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Competence center blockchain and quantum technologies of VEB and MISIS


In June, 2017 it became known that Vnesheconombank and National University of Science and Technology " MISIS " will create Competence center on new materials and disruptive technologies with the main focus on blockchain technology, convergent (NBIKS), quantum technologies.

WEB Innovations
NITU MISIS (National University of Science and Technology)


+ NITU MISIS (National University of Science and Technology)

The main objective of the Center - accumulation of knowledge of the innovative technologies, development of platforms for their use in the state organizations, training and promoting. It is the Russia's first center of such competences, domestic state companies and authorities should become the main consumer of his services. Thus, Russia becomes the important player in the field of development of a blockchain in the world.

2018: Vnesheconombank and CROC became partners in development of a blockchain

On May 14, 2018 the CROC company and Vnesheconombank signed the agreement on residence of integrator in the first in Russia "Competence center a blockchain", organized based on VEB-Innovatsii Fund. CROC will give to the center expert and analytical support in area of development and ensuring application of a blockchain for solving of tasks of corporate and public administration.

Partnership of the organizations provides joint activity in the field of the analysis, developments and deployments pilot a blockchain projects, training of professional staff, holding educational, scientific and educational actions (conferences, exhibitions, round tables, the championships.) and also developments of the bills connected with use of a blockchain in the Russian Federation and so forth.

CROC together with Competence center of VEB was already organized by the joint working groups for study of questions of application of a blockchain in public administration.

2017: Opening of the Center

Based on the Center specialists of Ethereum and Exonum (the platform a blockchain of Bitfury company), developers of platforms of a blockchain work. According to the signed agreement the Center is located in Moscow in the territory of NITU "MISIS". Its opening is planned for September, 2017.

In plans of VEB: development of the Russian blockchain on the Ethereum and Exonum platforms, including certification of the systems of cryptography, holding the training technology seminars and certification of specialists and trainers. Developers of platforms will work in the co-working mode with the staff of Competence center.

Creation of the Center became the first step within strategic partnership of VEB with NITU "MISIS" which also provides interaction in the following directions:

  • development of the innovation activity allowing to reveal technology innovations as results of scientific research and to create conditions for their practical implementation in the real sector of economy;
  • development of the scientific activity focused on new product development and technologies;
  • conducting independent examination of prospects of the innovative technologies and technical solutions for their investment;
  • use of the disruptive technologies having the high business and export potential for the purpose of formation of "factory of the innovation investment projects" for consideration regarding financing/investment from group of Vnesheconombank;
  • use of opportunities and competences of the Center of prototyping of high complexity for the purpose of digital design, modeling and creation of prototypes of difficult function objects within implementation of the innovation projects with assistance of group of Vnesheconombank;
  • development of additional professional education for formation of the innovation thinking of researchers and entrepreneurial competences;
  • formation of highly skilled personnel potential (managerial and technical) within implementation of the innovation projects with assistance of group of Vnesheconombank.

VEB and MISIS will create Competence center a blockchain and quantum technologies
The chairman of Vnesheconombank Sergey Gorkov and the rector of NITU "MISIS" Alevtina Chernikova signed the agreement on strategic cooperation. VEB and NITU "MISIS" are interested in elimination of infrastructure restrictions of economic growth of Russia, development of innovations, formation of a system of training of qualified personnel for the innovation economy, commercialization of disruptive technologies, quality improvement of industry and technology expertize of the investment projects implemented with assistance of VEB.
"NITU "MISIS" as one of the leading technical universities of the country locates the research potential allowing to solve effectively the problems arising at business community in the field of science and technologies in areas, priority for the university. Our competences in the field of development of quantum technologies, materials science and IT and also the unique system of training of qualified personnel created in university for the innovation economy will allow VEB and NITU "MISIS" to create this "Factory of the innovation projects" for leading enterprises of the domestic industry", – Alevtina Chernikova told.