 2021, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation announced its assessment of the effect of the launch of information technologies in the housing and communal services industry.

The introduction of new services will reduce the costs of the industry by reducing commissions and fees for payments to 50 billion rubles, increase investment growth by reducing costs, upgrading and developing infrastructure, accelerate the development of a competitive environment in the housing and communal services market and reduce the level of social tension by developing transparent relations between citizens and service providers, "said Konstantin Mikhailik, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia.

The Ministry of Construction estimated savings on payments from digitalization of housing and communal services at 50 billion rubles

In addition, according to him, the digitalization of housing and communal services opens up new opportunities for companies. The press service of the Ministry of Construction adds that the launch of new services will provide Russians with additional opportunities to control the quality of utility services and inform about the rights to payments.

Other advantages of digitalization are the transfer of services to electronic form, holding meetings of homeowners online and choosing suppliers in the marketplace of utilities, the department noted.

Earlier in 2021, the Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Irek Fayzullin noted that the task of the strategy for the development of the construction complex, housing and communal services and design work is related to digital transformation.

Naturally, we are moving towards so-called smart solutions. The question of prices, of course. It is necessary to equip all existing systems, any objects with sensors, just the price will be high. According to the regions, there are more than 1.6 million housing and communal services facilities in the country. But it is necessary to move on to smart technologies. They are already being introduced in housing and communal services, and actively in new construction, and show good results, - said the minister.

Among the strategic goals of the Ministry of Construction by 2030 is to halve the period for restoring the supply of utility resources after emergencies due to digital management processes, and reduce energy consumption in the production and transportation of utility resources by 15[4]

"Дом.РФ" presented a strategy of digital transformation of the housing sector

In mid-July 2021, Дом.РФ presented a strategy for the digital transformation of the housing sector, which it presents as the Unified Development Institute. The document covers the period 2021-2024. Read more here.

The government wants to transfer housing and communal services to Russian IoT equipment

On March 18, 2021, it became known about the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation to introduce a mandatory requirement for the use of only Russian Internet of Things (IoT) devices for collecting data in housing and communal services, fire and environmental safety. The corresponding measure is indicated in the plan of support for the Russian IT industry, sent to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko for approval. Read more here.


Digitalization in housing and communal services: the Ministry of Construction will translate all documentation for residential buildings into electronic form

In early July 2020, it became known about the large-scale digitalization of the housing and communal services (housing and communal services) in Russia. The Ministry of Construction intends to collect documentation for residential buildings in the general electronic database, according to the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on new rules for management companies. Read more here.

A unified system for monitoring the elimination of accidents at housing and communal services facilities is being launched in Russia

In mid-May 2020, it became known about the creation in Russia of a unified system for monitoring and controlling the elimination of accidents and incidents at housing and communal services (housing and communal services) facilities. Read more here.


Government approves new model of contracts to install meters

On October 29, 2018, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree allowing the conclusion of life cycle agreements (LCCs) when purchasing energy metering systems and utilities: water, heat, electricity meters.

Previously, such a mechanism of contracts in this area was not provided for by law. It was possible to purchase metering devices and systems for public procurement 44-FZ. In this case, the operability of the metering system and meters is guaranteed only within the period of the equipment warranty provided. The accuracy of the data and the continuity of the measurement process are not guaranteed, according to an explanation to the decree on the government website.

As part of the LCC contracts, the installers will monitor the warranty periods of the meters, check the accuracy of the readings, troubleshoot problems and generally monitor how the accounting system functions throughout the technological and life cycle.

Consumers who will have them installed will not have to track the readings and check the devices. Thus, this is assigned precisely to the organizations themselves - companies that establish such resources, - Medvedev explained the essence of the new resolution

Dmitry Medvedev has expanded the list of objects covered by the law on life cycle contracts "(photo - Mikhail Japaridze/TASS)"

The use of the LCC mechanism, according to the initiator of the resolution, the Ministry of Construction, will expand the tools for financing projects to equip metering devices and create metering systems for energy and utility resources.

In addition, the LCC mechanism will ensure technological continuity, the sequence of creation of the system and its further operation and, as a result, guaranteed operability and reliability of data throughout the life cycle.

As of October 2018, according to the Ministry of Construction, the level of equipment with metering devices in Russia is, depending on the type of energy resources and the region, from 20% to 80%.

LCC is a relative innovation in legislation in the field of public procurement in Russia: this term received regulatory regulation in 2014 in 44-FZ. In fact, it is one of the forms of public procurement. In the practice of many other countries, this form of contracts has been successfully and extensively applied for a long time, where it is implemented as a type of mutually beneficial partnership of state, municipal and business entities.

LCC is a contract for the purchase of goods or work, their further maintenance, repair, operation, destruction of goods (object), under which the supplier provides service during the "lifetime" of the object.

The application of the LCC mechanism is optional and has a number of advantages and risks for the contractor and the customer.

One of the advantages for the contractor is the guarantee of receipt of payments to the supplier during the entire term of the agreement by the customer, which, as a rule, is concluded for long periods.

As an example, when analyzing the concept of LCC, experts cite the purchase of the Administration of Nizhny Tagil for the services of creating and maintaining outdoor lighting.

The initial purchase price was 12.5 billion rubles. The agreement was concluded with JSC "PO" UOMZ "NAMED AFTER E.S. YALAMOV" in the amount of 9.37 billion rubles. The amount of collateral for the transaction amounted to 15% of the NMCC. The agreement is valid until the end of 2042 and provides for payments of several hundred million rubles a year.

An example of a life cycle contract payment plan. Customer - Nizhny Tagil Administration [5] [

However, the moment of application of budget legislation on long-term financing is problematic for the CCC: the Budget Code of the Russian Federation limits payment of state contracts to three-year terms. LCC is no exception. Thus, the issue of financing the CCC has not yet been clearly resolved.

For the customer, in turn, the advantages can be called the fact that several stages of product life are implemented within the framework of the transaction, and all design and technical solutions in relation to the subject of purchase, including the risks associated with this, are accepted by the contractor[6]. In addition, under such contracts, as a rule, initially the contractor independently attracts investments in the project. Financing from the state customer begins after a certain amount of work is completed.

At the same time, linking to a single contractor can be attributed to risks for the customer. If something ceases to suit him, it will be more difficult to change the contractor.

Big business interest in housing and communal services technologies

In 2018, partner businessmen Igor Rotenberg and Andrei Shipelov became co-owners of Modern Radio Technologies (CPT), a manufacturer of sensors and network solutions for the Internet of Things under the Strizh brand, used in telemetry systems in the fields of housing and communal services, security, smart cities and agriculture. The total share of 80% passed to them from Andrei Sinitsyn.

In 2018, Alexander Kuznetsov, general director of the Coalco development group of companies, received 13% of the Vaviot company, which is engaged in developments similar to STR. On the website of Coalco "Vaviot" is listed among the key projects that the development group is engaged in. Read more here.

In the world


IT costs in housing and communal services

According to forecasts of IDC[7], Says IDC Energy Insights, the total cost of IT enterprises in the housing and communal services industry in Western Europe at the end of 2012 will amount to $10.5 billion, and most of this amount (62.1%) will be spent on IT services (more than $6.5 billion).

By 2016, housing and communal services companies will spend up to $13 billion on information technology, the average annual growth rate of this indicator will be 5.1% for the next five years.

As for individual segments, in the future until 2016, software spending will increase at the fastest pace: an average of 7.2% per year, so that they will reach $3.1 billion by 2016. Costs for IT services will grow by 4.9% per year, equipment costs - by 3.1% per year in the next five years.

According to IDC experts, the need to reduce costs and achieve operational efficiency combined with the requirements of compliance with energy and other regulatory standards will continue to stimulate the investment of housing and communal services companies in ICT.

Interestingly, electricity companies in 2012 will have the maximum amount of IT expenses among all companies in the housing and communal services industry: 66.9% or $7 billion. For gas suppliers and water utilities - 16% and 13% of IT costs.

See also
