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2014/10/18 07:00:00

EDMS (more detailed)

Electronic document management system — the organizational and technical system providing process of creation, access control and distribution of electronic documents in the computer networks and also providing control over flows of documents in the organization. In English-speaking option it is possible to meet the term Enterprise Content Management or ECM often. In this case it is about management of corporate information, i.e. a direct analog of EDMS.

EDMS/ECM systems directory,
developer companies and integrators it is available on TAdviser


All EDMS known projects

The market of EDMS in Russia

Problems of EDMS

Documents in the organization
  • Ensuring effective management and transparency of organization activity at all levels.
  • Support of a quality control system.
  • Information storage, data management and regulation of access.
  • Formalization of activity of each employee.
  • Business process optimization.
  • Economy of resources due to cost reduction on management of paper documentation.

One of the most important modern trends of market development of ECM is adaptation of interfaces of electronic document management systems and data storage to remote access from any point ("mobile office") and to various mobile devices. The interest of customers in access to ECM systems via netbooks, smartphones, communicators, tablets, etc. grows. Specially developed interfaces for similar devices increase convenience of using of systems and mobility of users, allow business to increase the speed and flexibility of all business processes.

At the same time the interfaces which are specially developed under mobile devices are deprived of those shortcomings which are inherent in normal access to systems via the web browser: new technologies allow to provide richer set of components, interactivity of interfaces, more convenient work with large volumes of data, the lowered requirements to communication channels. The mobile workplace for the head expands a range of opportunities even more and adapts a system for requirements of the top manager: a minimum of necessary transactions, the interface focused on work in the modes of approval, the signature and consideration of documents, support of different mobile devices and platforms, an opportunity for work in offline mode and so forth.

Modern technologies of the organization of interfaces allow the head to write graphic and voice instructions on electronic documents – i.e., along with efficiency of electronic document management, a system allows the top manager to use any convenient modes of work with documents.

Factors of creation of EDMS

At the organization and the choice of EDMS in the majority the following factors are considered:

  • Need of automation of administration management of the organization, complexity of structure.
  • Existence of territorial and remote divisions.
  • Existence of paper archive of large volume.
  • Need for management of flows of works.
  • Requirements for storage lives of documents.
  • Ability to integrate with the existing systems.
  • Need of storage of images of documents, need of support of singular problems.
  • Need of information search,
  • Data security provision.
  • Need of compliance to the international, industry and state standards.

Classification of EDMS

  • Systems with the developed means of storage and information search (electronic archives).
  • Systems with the developed means of workflow - are expected ensuring the movement of certain objects along the preset routes. Using these systems it is possible to organize works for which all stages of following and work register in advance.
  • Systems focused on support of management of the organization and accumulation of knowledge. Combine elements of two previous.
  • Systems focused on joint work support. Their task - to ensure joint work of people in the organization even if they are territorially deleted and to save results of this work.
  • Systems having the developed additional services. For example, service of customer relationship management, project management, billing, e-mail. Such systems can be as autonomous, and to function in structure of any of the listed classes of systems.

Any organization which wishes to receive in the order modern hi-tech structure for work with document flow has a wide choice of the software. At the same time it is possible to rely as on the separate private principles and solutions that will be cheaper, or to use a "turnkey" ready end-to-end system, what will be more convenient and more effective. At the same time the last option, as a rule, uses the developed principles of work with documents and corresponds to the regulatory base of most the enterprises.

Basic principles of electronic document management

  • The single registration of the document allowing to identify unambiguously the document in any installation of this system.
  • The possibility of side-by-side execution of transactions allowing to reduce time of the movement of documents and increase in efficiency of their execution
  • The continuity of the movement of the document allowing to identify responsible for performance of a document (tasks) in each timepoint of life of the document (process).
  • Uniform (or approved distributed) the base of document information allowing to exclude a possibility of duplication of documents.
  • Effectively organized system of search of the document allowing to find the document, having the minimum information on it.
  • The developed reporting system on the different statuses and attributes of documents allowing to control the movement of documents on processes of document flow and to make management decisions, based on data from reports.

Basic concepts of electronic document management

Document flow — the movement of documents in the organization from the moment of their creation or receiving before completion of execution or departure (GOST P 51141-98); complex of works with documents: acceptance, registration, mailing, execution control, formation put, storage and reuse of documentation, help work.

Electronic document management (e-document flow) — the uniform mechanism on work with the documents submitted in electronic form with implementation of the concept of "paperless office-work".

The machine-readable document — the document suitable for automatic reading of information which is contained in it written on magnetic, optical and other information media.

The Electronic Document (ED) — the document created using means of computer information processing, signed with the electronic digital signature (EDS) and saved on the machine-readable medium in the form of the file of the corresponding format.

The Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) — the analog of the sign manual which is the information security product providing a possibility of control of integrity and confirmation of authenticity of electronic documents.

Implementation of EDMS

Implementation of the electronic document management systems (EDMS) allows to increase considerably efficiency and corporate culture of work with documents at the enterprises of any pattern of ownership and also in public institutions. Read article of EDMS (an implementation technique)

Software technologies of EDMS

Recently the increasing number of experts agrees that compositions from three software technologies already for a long time suggested by developer companies to Read article of EDMS (Software technologies) should be indispensable attributes of an end-to-end system of workflow automation

Automation of EDMS

The concept of "the strategy of automation" usually means the choice of that set of business processes, actions or transactions which are made by employees, clients and partners or other participants of the external environment in interaction with the company for achievement of effective objectives. Read article of EDMS (automation)


What the number of internal information grew quicker at, subjects more and more obvious was an inefficiency of exchange of traditional paper documents, however rapid growth of EDMS was experienced only since the end of the past — the beginning of this century. Only then the organizations of a number of the developed countries — both government agencies, and private companies of the different sizes — began active junction on paperless document flow. In 2000 growth of the world market of EDMS reached improbable speed in 89% a year. Then, in the conditions of this boom in development of Internet technologies around the world, the solution of the main difficulty at implementation of EDMS began to become a reality — inertance of thinking, unwillingness to carry out profound changes in infrastructure of the company at the level of both the top management, and non-management employees. The number of the computers installed in the organizations and computer literacy of workers steadily grew that allowed to pass without notable losses to essentially new business management methods. The Russian entrepreneurs who got used to address experience of the Western countries at management problem solving lagged behind a little, adopting achievements of foreign colleagues. But already while in the USA the laws which defined including strict requirements to document flow and financial statements of all public companies of the American stock market were adopted, in Russia at the government level there was a clear understanding of the advantages given by EDMS and the similar systems.

List of electronic document management systems

It is available together with projects to this address

See Also