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Acronis in Russia




+ Zubarev Ilya
+ "Acronis Inc." (Virgin Islands)

In Russia, the key legal entity of Acronis is Akronis LLC, formed in 2004. According to the base of legal entities "Kontur.Focus," in 2021 the number of its staff was 316 people.

2022: Condemnation of the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and departure from Russia

Acronis, a developer of information backup software, condemned the Russian special operation in Ukraine, CNews reported. The [1]. Its CEO Patrick Pulvermueller announced the termination of the company in Russia.

In addition, according to him, the charitable fund Acronis Cyber Foundation created by the company will send $500 thousand to help Ukraine and announced assistance in finding employment in Acronis for refugees from Ukraine.

In addition, the company said that its software is being developed and tested at its head office in Switzerland, and the company's services related to cybersecurity, just like the company's data storage centers, are not located in Russia.

2020: Acquisition of DeviceLock

Acronis, an IT company founded by immigrants from the USSR, July 15, 2020 informed TAdviser about the acquisition of DeviceLock, a domestic manufacturer of full-fledged DLP systems and a developer of software tools to control access to peripheral devices and protect against data leaks from corporate computers. The transaction amount is not disclosed. As part of the agreement, DeviceLock will become a subsidiary of Acronis. More details here.

2019: Revenue decrease by 4.8% to 1.79 billion rubles

At the end of 2019, Akronis LLC took 45th place in TAdviser Ranking: the 50 most profitable representative offices of foreign IT companies in Russia. The company's revenue at the end of 2019 amounted to 1,790,000 thousand rubles, which is 4.8% lower than the same indicator for 2018 year.

2018: Revenue - 1.88 billion rubles

According to the results of 2018, the revenue of Akronis LLC amounted to 1,880,062 thousand rubles (data from sources of the Federal State Statistics Service based on the financial statements of the company).


Strategic cooperation with the Bauman Moscow State Technical University

In early August, Acronis and MSTU named after N.E. Bauman signed an agreement on strategic cooperation, within the framework of which models of interaction between scientific and educational centers and industrial partners will be formed and implemented.

One of the first initiatives will be the introduction of a model of project training for students of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman in areas in which Acronis has extensive industry expertise.

Baumanka has always been distinguished by a special method of training engineers - theory through practice. To do this, we are not only developing our scientific and technical base, but also maintaining contacts with large companies and organizations. Our cooperation with Acronis will undoubtedly be very useful in the difficult task of training talented engineers for our country, "said Anatoly Alexandrov, Rector of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

Acronis has long cooperated with leading Russian universities and actively supports science and education in the country. We understand that quality education that meets the most recent industry requirements is essential for the successful development of the IT industry. MSTU named after N.E. Bauman is one of the leading universities in Russia, and I am sure that our cooperation will be not only mutually beneficial, but also useful throughout the country, "said Stanislav Protasov, co-founder and head of development of Acronis.

Office in St. Petersburg

Acronis opened an office in St. Petersburg in April 2017. As part of the activities of the new office, a group of leading programmers from the "northern capital" will be engaged in developments in the field of information storage and protection, as well as the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies into the company's solutions.

The opening of the new Acronis office in St. Petersburg will also be the next stage in the development of cooperation between the company and technical universities in the country. Acronis cooperates with St. Petersburg Academic University. And in early 2017, Acronis and ITMO University signed an agreement on cooperation in developing joint educational programs, conducting scientific research and implementing joint projects.

2014: Partner Program Development in Russia

Main article: Acronis: Partner Program

2000: Start of work in Russia

Acronis appeared on on the Russian market software in December 2000.