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Lebedev Institute of Physics



2024: Russian scientists have proven the effectiveness of three-level quantum systems - cutrites

Scientists of the University of MISIS, the Russian Quantum Center, FIAN named after Lebedev and MIPT demonstrated the performance of three-level quantum systems - cutrites at once on two types of domestic quantum processors - superconductor and ion. With the help of cutrites, the researchers simulated a non-equilibrium phase transition of violation of parity and time symmetry. Such symmetry is broken if an isolated physical system begins to interact with the surrounding world, while losing some of its energy. This was announced on April 1, 2024 by representatives of the University of MISIS. Read more here.

2023: Scientists advance in making lenses of the future

Physicists from MIPT and Lebedev Institute of Physics presented an updated diagram for the production of microscopic devices in the form of a combination of aspherical microlens and an array of microlenses obtained by two-photon lithography. The obtained results have a wide range of applications in the production of complex optical devices, optimized micro-lenses for high-precision measurement of wave front curvature and the manufacture of refractive X-ray lenses. The work is published in the journal Physics of Wave Phenomenena. This was announced on November 21, 2023 by representatives of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Read more here.

2022: Study of direct laser recording of nanosensors

On May 6, 2022 scientific , employees of the Faculty of Nanoelectronics ITMO University reported that together with colleagues from the FIAN, RKHTU named after D.I. Mendeleev NRNU MEPHI and conducted a study in which they found out that nanoarrays have high spectral selectivity. Their layers can be used as wavelength-specific filters, and up to six layers can be recorded on a single glass plate. Thanks to this technology, scientists have implemented dispersion birefringent filters, which can be used in various ways: for example, to create biochemical sensors for diagnosing the flow of bacteria or displays added virtual reality and with a color image. More. here