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2024/05/28 17:22:46

Libraries in Russia



Sobyanin told how digitalization is taking place in Moscow libraries

At the end of May 2024, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, during a visit to one of the modernized capital's reading rooms, spoke about the progress of digitalization of the city's library system. According to the mayor, over the past 5 years, large-scale work has been done to create an automated library information system.

In particular, an electronic catalog of all book funds was created, a system with microchips was introduced for automatic reception and issuance of literature, online booking of publications and self-service stations in libraries were launched, the mayor said.

source = DIT of Moscow
Sergei Sobyanin, during a visit to one of the modernized capital's reading rooms, spoke about the progress of the digitalization of the city's library system

According to him, thanks to the innovations, it was possible to significantly optimize control over the movement of books, significantly reduce the time for their issuance to readers and simplify the return procedure. For the maximum convenience of visitors, a single reader's card of a new format has been introduced in Moscow libraries. It can be issued in plastic form directly in reading rooms or in the electronic version through the portal

One of the key innovations Sobyanin called the launch on the of the specialized service "Library of Moscow." It provides the opportunity to book literature from the funds of any metropolitan library without leaving home, extend the online shelf life of selected publications, as well as receive personal recommendations for reading, formed by a neural network based on the preferences of a particular reader.

The digitalization of the library system, according to the mayor, will radically increase the availability of books and cultural and educational events for Moscow residents of all ages. It will also make the reading process itself more modern, interesting and convenient for both young people and people of the older generation. In addition, new technologies will help libraries become full-fledged multifunctional cultural centers that meet the spirit of the times and the growing needs of citizens.

In Russia, created software for the work of scientists with library funds

In January 2024, it became known about the creation of software in Russia for the work of scientists with library funds. We are talking about the development of the Smartturbotech company. Read more here.


In Russia - 46 thousand public libraries

Countries- leaders by the number of public libraries. Data for 2021

In Russia, the law on the translation of valuable books into figures began to operate

On June 21, 2021, a law came into force in Russia, involving the digitalization of valuable books in libraries. We are talking about book monuments, which include all manuscript editions created before the 17th century, old books, as well as other documents, the material and spiritual value of which is undeniable.

According to Parlamentskaya Gazeta, before creating an electronic copy, any old publication must first be checked and included in a special register, and then in the list of the most valuable book monuments. The list of digitized valuable publications, in particular, included Russian posters of the late XIX - first quarter of the XX century, geographical maps, musical editions of the XVIII - first third of the XIX century, books of the imperial house of the Romanovs, Russian Lubok, eastern collection and Western European manuscripts.

The law on the translation of valuable books into figures began to operate in the Russian Federation

The law is aimed at improving the accounting of book monuments, which will contribute to the preservation of them as part of the national and world cultural heritage, as well as the introduction into scientific and cultural circulation.

The law reflects the criteria for classifying documents as book monuments, fixed the main stages of work on state accounting, established the procedure for examining documents in order to classify them as book monuments.

In the future, libraries may become akin to museums or archives, but I'm more than sure that gradually the figure will displace everything paper, "says Sergei Boyarsky, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications. - We no longer listen to music with you on tape recorders, cassettes and discs, as our parents did, we get it through online services on mobile devices. So universal digitalization cannot be stopped.

It is noted that the legal protection of book monuments and the improvement of the system of state protection of objects of the national library fund are among the main tasks of the state cultural policy.[1]

5400 public libraries will be connected to high-speed Internet

On May 11, 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko announced that 5400 public libraries would be connected to high-speed Internet (at least 10 Mbps) by the end of the year.

We continue to work on connecting socially significant objects to the Internet, the list of which includes libraries on behalf of President [of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin]. In the regions of the country, especially in territories remote from regional and regional centers, public libraries are important for citizens as a source of knowledge, live communication and communication. Our task is to help these institutions develop and use through digitalization more modern approaches in demand by the population, he said (quoted by the press service of the Ministry of Digital Development).

Dmitry Chernyshenko: By the end of 2021, the fast Internet will be in 5400 libraries

Libraries must cover the Internet by November 30, 2021. The connection to the network of socially significant objects, which include libraries, is financed from the funds of the federal project "Information Infrastructure" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation."

All school libraries will also be connected before the end of the year, along with conducting the internet to schools. Of the more than 45 thousand school buildings within the framework of regional projects and under the Digital Economy national program, 34,429 educational organizations were connected to the Internet by May 11, 2021. By the end of the year, it will be planned to provide such communication to the remaining 10,733 schools. The implemented monitoring system will allow you to control the speed of traffic and others at each connected facility. The throughput should be at least 50 Mbps for rural or 100 Mbps for urban schools, in hard-to-reach areas where satellite communication is only, at least 1 Mbps, the Ministry of Digital Development said.

2020: Libraries will be included in the list of socially significant objects and connected to the Internet

On December 28, 2020, it became known that the President of the Russian Federation instructed to include libraries in the list of socially significant objects and connect them to the Internet.

The government must ensure the inclusion of libraries located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the list of socially significant objects by March 30, 2021 (SZO), which provides broadband Internet access within the framework of the federal project "Information Infrastructure" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation," follows from the list of instructions on the adoption of additional measures of state support for organizations carrying out certain types of cultural activities in Russia in 2021 and 2022.

The list of SZOs should include publicly available libraries, libraries of secondary professional and higher educational institutions.

Also among the instructions is to provide for the allocation in 2021 of an additional subsidy from the federal budget for the implementation of professional high-quality video and sound recording of performances and concert programs of leading Russian theaters and concert organizations for their broadcast in virtual concert halls and display in cinemas. The government must submit a report on this issue by March 15, 2021.

The SZO connection to the Internet has been carried out within the framework of the federal project "Information Infrastructure" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" since 2019. Internet traffic of facilities is already included in the cost of state contracts concluded by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development with operators.[2]
