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GE Healthcare Russia and CIS




Key Company Markets and Competitors

At the beginning of 2019, in the segment of diagnostic equipment, such as CT, MRI, PET/CT, X-ray surgical equipment, the company has three main competitors - Siemens Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, Canon Medical Systems.

Russian companies are widely represented in the production of X-rays and mammographs. If we are talking about the segment of ultrasonic equipment, then Korean and Chinese manufacturers are also represented here. If you look at intensive care, life support systems, monitors, anesthesia devices, cardiographs and so on, then there are dozens of suppliers. About a hundred manufacturers of cardiographs alone, including fifty Russian ones.



Agreement with AstraZeneka aimed at developing training programs for healthcare professionals

On November 19, GE Healthcare and AstraZeneka entered into a cooperation agreement aimed at developing training programs for health professionals in order to continuously improve their competencies and expand access to world best practices in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Cooperation involves increasing awareness of the clinical benefits of drugs and advanced technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of CVD. The parties also agreed to jointly organize and conduct a series of educational events for cardiological specialists on the basis of medical institutions, as well as in the framework of scientific and practical conferences, seminars and online webinars.

The pandemic had a major impact on the availability of cardiac care, while causing an increase in complications from cardiovascular pathology. The development of the system of care for such patients is one of the priority areas of Russian health care. We are pleased with our partner - AstraZeneka - to launch a project that will combine pharmacological and technological expertise, providing doctors with the opportunity to comprehensively train the best world practices in one place and at the same time. We are sure that this approach will help specialists to increase confidence in making a diagnosis, and patients to quickly receive the necessary care,
said Ekaterina Soboleva, Director of Marketing and Strategic Development at GE Healthcare in Russia/CIS.

The strategic priority of AstraZeneka is to build an innovative ecosystem aimed primarily at solving patients' problems. At the same time, our efforts are focused on those therapeutic areas that bear the greatest burden on health systems and in which there are high unmet medical needs. Cardiovascular diseases are one of such areas, which is relevant both for Russia and for the whole world. In solving the problems of combating cardiovascular diseases, the qualification of cardiology specialists, in whose hands the lives of patients are, plays a large role. We are confident that our joint project with GE Healthcare will help Russian specialists learn more about scientific achievements in the field of cardiovascular disease, which means that it will open up other diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities for patients.
noted Natalya Toropova, director of the Cardiology and Metabolism business unit of AstraZeneka, Russia and Eurasia.

Educational events for cardiology doctors are not the first joint project of AstraZeneka and GE Healthcare in Russia. A number of solutions developed by GE Healthcare in such areas as chronic heart failure and lung cancer are presented at the Center for Innovation and the Internet of Things in Healthcare, opened by AstraZeneka on the site of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. In 2021, the companies worked together as part of the acceleration program "Laboratory of Innovation iLab" for startups-developers of innovative technological solutions in the field of medicine.

In Russia, heart and vascular diseases occupy the first place among the causes of mortality of the population, accounting for 47% of all fatal cases as of November 2021. At the same time, every seventh case is people of working age.

Improving care for CVD patients through a continuous system of training doctors and the introduction of the principle of "seamless care," based on the use of echocardiography capabilities in combination with digital solutions for the acquisition, analysis, storage and safe transfer of data, can make an important contribution to the implementation of the program of the federal project "Fight against cardiovascular diseases."

The acquired knowledge and skills of using high-tech medical solutions will allow specialists to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, ensure a higher level of detection of the disease in the early stages, determine optimal patient routing patterns, drug therapy, and therefore improve the effectiveness of the treatment and save more lives.

Agreement with Rusatom Healthcare on localization of production of MR tomographs in Russia

GE Healthcare and Rusatom Healthcare JSC (integrator of Rosatom State Corporation in the field of radiation technologies in medicine and industry) on June 4, 2021 informed Zdrav.Expert about the creation of a local production of magnetic resonance tomographs (MRI) in order to ensure the growing need of the Russian population for affordable high-tech medical diagnostics. More details here.

Elena Legezina - new CEO of the company

At the end of March 2021, Elena Legezina was appointed to the post of General Director of GE Healthcare in Russia and the CIS. She replaced Nina Kandelaki, who ran the company for four years and left the company at the end of 2020. More details here.

2020: Start of production of ultrasound machines for cardiovascular diagnostics in the Russian Federation

As it became known on August 25, 2020, GE Healthcare launches in Russia the production of ultrasound machines for cardiovascular diagnostics Vivid S60N and Vivid S70N. These devices will be produced at a plant in the Moscow region. The start of deliveries is scheduled for autumn 2020. More details here.


Opening of a training and simulation center in Tashkent

On May 21, 2019, it became known that in Tashkent, the opening of a training and simulation center for health care specialists was organized by GE Healthcare together with the Tashkent Institute for the Improvement of Doctors (TashIUV) in order to develop an effective system of continuing education and training of qualified medical personnel in the Republic. Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Elmira Basithanova and Rector of the Tashkent Institute for Advanced Medical Studies Khabibullah Akilov took part in the ceremony.

Training and simulation center in Tashkent

According to statistics, in recent years, the number of clinics in Uzbekistan has more than 2 times increased, and the number of medical specialists has increased by 12% and continues to grow. This, in particular, is due to the country's high need for the active integration of medical practice with educational and scientific activities, which will help accelerate the introduction of advanced medical achievements in the medical and diagnostic process. The open training platform will allow combining the international experience of GE Healthcare and local expertise, providing Uzbek doctors with timely access to the best world practices and the opportunity to regularly improve their professional knowledge and skills. This initiative meets the objectives set out in the presidential decree "On comprehensive measures to fundamentally improve the health system of the Republic of Uzbekistan," and will help meet the country's growing needs for quality medical care.

President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare in Russia/SNGNina Kandelaki noted:

The scale of projects implemented in Uzbekistan to modernize the health system and the high pace of development of modern medical technologies determine the special importance of training doctors who will subsequently work on high-tech diagnostic equipment. GE Healthcare is pleased to be able to apply the global experience of the company in the field of training and to contribute to the development of postgraduate education of healthcare specialists of the Republic of Uzbekistan. We are confident that the knowledge gained at the center will help improve the quality of care for patients across the country.

The training program of the center is primarily focused on the formation of practical skills for effective and safe work on advanced ultrasound diagnostic systems and meets the urgent needs of Uzbek specialists. It includes basic and expert level courses in the areas of obstetrics, gynecology, cardiology and general imaging.

The training format includes lectures and practical trainings, for which the center is equipped with a modern ultrasonic diagnostic medical system Voluson P6 manufactured by GE Healthcare, an interactive anatomical atlas and a fetal ultrasonic phantom. Thus, training in the center makes it possible for doctors to combine the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills for conducting research on high-tech equipment. In total, the center is designed for more than 150 students per year.

The classes will be conducted by teachers of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics TashIUV and highly qualified specialists of GE Healthcare in the field of modern methods of diagnostic imaging and training. Leading Uzbek and world health experts will be invited to participate in lectures and master classes.

Khabibula Akilov emphasized:

[[:Шаблон:Quote 'author '= Khabibula Akilov, Rector of Tashkent Institute for Advanced Medical Studies' ]]

GE Healthcare takes an active part in projects to modernize the healthcare system of Uzbekistan. In particular, as part of the state program to increase the level of perinatal diagnostics in the country for May 2019, 200 multidisciplinary clinics in Uzbekistan were equipped with advanced GE Healthcare ultrasound scanners. In addition, the first positron emission tomography center in the Republic, opened in 2018, is equipped with a single line of high-tech equipment GE Healthcare, including a cyclotron, radiopharmaceuticals synthesis modules and a PET/CT scanner[1].

Agreement with Sberbank and Sberbank Leasing on cooperation in the field of medical equipment leasing

On February 4, 2019 Sberbank, Sberbank Leasing and GE Healthcare concluded the cooperation agreement in the sphere of leasing of the medical equipment. According to the statement of Sberbank, the purpose of the agreement is to provide favorable conditions for the purchase of high-tech medical equipment for public and private medical and preventive institutions, which is expected to contribute to the development and modernization of healthcare in Russia. More details here.

Signing a roadmap with Rusatom Healthcare on the localization of technologies for nuclear medicine in Russia

On February 14, 2019, Rusatom Healthcare (RHC), an integrator in the field of radiation technologies in medicine and industry, and GE Healthcare signed a roadmap on the creation of a local production of high-tech medical equipment in order to ensure the growing need of the population of the regions of the Russian Federation for high-quality medical diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The document was signed by the general director of Rusatom Healthcare JSC Alexander Shibanov and the president and chief executive officer of GE Healthcare in Russia/CIS Nina Kandelaki. More details here.


Denial of Appeal to GE Healthcare Dealer in Medical Cartel Case

On August 1, 2018, information appeared that the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal refused to satisfy the appeal of Modern Medical Technologies (SMT), upholding the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Samara Region. The trial ended in one session, which lasted about 4 hours.

Fine of 100 thousand rubles for aiding in the organization of the cartel

GiI Helskea LLC, the Russian representative office of GE Healthcare, a member of General Electric, was fined 100 thousand rubles for aiding and abetting the organization of a large medical cartel in 2016. The cartel conspiracy was attended by Modern Medical Technologies LLC (SMT), Medsimvol LLC and the Center for Effective Surgery - Health LLC, and employees of the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region and an employee of the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavin acted as accomplices. Leonid Pak, head of the Samara OFAS, spoke about the identification and suppression of the cartel's activities on July 23, 2018.

According to him, in connection with the decision of the Samara OFAS of Russia on the complaint of the Center for Effective Surgery - Health in 2015, the results of a competition organized by the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavin were canceled for the maintenance and repair of medical expensive equipment for 23 institutions of the Samara region in the amount of 772.7 million rubles.

Nevertheless, already in 2016, SMT, Medsimvol and CEC-Health entered into a cartel agreement. The initial (maximum) contract price (NMCC) was set at a little more than 768 million rubles, while the total NMCC of spare parts, consumables and services reached 4.2 billion rubles, the head of Samara OFAS said. As a result of the cartel conspiracy, Modern Medical Technologies won the auction and entered into state contracts with 23 medical institutions of the Samara region in the amount of over 768 million rubles, which brought the company income in the amount of more than 250 million rubles.

However, materials testifying to the organization about the cartel were at the disposal of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee (SU IC) of the Russian Federation in the Samara Region. Among the materials received by the department are a statement by CEC-Health on the conclusion of a cartel agreement and exemption from administrative responsibility, protocols of investigative actions.

In addition, the evidence in the case was evidence of the transcript of conversations held during personal meetings of officials, which discussed patterns of behavior when participating in the auction and worked out a potential technical assignment. As it turned out, the parties to the conspiracy discussed the form of the agreement "on intentions," the possibility of attracting other participants, behavior at the end of the bidding and other provisions of the documentation.

This information then was provided to the Samara OFAS by Investigation department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation across the Samara region, along with electronic trading platforms, telecom operators, tax authorities, credit institutions, a TFCMI of the Samara region and the customer of an electronic auction - regional institution of health care. Based on the data provided, the Samara Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia opened a case of violation of antitrust legislation (under paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 11 and article 16 of the Law on Protection of Competition). Thanks to the inclusion of this information in the case file, a number of anticompetitive agreements were revealed, Leonid Pak noted.

The head of the Samara OFAS also gave a transcript of part of the conversations of representatives of SMT, JI Helskea and the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region:

I'm always ready to negotiate. JI has a position: everything is ours, in general, all of ours<…>. Therefore, we will need to sit down and decide who, what can do, decide there and so on. As far as I know, you have some possibilities for FAS there, we have some possibilities for GUOT, here you need to jointly connect this whole matter and solve <…>...

Representative of SMT LLC

You were given, in fact, great powers, you were told - you are integrators, you have 65% of the equipment in the area. Only you claim, as it were, for equipment and this year - at Pirogov Hospital you claim to supply equipment, at Seredavin Hospital you claim to supply equipment. And we see that we are not understood at all, in fact, we are then presented.

Employee of the Ministry

No, there is no conversation about understand, do not understand. We understand you very much and are terribly grateful to you in everything. <…>

Employee of G&I Helskea

Following the consideration of the case, the Samara OFAS Commission decided to find the defendants in the case guilty of violating antitrust laws and impose a fine on Modern Medical Technologies in the amount of 26 million rubles, at JI Halskea - in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, at Medsimvol - in the amount of 4 million rubles and at the official of Medsimvol - 20 thousand rubles (in accordance with Article 14.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

According to the indictment, officials of the SMT, JI Helskea, the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region and the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavin were charged with "commercial bribery of a significant size and an attempt to limit competition, committed using official position and resulting in the extraction of income on an especially large scale" (from 250 million rubles).

In addition, the Samara OFAS filed a lawsuit declaring the joint electronic auction and state contracts concluded following its results invalid. SMT tried to influence the decision on state contracts in its favor, unsuccessfully appealing the decision of the Samara OFAS of Russia in the Central Office. FAS Russia The Arbitration Court of the Samara Region also supported the position of the antimonopoly department, the representative of the Samara OFAS said.

According to Leonid Pak, criminal cases about commercial bribery, abuse of office and restriction of the competition were then are connected in one production (Article 153 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) which materials are transferred on investigation to the Investigation Department of the Russian Investigative Committee in the Samara region on the basis of definition of the prosecutor (Part 7 of Article 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). The approval of the indictment (over 6 thousand sheets) as a result was transferred from SU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation across the Samara region to prosecutor's office of the Samara region. Subsequently, the criminal case was sent to the Samara District Court for consideration on the merits.

Opening of the second GE Healthcare Academy in Russia

On June 5, 2018, it became known that the second GE Healthcare Academy training center in Russia opened in Novosibirsk. According to the company's calculations, it will create an expert platform in the city for training X-rays and diagnostic doctors using the global GE experience.

In Novosibirsk, the second GE Healthcare Academy training center in Russia opened. Photo:

Thanks to the center, doctors of Siberia and the Far East will be able to timely receive information on the latest achievements in medical science and practice and regularly improve their level of professional training. The training program of GE Healthcare Academy is primarily aimed at developing practical skills for the effective and safe operation of high-tech medical equipment and meets the urgent needs of clinicians in Siberia and the Far East. It includes specialized courses in various areas of medical imaging, training workshops aimed at improving the quality of medical care for patients and their satisfaction, as well as modern management solutions for health managers. Subsequently, the course portfolio can be expanded, GE said.

GE Healthcare Academy is equipped with simulators of consoles and workstations of more than 20 types of equipment, so that doctors can simultaneously study the features of the functioning of various types of systems and gain experience with them. This approach to training is becoming most relevant due to the increased demand in the medical diagnosis of hybrid systems, such as PET/CT, PET/MRI, OFEKT and others, the company said.

The training will be conducted by highly qualified GE Healthcare specialists with applied clinical and teaching experience in accordance with Russian and European standards. Leading Russian and world health experts will also be invited to participate in lectures and master classes of the center.

The opening of the GE Healthcare training center in Novosibirsk is an important step in implementing the strategy of localizing the company's global expertise and increasing the availability of advanced medical science and practice for doctors in the regions. We are confident that our center will help medical specialists not only gain the necessary knowledge in the specialization of interest, but also acquire additional management competencies in the field health care and thus improve the treatment process for thousands of patients in Siberia and the Far East, "said the Nina Kandelaki President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare in Russia/CIS.[2]

Visit of CEO in Europe Catherine Estramp to Ukraine

Catherine Estramp

On March 5, 2018, Catherine Estramps, President and CEO of GE Healthcare in Europe, arrived in Ukraine. She met with the head of the office of the national investment council, Julia Kovaliv. Meetings are planned with the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, as well as the Kiev City State Administration[3]

The purpose of Yestramp's visit is to identify opportunities for expanding cooperation in the introduction of the latest technologies and practices in the field of healthcare in Ukraine. Among the topics discussed were the use of innovative solutions to provide medical care to residents of towns and cities remote from medical institutions.

By this time, more than 500 units of GE medical equipment were already operating in Ukrainian hospitals and clinics. The company hopes to work closely with local partners to improve the quality of medical care and the life of people in Ukraine.


Launch of medical equipment production in Lyubertsy

On December 21, 2017, a solemn event was held dedicated to the start of production of GE Healthcare medical diagnostic equipment in Lyubertsy. This event was attended by Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov, Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare in Russia/CIS Nina Kandelaki and President of Medical Technologies Ltd JSC Anatoly Dabagov.

According to the press service of the governor and the government of the Moscow region, computer tomographs and ultrasonic scanners that have no analogues in Russia will be produced at the production site of the Medical Technologies Ltd company on the territory of the Leader technopark in Malakhovka near Moscow. The production capacity of the enterprise is estimated at about 600 units of medical equipment per year.

Andrey Vorobyov, Nina Kandelaki and Anatoly Dabagov launch the production of GE Healthcare medical equipment in Lyubertsy

The first equipment manufactured at this plant as part of a contract with GE Healthcare is planned to be delivered to hospitals and clinics in the region by the end of 2017.

The demand for ultrasound devices, CT, other medical equipment is extremely high in Russia and the fact that localization is happening here is a very pleasant, positive signal. It is no less pleasant that the Russian partner has further plans at the invitation of the largest medical equipment manufacturers here to his site. I have no doubt that the conditions that we create, compensation, benefits will allow other successful companies leading in the world to come here, "Vorobyov said.

According to the director of the department "Ultrasound Russia and the CIS" GE Albina Martsenko, the launched production site will significantly expand the line and increase the volume of production in Russia of GE Healthcare equipment. She noted that the company produced more than 100 ultrasound devices in the Russian Federation in 2017 and 20 computer tomographs.[4]

Equipping the Russian Nuclear Medicine Center

Nina Kandelaki, president and chief executive officer of General Electric Healthcare (GE Healthcare) in Russia and the CIS, in December 2017, as part of a meeting with Andrei Tarasenko, interim governor of Primorsky Krai, said that GE Healthcare would like to participate in the project to build a nuclear medicine center on Russian island. For his part, Tarasenko expressed interest in such cooperation.

According to him, the center on Russky Island should provide the entire range of medical services so that patients can be examined and treated in one place.

Meeting between President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare Nina Kandelaki and Acting Governor of Primorsky Krai Andrei Tarasenko

In response, Nina Kandelaki stated that GE Healthcare Corporation has a full range of equipment necessary to equip such a complex - from production to diagnostic.

We are ready to become a technological partner that will provide the full life cycle of technology. The productivity of the equipment will facilitate the cost of the entire project, so that at the exit the price of services for the compulsory health insurance fund is as affordable as possible, "she said.

As of December 4, 2017, GE Healthcare is already introducing representatives of the Primorsky Territory to the technological characteristics and clinical features of the equipment, as well as sharing experience in designing and commissioning nuclear medicine centers in Russia.

During the meeting, the parties also discussed the issue of training personnel for work on GE Healthcare equipment. Andrei Tarasenko stressed the need to train specialists on the basis of the center of nuclear medicine itself. According to the head of the region, this task is fundamentally important. Tarasenko called the Far Eastern Federal University, which trains specialists in the field of nuclear medicine, a potential partner in training specialists. Other areas of possible cooperation with the university include research activities on the basis of the center.

In addition, in order to expand the use of medical equipment, which should be installed in the center of nuclear medicine, the university has been trained to organize training for radiophysicists and radiochemists. In the near future, it is planned to discuss with the leadership of FEFU all the possibilities of cooperation in this area, said Pavel Serebryakov, vice-governor of Primorye, who was present at the meeting.

Nina Kandelaki, for her part, emphasized that the company is ready to assist the region in organizing internships for specialists of the future center on the basis of European medical institutions.[5]

Proposal of measures to stimulate market development in Russia

In September 2017, Nina Kandelaki, President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare in Russia/CIS, spoke about the measures that are necessary for the development of the medical equipment market in Russia:

"GE Healthcare is committed to localizing its technology in Russia. Since 2009, we have been conducting this work with our partner MTL JSC, systematically expanding and updating the line of products produced in Russia. However, in addition to the actual transfer of technologies, localization of high-quality service services, as well as training medical specialists to work on high-tech equipment, which the company has been successfully implementing in the Russian market for many years, are extremely important. "
"In terms of availability of innovative technologies, it is important to note the urgent need to introduce modern regulatory models for the public health sector, for example, Trade In. If we improve the legislative framework and combine the supply of new equipment and the fence of the old one in one subject of bidding, this model could work effectively in Russia, providing medical institutions with significant savings when acquiring innovative equipment. "
"In addition, to ensure the constant operability of medical equipment, we must not forget about new models of service support. For example, an all-inclusive maintenance contract obliges the supplier to provide any service or replacement of a faulty spare part within the subscriber fee, regardless of the cost. Thus, the legally enshrined possibility of purchasing goods and services by medical institutions on the basis of a subscription fee will minimize downtime in the event of a breakdown and maximize the uninterrupted operation of high-tech equipment. "


Localization of contrast drug production

In November 2016, GE Healthcare announced the Russian localization of the production of contrast drugs for medical diagnostics. These products will be produced at the enterprise of the Bashkir OJSC Pharmstandart-Ufavita (part of the company Pharmstandart).

GE Healthcare intends to localize the following contrast drugs: Vizipak (MHN Iodixanol), Omnipak (MHN Yogexol) and Omniskan (MHN Gadodiamide), which are used in the diagnosis of diseases of various organs and systems, including cardiovascular diseases, malignancies, diseases of the nervous system. In addition, iodine-containing Omnipac and Wiesipac are used for imaging during endascular interventions.

GE Healthcare Starts Production of Contrast Drugs at Pharmstandard-Ufavita Plant

At the first stage of the cooperation of GE Healthcare with Pharmstandard-Ufavita, packaging of drugs and producing quality control will be organized.

The second stage involves the deepening of localization and industrial production in Russia of a ready-made dosage form. It is planned to purchase production equipment, transfer production technologies and analytical methods of quality control, training of production specialists and laboratories, as well as research on the quality stability of all three drugs.

Previously, ready-made contrast drugs were supplied to Russia from the GE Healthcare plant in Ireland. According to the manufacturer's plans, the first medicines produced at the Pharmstandart-Ufavita enterprise will appear on the market at the end of 2016.

We are proud of the opportunity, together with Pharmstandart, to contribute to the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry and Russian healthcare in general, "says Andrei Demurin, head of the GE Healthcare biotechnical equipment and contrast drugs division in Russia and the CIS. - Innovative technologies, knowledge and accumulated experience of GE in the field of contrast drugs will allow to establish domestic production of medicines for Russian patients according to the highest world standards.[6]

Negotiations with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

In May 2016, the US Embassy in Ukraine held a meeting of heads of the health, economy, finance, heads of regional administrations and leading medical experts of the country with the leadership of GE Healthcare. Participants of the event discussed ways to optimize the medical industry at the state level, as well as the prospects for partnership in this direction.

Since the opening of GE Healthcare in Ukraine in 2003, the company has delivered over 500 units of CT, MRI, ultrasound, angiographs, X-ray and mammography systems to clinics in the country, etc. There are 3 official partners and 2 GE Healthcare service centers in Ukraine.

One of the main aspects of possible cooperation was called advisory support in the preparation of sectoral reforms of the Ukrainian health system. GE Healthcare is interested in supplying high-tech medical equipment and developing diagnostic programs and comprehensive turnkey projects.

GE Healthcare implements comprehensive medical projects in the areas of cardiology, oncology, women's health, pediatrics, the treatment of HIV infection, tuberculosis and several others.

"Having many years of experience in equipping medical institutions with innovative high-tech equipment, we help bring medical care to a qualitatively new level. The GE Healthcare line of products and solutions covers about 70% of the needs of healthcare institutions for complex diagnostic equipment and allows for large-scale comprehensive projects. We will be happy to contribute to improving the quality of medical services for Ukrainians in the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, "said Olivier Bosk, President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare in the CIS

The participants of the meeting discussed a number of areas of cooperation between GE Healthcare and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, including the company's capabilities in optimizing the use of resources and medical equipment, in developing turnkey solutions for creating medical centers, in organizing training trainings for medical specialists and managers in the field of health care, as well as in helping to attract external funding.

In July 2015, GE Healthcare announced a global initiative to invest more than $1 billion in improving training programs for 2 million healthcare professionals around the world until 2020.

Over 25 years in Russia delivered more than 3.2 thousand units of equipment

By 2016, working in Russia for more than 25 years, GE Healthcare delivered over 3,295 pieces of equipment, including computer and magnetic resonance imaging, mammography equipment, X-ray machines, as well as 8,034 ultrasound systems in more than 5,183 medical institutions in different cities of Russia.

2013: Expansion of partnership with CJSC MTL for the assembly of medical equipment

In January 2013, GE Healthcare and CJSC MTL announced during a joint press conference the expansion of the partnership for the Russian assembly of high-tech medical equipment. The range of products collected in Russia has been replenished with new systems: 64-128-slice computer tomographs Optima CT660 and ultrasonic scanners Logiq P6. They are models that have no analogues among the equipment of the Russian assembly in the corresponding product segments.

Optima CT660


Creating GE Healthcare Nycomed Distribution JV

In 2010, a joint venture (JV) GE Healthcare Nycomed Distribution was established to sell, promote and distribute contrast drugs manufactured by GE Healthcare.

Agreement with MTL on production of CT scan in Russia BrightSpeed Elite

In 2010, Medical Technologies JSC (MTL) became the first company in Russia to sign a strategic partnership agreement in the field of production of high-tech diagnostic medical equipment in the Russian Federation with GE Healthcare. As part of the agreement, since 2010, MTL production facilities in Moscow have launched the serial production of the GE Healthcare BrightSpeed Elite computer tomograph, which was the first mass-produced computer tomograph in Russia in a 16-slice configuration. In 2012, the production of a computer tomograph in a 64-slice configuration and an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus began. More details here.

The first center of positron emission tomography in Ukraine

In 2010, the company opened the first center of positron emission tomography in Ukraine.


Agreement with MTL on localization of tomographic equipment assembly

In 2009, an agreement was signed between GE Healthcare and CJSC Medical Equipment Ltd (MTL) to localize the assembly of innovative GE Healthcare computed tomography equipment in Russia, and the first project implemented was the production of a 16-slice GE BRIGHTSPEED computer tomograph. At the beginning of 2016, more than 160 devices delivered to clinics in various regions of Russia were assembled, which is confirmation of the high demand for products.

Opening of GE Healthcare Academy

Developing the strategy "In Russia for Russia," in 2009, the company opened the GE Healthcare Academy training center in Moscow for training users on the basis of medical institutions and specially equipped classes. The Academy became the first Russian training center for healthcare specialists, which is managed by a manufacturer of large high-tech medical equipment. At the beginning of 2016, 160 training courses were held, more than 1,100 specialists in Moscow and the regions of Russia underwent extensive technical and clinical training in the field of diagnostic imaging.
