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2021/07/15 17:34:15

Single-photon emission computed tomography (OFEKT)


Computed tomography

Main article: Computed tomography

Positron emission computed tomography (PET/CT)

Main article: Positron emission computed tomography (PET/CT)

Single-photon emission computed tomography (OFEKT) is a type of emission tomography. In this diagnostic method, radiopharmaceuticals labeled with radioisotopes are used, the nuclei of which, in each act of radioactive decay, emit only one gamma quantum (photon) (for comparison, PET uses radioisotopes emitting positrons, which, in turn, when annihilate with an electron, emit two gamma quantum flying in different directions along the same straight line)

OFEKT is used in cardiology, neurology, urology, in pulmonology, for the diagnosis of [[Cancer (cancer)|brain tumors brain, in scintigraphy of breast cancer, liver diseases and skeletal scintigraphy.

Market Estimates

2020: Sales of SPECT tomography equipment reached $1.7 billion

The volume of the global market for single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) equipment in 2020 reached $1.7 billion, the research company ResearchAndMarkets said without indicating the dynamics relative to 2019. Experts only noted that sales of such equipment are on the rise, and the growth rate will continue.

According to researchers, the United States remained the largest market for SPECT solutions in 2020, where their sales were measured at $608.4 million, or 36.07% of the total in the world. China is named the fastest growing market, where sales of devices for single-photon emission computed tomography until 2027 will increase by 9.4% annually. And the volume of the entire market by this time will reach $2.7 billion. About 44% of the market under consideration in 2020 came from the so-called hybrid solutions.

Sales of equipment for SPECT tomography in 2020 reached $1.7 billion

According to the results of 2020, the following companies were named the largest manufacturers of SPECT technology (listed in alphabetical order):
