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Revenue millions


+ Andrianov Dmitry Leonidovich



VTB tries to exact 458 million rubles from the founder of Forecast Dmitry Andrianov

In November, 2018 the Arbitration court of Perm Krai took out determination to enter the procedure of debt restructuring concerning Dmitry Andrianov. In September VTB asked court to declare it bankrupt and stated requirements about payment about 458 million rubles. Read more here.

The receiver of Forecast will dispute the transaction with Foresight in court

The receiver of Prognoz company Elena Udovichenko submitted to Arbitration court of Perm Krai the application for cancellation of "the agreement on providing right to use of programs and the database for a computer" of the December 12, 2016 concluded between Foresight LLC and JSC Prognoz reported on October 1, 2018 RBC. The relevant information is placed in the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information (EFRSB) on September 27. Parts of the disputed transaction are not disclosed as the amount of the controversial agreement does not reveal.

As you know, in December, 2016 as a result of the signed agreement Foresight became the owner of the expanded software license of Forecast, including the Prognoz Platform platform, with the right of its unlimited sublicensing, completion, maintenance, support and modification. According to a source of RBC Perm, the company also acquired the right to act as the sole distributor of all software products of Forecast, to sign cooperation agreements with the existing and new partners on its own behalf. Besides, Foresight acquired the rights to use all registered trade marks of Forecast.

In "forsayta" did not comment on the fact of contest of the transaction with Forecast, having said only that the company acts as the sole distributor of his software products.[1]

Results of sale of property of Forecast

The receiver of Prognoz company Elena Udovichenko on September 14, 2018 published on the website of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information (EFRSB) results of open tenderings selling property of the IT company, reported RBC. ​

The computer hardware and furniture of Forecast became a subject of biddings. Separate lot exposed the exclusive rights to 107 intellectual property items of the company and 100% a share in authorized capital of the subsidiary Chinese company Beijing PROGNOZ Software Company, LTD. The Prognoz Platform 8, Prognoz Platform 7 platforms and the Forecast-5 complex became the most expensive.

The Moscow company "DSS Lab" which offer made 46 million rubles at the initial cost of 227.9 million rubles became the winning bidder. The natural person — Yulia Taranko from Vladivostok was the second participant.[2]

The rights to products of Forecast will expose on open tenderings

Within insolvency proceeding of Forecast the assessment of market value of the exclusive rights to its intellectual property items was carried out. Further they are going to be sold on open tenderings.

Published the valuation report of cost of intellectual property of Forecast at the end of December, 2017 the receiver of the company Elena Udovichenko in the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information. The assessment was carried out by Loft company. As of December 25, 2017 the total cost of products and programs of Forecast it estimated about 241.355 million rubles at the amount.

The most expensive product of Forecast appraisers recognized the analytical Prognoz Platform 8 platform

The most expensive appraisers recognized products:

  • Prognoz Platform 8 (value of the rights - 99.4 million rubles),
  • Prognoz Platform 7 (40.5 million rubles),
  • Analytical Forecast-5 complex (17.7 million rubles),
  • "Forecast. Project management in executive body of the government" (11.1 million rubles),
  • "Forecast. Complex of models of regions of the Russian Federation" (7.6 million rubles).

107 inventory units of intellectual property of Forecast were in total estimated. Many of them, including different software modules and distance learning courses, were estimated at zero rubles.

In the inventory register of intangible assets of Forecast which is also carried out in December, 2017, products are estimated at the much bigger amounts, than in the estimated report of Loft company. So, the flagman analytical Prognoz Platform 8 platform at inventory in the company is estimated at the amount about 1.27 billion rubles, the Prognoz Platform 7 platform - approximately in 125 million rubles.

Date of exposure of intellectual property items of Forecast for biddings as of the middle of January, 2018 is not defined yet, as well as their final price. Elena Udovichenko reported to TAdviser that an order, terms and sales terms of all assets of the enterprise will be determined by creditors, creditor meeting is planned "in the nearest future".

In the report Loft makes a reservation that it contains professional opinion of the appraiser of rather market value and is not a guarantee that an object will be sold in free market at the estimated price.

Any participant in the market will be able to apply for acquisition of intellectual property of Forecast. Elena Udovichenko specified TAdviser that a winner of open tenderings is the participant who offered the top price on property.

Earlier signed agreement with the ITG holding which acquired the legal rights to developments of Forecast is provided as one of premises to evaluating value of the rights on the intellectual property of Forecast in the report. The Foresight company within ITG became the owner of the expanded software license of Forecast with the right of its unlimited sublicensing, completion, maintenance, support and modification.

In the report it is noted that though it is about transfer of the non-exclusive rights to software Forecast, the volume of the rights Foresight according to the license agreement of December, 2016 actually is exclusive.

The CEO Foresight Vladimir Komov told TAdviser that the company is going to buy the intellectual property rights of Forecast.

Except Foresight such purchase will be hardly interesting still to someone in the market, considers one of former employees of leadership team of Forecast to which TAdviser communicated. He expressed doubt in perspectives of market commercialization of the majority of products of Forecast, having made an exception for Prognoz Platform 7 and 8. Based on Prognoz Platform 8 "Foresight" creates the new version of the analytical platform. Earlier the company declared plans to bring it to the market in 1 quarter 2018. At the same time, it will hardly be interesting to someone to acquire the rights to a product without command which developed it, the interlocutor of TAdviser believes.


Splinters of Forecast: as the heritage of the well-known software developer is monetized

Later quarter of the century after the basis, success in Russia and abroad, business of the Perm IT company "Prognoz" failed. In 2015-2016 the volume of contracts of the company was significantly reduced, financial problems were aggravated, and mass outflow of personnel went. In 2017 Prognoz was included in the register of unfair suppliers and ceased to perform project works. The company appeared on the verge of bankruptcy in billion debts to creditors.

At the same time, the flagship product of Forecast - Prognoz Platform – continues to develop other company, and the saved-up human capital and examination found application in some other businesses.

ITG holding

At the end of 2017 the ITG holding acquired all legal rights to developments of Forecast. The structure as a part of ITG – Foresight company - became the owner of the expanded software license of Forecast, including the Prognoz Platform platform. The company acquired the right of sublicensing, completion, maintenance, support and modification of the platform and also acquired the status of the sole distributor of software of Forecast.

Foresight plans serious investments into development of products of Forecast and a partner network for their sales, told in the company in April, 2017. For 2017 for these purposes Foresight is going to enclose from 500 million to 1 billion rubles. Same year in plans Foresight is release of the new version of Prognoz Platform which will contain a set of changes.

The development team of the Prognoz Platform platform as of April was created from former employees of Forecast among about 120 people, told TAdviser in Foresight. In the long term Foresight is going to finish development team to more than 300 people.

In addition to Foresight developers expects to improve the relations and with teams of implementers of products of Forecast which left the company and dispersed on different legal persons. Foresight signs partnership agreements with a number of these commands further to work with them as with partners.

Old projects of big customers of Forecast were saved and restarted, told in Foresight.

According to base " circuit.focus ", in 2016 revenue of the company made 54.4 million rubles. Foresight several times participated in state procurements, but the concluded government contracts are not registered for it. The CEO of the company Vladimir Komov told TAdviser that as of August there are several small license contracts, but the most significant, in his opinion, - the long-term agreement with the IMF. According to him, the company also is at a stage of discussion on several large deals.

Earlier, to the middle of October, 2016 about 150 people passed from Forecast into structure of Inline Technologies Group (ITG) holding – Saprun Perm, told TAdviser the sources familiar with a situation. According to them, Saprun Perm is the specially created new legal person, affiliated enterprise of Saprun Group company which is included into ITG holding. It was specified in vacancies of the new company that it specializes in rendering IT consulting services.


In the spring of 2016 Forecast was left by the First Deputy CEO Evgeny Ovcharov and founded home company – Parmalogica. Principal direction of its activity is development of the custom software, and offices are located in Moscow and Perm.

After Ovcharov a considerable part of employees of Forecast, generally because of the financial problems which arose by that moment in Forecast also went to the new company. Evgeny Ovcharov working in the company as the managing director told the representative of TAdviser that from about 350 people occupied in Parmalogica, 270 — former employees of Forecast. According to Ovcharov, the outcome affected practically all professional categories: developers, analysts, project managers, and even top managers.

In a conversation with the representative of TAdviser Ovcharov called a gosserktor basic activity for Parmalogica. Among clients he calls different authorities of regional and federal importance, including Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service. According to base " circuit.focus ", to the middle of 2017 the company concluded 22 government contracts for the total amount of 388 million rubles.

The company of Kam Tiekhnologiya close to Parmalogica, according to Evgeny Ovcharov, executes orders for the Bank of Russia.


One more former top manager of Forecast - Andrey Selyanin – is also engaged in own business. It is a cofounder "the Missile defense Ah-Ti the Resource" (PRO IT), " circuit.focus " owns in the company of shares in 74%, according to base. The company specializes in development of the custom software.

The owner of a share in 25.5% of the company is the vice president of OTR company Alexey Genya. The third founder of the company from shares in 0.5% - the CEO of PRO IT Maxim Pravilshchikov.

In PRO IT Selyanin left Forecast in 2014. Dismissal, according to him, was dictated by its disagreement with the policy of Forecast in the field of implementation of the international projects. With Alexey Selyanin from Forecast passed a part of a command into PRO IT - about 150 people. On new work location Selyanin promotes a product and work with key customers.

In open sources the company is positioned as separate business division as a part of Prognoz company, in 2012 selected in independent business.

According to base " circuit.focus ", in 2016 revenue "the Missile defense Ah-Ti the Resource" made 1.4 billion rubles. For all the time of existence the company to the middle of 2017 concluded government contracts for the total amount of 1.6 billion rubles. Among customers of PRO IT the Head department of state examination, the Open Government center and DIT of Moscow are registered.


Having worked nearly two decades in Forecast, in December, 2015 the company was left by Sergey Ivliyev who was responsible for developments in the field of financial markets. He became the cofounder of the Lykke company working in the field of a fintekh: it is engaged in promoting and distribution of blockchain technology. According to Ivliyev, in the new company he got to other world which captured him.

Activity of Lykke in a set of the countries is confirmed with broker licenses. According to the plan, should reach payback of Lykke in 2017.

According to Ivliyev, universal demand for blockchain technologies will help to move scientific research in this area forward and will create new jobs. It began to advance actively these ideas in Perm: in August, 2016 in the city with assistance of Lykke there passed the summer school devoted to cryptoeconomy and a blockchain, and in the PGNIU local university with which also Forecast closely cooperates, the laboratory where specialists train students is created.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development demands 2 billion rubles from Forecast

In August, 2017 the Arbitration court of Perm Krai took cognizance of the statement of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for inclusion of their requirement the amount of 2.175 billion rubles of the third queue of the register of creditors of Prognoz company[3]

On June 13, after requirements to declare Forecast bankrupt, concerning the company a monitoring procedure was introduced. According to a card file of arbitration court, since that moment more than 30 creditors among whom there are different companies and VTB 24 banks, Rosbank, JSB Svyaz-Bank, CB Globex came in case.

Among applicants with the largest requirements - VTB 24 (the requirement - more than 1 billion rubles), Foresight (642 million rubles), CB Globex (about 494 million rubles), Rosbank (312 million rubles), VTB 24 (251 million rubles), Interdistrict IFTS Russia on the largest taxpayers across Perm Krai (about 163 million rubles).

The court obliged Forecast to return to Rosbank of 300 million rubles

In April, 2017 the Arbitration court of Moscow satisfied the claim of Rosbank to Prognoz company for debt collection for the credit. In total the bank demanded from Prognoz to pay 300.9 million rubles from which 232 million rubles – a principal debt, and the rest – interest arrears and a penalty.

Total amount of the loan which Rosbank granted to Forecast is 500 million rubles. The company had to repay the credit in parts with the payment due dates specified by the end of 2016 and the end of 2017.

In addition to debt repayment on the credit the bank through court also required collecting the rights under agreements which Forecast provided as pledge for loan security. The court met this requirement too.

At a rate in 60 rubles for dollar the total debt of Forecast before creditors was estimated approximately at 6 billion rubles

Pledge was presented in the form of the rights under contracts of Forecast with a number of his customers. In particular, Forecast put the rights under two contracts with Sberbank, under two contracts with Network of televisions stations company and under agreements with Transneft and Tatenergosbyt. Under the terms of the agreement with Rosbank, on pledge they became his debtors.

Total amount of pledge under these contracts dated different years at the time of signing of the contract with bank was about 103 million rubles. The largest of them – with Transneft, for the amount about 51 million rubles.

Follows from the published court's decision that Sberbank, "Tatenergosbyt" and Network of televisions stations partially fulfilled the contract obligations. At the same time, Forecast violated the obligations for money transfer from contracts for the pledged account.

Also Forecast did not provide to Rosbank on a monthly basis the register of contracts and reduced the value of the rights which the bank could require according to the collateral contract.

As for Transneft, Forecast did not provide to Rosbank confirmation that the company received the notification on a duty to fulfill pledge agreement obligations.

In Forecast and Rosbank at the time of the publication of material could not answer questions of TAdviser of the credit.

"Forecast" dies, but its case lives. About fatal errors of management and perspectives of a product

The CEO of Foresight company (is a part of the ITG group) Vladimir Komov in April, 2017 opened plans for development of the products "Forecast" and a partner network for its sales. Also he told how the situation in Forecast is and shared opinion on the reasons of crash of this company.

As of the beginning of 2017 in Forecast there were only supporting divisions, Vladimir Komov told TAdviser. According to its information, the company does not perform work on implementation any more. The CEO of Forecast Maxim Balash as of April completes affairs of the company, he told.

"Forecast" has a large number of creditors. The currency component therefore the total amount of a debt in rubles constantly changes together with changes of currency rates also is in debt. At a rate in 60 rubles for dollar the total debt of the company was estimated approximately at 6 billion rubles, the CEO told Foresight.

ITG interacts with creditors alleviating the debt burden, speak in Foresight, without going deep into commercial parts.

Foresight plans serious investments into development of products of Forecast and a partner network for their sales. According to Vladimir Komov, for 2017 for these purposes the company is going to enclose from 500 million to 1 billion rubles. Same year in plans Foresight - release of the new version of a flagship product Forecast - the analytical Prognoz Platform platform which will contain a set of changes.

Unlike Forecast which in addition to development of own products rendered services of custom software development based on products of third-party vendors Foresight is going to focus on development and promotion of own products and also on promotion of the partner solutions created on their basis. For implementation and sales of the solutions Foresight develops a partner network.

Detailed history - in the separate article:

"Forecast" was included in the register of unfair suppliers

In 1 quarter 2017 the Prognoz company was included in the register of unfair suppliers on 44-FZ (the law on a contract system). Records were entered in the register in February and March. They concern execution of works for Department of economy of the Tyumen region and "Information center at the head of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic".

In the first case Forecast had to perform works on development and maintenance of schedule system and monitoring of social and economic development of the Tyumen region. The volume of the contract was 3.8 million rubles. In the second — to provide to maintenance of an information and analytical system of the situational center of the head of Yakutia for 1.5 million rubles.

In both cases timelines for delivery of services were designated December, 2016 and kontarkta were terminated: customers in an odnostornny order refused their execution. It agrees 44-FZ, such failure for the customer is allowed in connection with fundamental breach by the supplier of terms of the contract.

Two state customers terminated contracts with Forecast (the author of a photo -

The register is in open access. Information on the unfair supplier on the law contains in it two years then is removed.

The customers who are carrying out purchases on 44-FZ about a contract system, having the right to set requirements about absence of the supplier in the register of unfair suppliers and to reject the request of the organization if it is included in it. Thus, to Forecast for two years will difficult participate in state procurements. At the same time use the register of unfair suppliers on 44-FZ also the customers buying goods and services on 223-FZ can.

According to Contour-Focus base, in 2014 the volume of the contracts of Forecast signed on 44-FZ exceeded 1.3 billion. In 2015 their volume was reduced approximately to 505 million rubles. In 2016 against the background of the problems which arose in the company (see in the history below) the volume of contracts on 44-FZ at Forecast decreased to 30.5 million rubles.

Forecast could not comment on TAdviser getting into the register. In Foresight company into which an essential part of employees of Forecast passed and which in December, 2016 became the owner of its software and all trademarks, consider that getting of Forecast into the list of unfair suppliers will not have a direct impact on their company.

"Forecast" and Foresight are not connected legally in any way, these are two independent companies therefore getting of Prognoz company into the list of unfair suppliers will not have a direct impact on Foresight company, - told TAdviser in Foresight.

Added to the companies that at the time of getting into the register Forecast is a partner of Foresight in distribution of the software Forecast. Foresight has the expanded license with the status of the sole distributor for software Forecast with the rights of its sublicensing, completion, maintenance, support, modification, an aklyucheniye of cooperation agreements with the existing and new partners on its own behalf.


The ITG holding became the owner of software and all trademarks of Forecast

In December, 2016 Forecast and ITG holding officially announced the agreement about which they told sources of TAdviser earlier: the holding acquired all legal rights to developments of Forecast.

Announced the conclusion of the license agreement of the party on December 18, 2016. The structure of ITG holding – Foresight company became the owner of the expanded software license of Forecast, including the Prognoz Platform platform. The company has a right of sublicensing, completion, maintenance, support and modification of the platform.

Foresight acquires the right to act as the sole distributor of all software products of Forecast and to sign cooperation agreements with the existing and new partners on its own behalf.

Besides, Foresight became the owner of all registered trade marks of Prognoz company.

At the end of 2016 Forecast was recognized on sale of the rights to the developments to structure of ITG. Photo:

In the official press release of Forecast it is said that this agreement "it is directed to consolidation of efforts of the companies on promotion of software of "Forecast" in the market of corporate information and analytical systems, development of competences, improvement of technologies, solutions and software products and also quality improvement of the services provided to clients". According to the parties, "all this will allow to implement unique complex projects in different segments of the Russian and international IT market".

Forecast of TAdviser explained that the exclusive rights to software still belong to the Perm company, and the license agreement grants rights to use to software in the limits provided by it.

Within the transaction Foresight becomes the sole distributor of software. All partners (including existing) concerning acquisition of licenses and technical support of software will address this sole distributor. Forecast has an opportunity to work according to the same scheme, - explained in Forecast.

According to Contour-Focus base, the Foresight company for 100% belongs to Inlayn Tekhnolodzhis Group company. And it is not newly created structure, as stated in the official statement of the IT companies, and existing since 2010. Earlier the Foresight company was called ITG Consulting. As of December, 2016, the CEO of Foresight is Vladimir Komov – the co-owner and the CEO of Saprun Group company (enters into ITG).

Let's remind, earlier sources of TAdviser already reported that Forecast sold to structures of ITG of the right to the developments to pay to employees of salary.

The source of TAdviser notes that it was not succeeded to agree with banks about partial repayment of debts of Forecast to ITG holding yet. At the same time to the enterprise more and more claims from creditors arrive: since September, 2016, after the arrived statement for recognition of the company by the bankrupt, the complaint to the enterprise was made by about 10 more claimants. The largest claim was submitted by Rosbank - for 274 million rubles. Rosbank does not comment on a situation.

ITG TAdviser reported that on the basis of Prognoz Platform industrial boxed solutions will be under construction.

ITG will promote products through a partner network which will build and develop, - reported in ITG. - Practices of Forecast are good base for creation of a world-class product in which ITG is going to be engaged.

At the same time in the company for the first time confirmed that conduct negotiations with creditor banks of Forecast on partial repayment of debts of the Perm company. On a question of TAdviser whether it was succeeded to agree about it, in ITG commented: "In process".

To Forecast the largest claim – almost on a third of one billion rubles arrived

On November 29, 2016 Rosbank submitted a claim to arbitration court of Moscow with the requirement to exact 273.8 million rubles from Prognoz company. Earlier sources of TAdviser reported that the bank officially made a complaint to the company because of delay according to the loan agreement. Now it left with requirements in arbitration.

Rosbank requires to pay off a debt to it at once. Follows from documents of court that the principal debt of Forecast before bank makes – 232.3 million rubles, debt on percent – 24.9 million rubles, nearly 6 million rubles – urgent percent and 9.6 million rubles of a penalty. Total amount – nearly 274 million rubles.

On November 17, 2016 exactly for the same amount Rosbank submitted a claim concerning affiliated enterprises of the company – Prognoz Management and Prognoz Consulting and demanded to seize as interim measures property and all accounts of the companies. The court refused interim measures, having referred to the fact that debt – not justification for this purpose. At the same time the bank did not provide proofs that Prognoz somehow tries to reduce the assets. After that Rosbank submitted a claim for the same amount directly to the head company.

As of December, 2016, the claim of Rosbank – the largest of all shown to Forecast. Let's remind, the Volgograd company "BASIS of Info" which initiated the claim for bankruptcy of the Perm company required repayment of 400 thousand rubles.

Consideration of the claim "BASIS of Info" is postponed until January, 2017 as the parties declared the possible settlement agreement. According to sources of TAdviser, representatives of ITG and "Forecast" holding continue to discuss a possibility of investments and repayment of debts.

The court will consider the first in date claim of Rosbank in February, 2017.

Rosbank does not comment on a situation. The president of Forecast Dmitry Andrianov also refuses to speak about a situation.

The first took place court sessions on the case of bankruptcy of Forecast

On November 24, 2016 in Arbitration court of Perm Krai consideration of the application about bankruptcy of JSC Prognoz took place. Statements for recognition of the debtor by the bankrupt as earlier wrote TAdviser, gave Infinit and Bazis Info companies. Debts of the developer for the total amount of 7.911 million rubles became a reason for filing of applications. The court postponed consideration of the application until January 10, 2017 at a request "BASIS of Info" and Prognoz, Kommersant reported. According to the parties, the debtor is going to pay off debts in full by means of involvement of the new investor - ITG holding. Prognoz intends to agree with Infinit by the same method.

Sources of TAdviser confirm that Forecast and ITG discuss a possibility of investments and repayment of debts again.

Real estate of Forecast, according to Kommersant, is in pledge, and transport of the company - in leasing.

Transition of 150 employees to structure of ITG, problems with tax, a salary delay

To the middle of October, 2016 about 150 people passed from Prognoz company into structure of Inline Technologies Group (ITG) holding – OOO of SAPRUN Perm, reported to TAdviser the sources familiar with a situation.

According to them, SAPRUN Perm is the specially created new legal person, affiliated enterprise of Saprun Group company which is included in turn into ITG holding.

On the recruiting HeadHunter portal five vacancies of SAPRUN Perm company are laid out. As of October 13, 2016, for work in Perm the office manager, HR managers and on personnel administration, the HR director, the analyst are required. About the company on the website of HH it is told that it enters into the SAPRUN group, "specializes in rendering IT consulting services, works with the commercial, state organizations and municipal the enterprises".

According to sources of TAdviser, negotiations on transition to the new company go first of all with those teams of experts who conducts in Forecast interesting for ITG projects: if customers of these projects are ready to renew the agreement on the new company, then to "prognozovets" suggest to pass into SAPRUN Perm – starting with directors of departments and project managers who on a chain "take away" the subordinates.

As the staff of Forecast told, upon transition to the new company, suggests to remain it on the former place on 0.1 rates. In this case at bankruptcy of the enterprise, they will be able to expect return of wage arrears. At the same time people, having replaced the main employer, but having saved 0.1 rates in the company, continue to work at the workplace at office of Forecast.

To the staff of the company delay salary. The next payment had to be on October 12, but it was not, reported several sources at the enterprise at once. According to them, for half a year of structure of ITG paid to Forecast about 250 million rubles (in particular, buying the rights to developments of the Perm company). The company spent this money for salaries to the employees.

If initially ITG was going to redeem approximately for 1 billion rubles a part of debts of Forecast to banks, then after audit refused it, having found out that it is necessary to spend nearly twice more. The sources of TAdviser close to the company tell that the revealed problem with tax administration became one of the reasons. The speech can go about VAT underpays. Now there is a tax audit, tax specialists already polled about 500 employees of Forecast working in the company in 2013-2014. After check the act of additional accrual of taxes is possible.

Besides, banks began to make a claim to the debtor. According to sources, because of delay on payments Rosbank as one of creditors imposed on Forecast official requirement about debt repayment.

According to sources in Forecast, the owner and the president of the company Dmitry Andrianov was discharged of problem solving and does not appear at office.

Any of the parties does not give official comments.

The claim for bankruptcy of JSC Prognoz which at the end of September was submitted by the Volgograd company "BASIS of Info" is left without the movement prior to the beginning of November. The court recommended to the applicant to correct formal defects in the claim.

ITG decided not to buy Forecast, bankruptcy begins

At the end of September, 2016 the claim for bankruptcy of Forecast came to arbitration court of Perm Krai. The Volgograd BASIS of Info LLC filed such petition.

Primary activity "BASIS of Info" - legal. For the last three years the company participated in nine cases on bankruptcies, at the same time four times acted as the initiator of claims.

On September 30 the Moscow company "INFINIT" which works in the field of IT and is a contractor of Forecast joined the claim. According to a card file of arbitration court, Forecast owed it for the performed works about 7.5 million rubles. However, judicial proceedings on this debt did not end yet.

According to Circuit Focus base, for the last year to Forecast 41 claims for the amount of 161 million rubles are made. From them the company already lost seven cases for the amount of 35 million rubles. 20 claims are now considered in court. The largest requirements are imposed by Techno Diasoft LLC (7.8 million rubles), ODSS LLC (7.9 million rubles), Simbirsoftdidzhital LLC (two claims for 3.2 million rubles and for 4.7 million rubles).

According to two sources of TAdviser in Forecast, the Inline Technologies Group (ITG) holding initially was going to spend for the debt buyback of the Perm company about 1 billion rubles (at the total amount of debt – about 5 billion rubles). However after audit it became clear that it is necessary to enclose nearly twice more. Such scenario became unattractive for ITG, and Forecast began to be prepared for bankruptcy, explain sources.

Information on the planned bankruptcy to the staff of Forecast was brought last week, one of interlocutors of TAdviser told. Top managers of the company reported about it to the deputies, and those in turn – to the subordinate employees.

According to the source to TAdviser when at Forecast financial problems began, he sold the rights to the developments to pay to employees of salary. "Now ITG have all legal rights to use Prognoz Platform – to develop and sell systems on it", – says a source.

Prognoz Platform is key development of Forecast, own software platform of a business intelligence and business process automation. On it all solutions of the company are developed. Prognoz Platform is included into the register of the Russian software.

ITG refused comments on relationship with Forecast. Forecast could not answer questions of TAdviser.

"Forecast" is prepared for bankruptcy, employees are transferred to ITG

Heads of Forecast convince employees to leave at own will and to get a job in Inline Technologies Group (ITG), TAdviser told the source close to the Perm company. Two more interlocutors of the edition confirmed it.

Sources claim that a talk with employees is carried on bypassing the founder and the president of Forecast Dmitry Andrianov who in general ceased to appear at office of the company.

Along with it interlocutors of TAdviser tell about the continuing mass layoffs of staff of Forecast:

People leave as soon as find other work location, the whole commands passed into other IT companies. From 2000 people for today in the company it was necessary to work 600 employees, from them a third is a providing personnel, - notes a source.

According to one of interlocutors of TAdviser, Forecast is going to carry out insolvency proceeding. At the beginning of September, 2016 sources, close to the company, reported to TAdviser that its debt to banks exceeds 5 billion rubles.

In Forecast and ITG at the time of the publication of material could not answer questions of TAdviser concerning transfer of employees and bankruptcy.

The ITG holding tries to purchase Forecast for debts

For 2016 the ITG holding conducts negotiations with creditor banks of Prognoz company on partial debt repayment which it was not able to service. Announced two sources familiar with activity of the Perm developer this TAdviser. If negotiations are completed with success, Prognoz will pass under control of ITG, they claim.

The founder of Forecast Dmitry Andrianov as a result of the transaction with ITG (if it takes place) will stop being the owner of the company

The debt of Forecast to banks, according to one of interlocutors of TAdviser, exceeds 5 billion rubles. The company took about $30 million in 2012 on credit from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The main ruble creditor of Forecast is the VTB bank. Also the developer was credited in Rosbank, Bank of Moscow, the Sviaz-Bank and Otkrytiye bank, told one of edition sources.

Money, according to the interlocutor of TAdviser, was attracted on the international expansion - opening of offices in other countries and marketing (including participation in the ratings of the Gartner agency, the annual contract with which, according to TAdviser, can cost $100-150 thousand). In 2017 the company intended to carry out initial public offering (IPO) at one of the foreign exchanges. It was one of terms of agreement with the EBRD, tells a source.

As of 2016 the IPO, as far as we know to interlocutors of TAdviser, is not planned any more. Experts, familiar with activity of Forecast, explain difficulties with the credits with two factors - growth of dollar exchange rate and payment delays from clients of Forecast.

The sharpest phase of crisis in the Perm company came at the beginning of 2016. As a result of delays of salaries it was left by hundreds of employees, including Evgeny Ovcharov's team (see more detailed below). A year ago on the website of Forecast it was told about 1500 specialists in the state, now - about 1000 people.

In March, 2016 Forecast officially announced the conclusion of the strategic agreement with ITG. Then on a question of TAdviser of whether change of structure of owners assumes the agreement, in Forecast answered that to speak about it prematurely.

Strategic cooperation will help to integrate experience and technologies of Forecast in the field of development of systems of analytics, forecasting, decision making support systems and a possibility of ITG in the field of implementation of difficult consulting and infrastructure projects and also creation of IT services and cloud solutions based on own network of data centers, it was said in the statement.

According to the president of ITG Vladimir Varivoda, partnership with Forecast will allow its group to deepen examination on creation of the analytical systems, to propose to the market the modern multifunction solutions which are not inferior to the western analogs.

The president and the founder of Forecast Dmitry Andrianov also spoke about plans to integrate possibilities of the companies in the field of development and deployment of the forecast and analytical systems.

According to interlocutors of TAdviser, the ITG group helped Forecast to stabilize a situation with salary payments and began negotiations with banks. As far as we know to one of sources, a subject of negotiations is discount at repayment of the credits - ITG is ready to pay no more than 30% of a debt of Forecast.

Rosbank and Sviaz-Bank reported that will refrain from comments of a situation. Other banks could not answer questions of TAdviser.

Prognoz said that do not comment on a detail of the agreement with ITG as it is the commercial information. "Prognoz company" continues to operate normally, executing projects for customers in Russia and abroad", - the representative noted it.

ITG told that cannot comment on information connected with Forecast.

"Forecast" begins cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

"Forecast" will execute the project on creation and implementation for the UN of an information and analytical online system (ESCWA Online Statistical Information System, EOSIS). By means of program tools members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and representatives of its member countries will be able to process and analyze statistical data in the different directions of development of the Arab region.>

Prognoz Platform is included in the register of the Russian software

The software platform of a business intelligence and business process automation of Prognoz Platform was included into number 84 of the first software products of domestic production included in the Unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases.

"Forecast" in "A magic quadrant of platforms of advanced analytics" of Gartner

The Gartner company published "A magic quadrant of platforms of advanced analytics" where the Prognoz company is for the first time included.

In Forecast salaries are delayed and employees leave

On March 24, 2016 it became known of mass layoffs in Forecast. According to the website with reference to one of the staff of Forecast, the company is left by the First Deputy CEO Evgeny Ovcharov who was responsible for work with state customers (it became known is later about Ovcharov's transition to Parmalogica company).

According to one of portal sources, after Ovcharov about 200 employees of Forecast wrote resignation letters. Other source specifies that quantity leaving much less than 200.

After that the company management began to put "the unprecedented pressure", one of interlocutors of the edition notes.

Leaving turned off access to all resources, including desktop PCs. Work with customers among whom there are federal agencies rose. Top management intimidates leaving on a public address system criminal cases — told the edition the source familiar with a situation.

In Forecast mass layoffs begin

The management threatens with starting criminal cases under article "Fraud", but not on the staff of Forecast, and on company executives in which they will settle, other interlocutor of reported. He added that mean an output of contracts of the company by fraud: Evgeny Ovcharov bringing to Forecast about 60% of profit wanted to agree peacefully about a share from the contracts.

One of employees of Forecast told that in 2015 there were delays with payment of salaries, awards cancelled "till the best times", but by the end of December repaid the debt. At the beginning of 2016 the company began to delay salaries again, he reported.

Worst of all it is necessary those who work in the company with families. They do not even know how to bring together the child in school how to pay a mortgage. Our internal forum dazzles with the shouting posts, but none of the management react — cites words of the source[4].

The source of TAdviser close to the company confirmed that delays of salaries and dismissal of employees took place.

The press service of Forecast announced TAdviser termination of labor relations with Evgeny Ovcharov and a part of employees of a division which he directed.

Job analysis of this head gives the grounds to assume existence of a number of violations of corporate standards. Now the company carries out internal check. The company continues to operate normally. The current number of staff in the amount of 1000 people allows to fulfill the undertaken obligations for implementation of all project portfolio, including projects of the state division — said in the company


Revenue of 2.9 billion, net profit - 6.6 million rub

In 2015 revenue of Forecast made 2.973 billion rubles, net profit - 6.6 million rubles.

Release of the version of Prognoz Platform 8.1

"Forecast" announces release of version 8.1 of own platform of a business intelligence of Prognoz Platform. The version offers users of updating, the mentioning several main directions: new functionality is offered and works on development of the interface of tools of the user are carried out, opportunities for data visualization and BI search are expanded, some changes in a part of administrative tools and security and also the improvements promoting fall forward of work of the platform are implemented.

MAYKOR-GMCS and Forecast became partners

MAYKOR-GMCS, one of market participants on implementation and support of business applications, and Prognoz company became partners. Cooperation assumes implementation of joint projects for big corporate customers and public sector in modeling and forecasting, management of budgets, risks assessment, a profound business intelligence and data visualization using opportunities of the Prognoz Platform platform.

"Forecast" offers new opportunities for acquaintance to Prognoz Platform

"Forecast" offers all interested at once two methods for acquaintance to the unique Russian Prognoz Platform BI platform. The first option is a free demonstration version. Allows to work with a full range of functionality within the existing information infrastructure within 30 days from the moment of the first start. The second option - the personal version - differs from demonstration unlimited usage time, has restriction for use of industrial database management systems and is intended only for the analysis of own data of the user.


Revenue of 3.83 billion, net profit - 3.91 million rub

In 2014 revenue of Forecast made about 3.83 billion rubles, net profit at the same time was reduced by 64.5 times - to 3.91 million rubles.

Release of the new version of the Prognoz Platform BI platform

The Prognoz company submitted the 8th version of the Prognoz Platform BI platform. Requirements of business users became the main driver of development of the platform. Changes of Prognoz Platform concerned use of approaches of self-service and development of visualization tools of data. For advanced users there were new methods and components, abilities to integrate the platform are expanded. Besides, in response to needs of users for work with "Big Data" performance grew: from acceleration of operation of tools before memory consumption optimization.

Became Softline the golden partner of Forecast

The Softline company received the status of the golden partner of Forecast. The status Gold will give to Softline company a number of powerful benefits at solving of tasks of a business intelligence for clients by means of technologies of Forecast.

Dismissal of the Deputy CEO and 150 employees

In 2014 from Forecast the First Deputy CEO Andrey Selyanin left[5]. According to CNews, it did not accept the development strategy of the company providing emphasis on the international projects to the detriment of business in Russia. Together with the top manager also his command – about 150 people left.

Afterwards Andrey Selyanin created home company - "About Ah-Ti Resource".


Revenue of 4 billion, profit - 252 million rub

In 2013 Forecast earned 4.05 billion rubles. The net profit of the company was about 252.5 million rubles.

Implementation in all 54 countries of Africa of the instrument of monitoring and the analysis of statistical data

The Prognoz company completed implementing solutions for statistical services within an initiative of the African Development Bank (AFBR) Information backbone. The project is directed to creation of complete information space in Africa and designed to change approaches to collecting of statistical information and data exchange between the states of the African continent and partners beyond its limits. Within an initiative based on the Prognoz Platform BI platform the Internet portals which allow to expand access to official statistics of the countries of Africa were created. On the basis of the data accumulated in them all interested persons and the organizations will be able to make the weighed political and economic decisions directed to integration of the countries of Africa into global economy.

Opening of office in Canada

"Forecast" within expansion of the international presence opened office in Vancouver (Canada). His employees will be engaged in software development – creation of mobile applications under iOs, Android, Blackberry and implementation of other hi-tech projects in the field of Business Intelligence and also promotion of solutions of the company.

According to Mikhail Kulakov, the deputy CEO of Forecast, opening of office in Canada will promote expansion of activity of the company on the North American continent where there are biggest foreign customers of Forecast: IMF, World Bank. Vancouver was selected from quality of the platform as the city with powerful scientific base and a large number of highly skilled IT specialists.

As of 2013 offices of Prognoz company are located in 10 countries, including the USA, China, Belgium, the UAE, Zambia, the CIS countries. At the same time own clusters of IT developer of Prognoz work in Beijing, Minsk, Lusaka. Opening of new representative offices in Europe and Africa was planned for the same moment.


Revenue of 3.37 billion, net profit - 209 million rub

In 2012 Forecast earned 3.37 billion rubles and got net profit in the amount of 209 million rubles.

Inclusion in "A magic quadrant of platforms of a business intelligence" of Gartner

The Gartner company, the leading world consulting agency in the field of IT, published "A magic quadrant of platforms of a business intelligence" for 2012 where the Russian developer – Prognoz company is for the first time included.


Revenue of 2.13 billion, net profit of 92.1 million rub

Revenue of Forecast in 2011 made 2.13 billion rub. net profit - 92.1 million rubles.

According to IDC, in 2011 the market share of Forecast made 7.3%, at the same time the company steadily keeps the first place in this segment since 2007. The market of development of the custom software remains one of key segments of IT market of Russia. As defined in IDC, growth of a segment in 2011 was 27.3%, its volume by the end of 2011 reached $676.13 million.

WHO started the analytical portal developed by Forecast

The Global health expenditure database portal (The world database on expenses on health care) is a part of the software package created by Forecast by request of WHO and set in the organization headquarters in Geneva. With its help collecting, processing and the annual publication of these national accounts of health care of the different countries of the world is automated.


The Prognoz company opened representation in Belarus

The Prognoz company opened office in the capital of Republic of Belarus - Minsk. The Belarusian office of Prognoz will participate in development of the system software and also to be responsible for promotion of solutions of the company in the republic.

Implementation of the first project in the UAE

The Prognoz company began work on an information and analytical system of collecting, processing and monitoring of data on container transportations of Abu Dhabi Terminals company (UAE).

2009: The office in Kazakhstan is opened

The Prognoz company opened representation in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana.

2008: Beginning of cooperation with the IMF

"Forecast" begins cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. The company creates the tool for collecting, processing and data modeling.

2006-2007: Opening of representations in the USA, China and Belgium

In 2006 Forecast executed the first projects abroad and opened representations in the USA and China. In 2007 the European representation in Belgium was open.

1991 - beginning of the 2000th.

"Forecast" was founded in 1991. Then the small team of 8 people, one of whom was a head Forecast, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Dmitry Andrianov, began to execute the first serious commercial project - for the Ministry of Economics of the Russian Federation. By this moment behind shoulders of the company there was already experience with administration of the Perm region.

In 1992 the company released the first version of the analytical Prognoz Platform complex.

In 2002 the company opened representation in Moscow. In 2003 the quality management system of the company was certified on compliance to requirements of ISO 9001:2000.


The largest corporations of Russia and the world (Gazprom, Transneft, Inter RAO, Coca-Cola, 3M, COSCO), the Russian banks of the top ten and foreign national banks, the largest international organizations use the systems of Forecast: World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, Asian and African development banks, World Wide Fund for Nature.

Cooperates with the World Bank Forecast since 2008. Among the projects implemented for it — creation of the system allowing to analyze activity of the governments of the different countries and to estimate efficiency of the state reforms.

Among customers of Forecast there are Kazakhstan KazMunaiGas, the American corporation 3M, the Danish railway company Banedanmark, the Central university of economy and finance (China), Federation of oil and chemical industry of China, BASF (Germany).
