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2022/07/14 10:21:11

Vishing, Vishing Voice phishing, Voice phishing


Telephone fraud

2022: "Voice phishing." A new telephone fraud scheme has appeared in Russia

In mid-July 2022, it became known about the appearance in Russia of a new telephone fraud scheme. It was called "voice phishing" or "vishing."

Speaking about what the new scam method is, Kaspersky Lab reported that cybercriminals send emails, stylizing them as messages from a service, for example, a large online store, a payment system or a software site, access to which is provided by subscription. The text of the letter says that allegedly someone is trying to withdraw money from the client's account.

A new telephone fraud scheme has appeared in Russia

To prevent a transaction, swindlers ask to call back on the specified phone, and then in a live conversation they try to get the personal data they need to steal funds.

The task of the message is to force the user to act quickly and thoughtlessly. Typically, the text is designed to appear to be created automatically. Most likely, this is necessary so that the victim does not think of answering the letter, but immediately leads her to the idea of ​ ​ calling the indicated number. As a rule, attackers sound very convincing, they can rush or intimidate a subscriber so that he does not have time to think.

Unfortunately, even advanced users, faced with vishing, can get confused, get trapped and follow the instructions of intruders. We remind you of the need to remain vigilant and in no case do urgently what strangers demand from you, even if they appear to be employees of large well-known organizations, - comments Roman Dedenok, cybersecurity expert at Kaspersky Lab.

According to the antivirus company, from March to June 2022 alone, the company's experts recorded about 350 thousand such letters around the world, and their number is growing, almost 100 thousand fell on June.[1]

