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Баннер в шапке 2



Revenue millions

Number of employees


+ Neolant

Since 2004 the Neolant group performs complex support of management of regions and industrial enterprises in Russia and the world and provides services in the following directions:

  • Development and deployment of the Russian CAD and PLM systems.
  • Digital engineering: design/construction, designing/production.
  • Development state and corporate information systems to order: monitoring, analysis, forecasting.
  • Information and simulation modeling of territories and enterprises.

Performance Indicators


In 2016 revenue of Neolant company made 1.042 billion rubles, having reduced by 13.5% in relation to 2015. In a ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016 the Neolant company took the 64th place.


2020: Participation in the pilot on passing by the Russian software of state examination in an information model

On February 10, 2020 in FAU "FTsS" reported that the pilot project on passing of state examination in an information model proved competitiveness of the Russian software. Glavgosekspertiza of Russia, the Moscow state examination, SPb of GAU "Center of State Examination", GAU SO "Management of state examination" took part in a pilot project. Participants from development teams are specialists of the companies NEOLANT, Renga Software, Sisoft Development. Read more here.


Top-15 projects

Entry into the markets of the USA, Canada and Latin America

In August, 2016 announced Neolant entry into the markets of the USA, Canada and Latin America. Neolant in these regions the American company Edoxx Technical Services (Edoxx) which specializes in services of engineering and 3D - design will sell and promote products.

A set of flagship products of the Russian company which Edoxx offered the clients includes InterBridge – the tool for formation and viewing the uniform information model of an object executed based on a different CAD of platforms, Neosintez – the platform for management of engineering data, Polynom – the platform for creation and updating of a 3D information model of an object and also Somoks.Smr – the instrument of operational management of process of construction. Main customers on whom products are focused are large project, construction and operating organizations.

In Neolant told TAdviser that the agreement with the partner includes wide model of cooperation. It and sales opportunity of licenses to end users with all services which I arise in similar cases, and providing software as service within implementation of service projects of Edoxx. Besides, the agreement provides a possibility of attraction of resources Neolant for completion of software or formation of digital model of the enterprise.

Implementation of large projects on the basis of our solutions requires involvement of serious service. Exactly thanks to deep service examination we selected Edoxx company as the partner: it it is very close and clear to us. We are not interested in sellers of boxes and business and service examination are aimed at formation of a partner network with large-scale, - explained TAdviser in Neolant.

According to the president Neolant Vitaly Kononov, in 2014 the company set for itself the task of a step-by-step exit to international market, and considers the scheme of export of the technologies through experienced local partners the most perspective.

Edoxx tells that already work at the American market regarding promotion of solutions of the Russian company, and in the coming months plan implementation of asset management systems on the basis of the platform Neolant in North and South America.

In Neolant optimistically looks at perspectives of development of the business in the USA and Canada, despite complications in the relations between Russia and the West of the last years.

Political situations come and leave, and technologies of lifecycle are eternal. There is a number of successful Russian developments in the world markets, such as Kaspersky Lab, Abbyy, Acronis and others. We will do everything possible to appear in their row, - told TAdviser in Neolant.

Added to the companies that at a present trend of world globalization the consumer begins to pay less attention to the country of origin, and more consumer properties of a product and a ratio price/quality. In Neolant consider that in its case it is especially significant: "We propose high-tech solutions which assume dense work with the customer and the serious analysis from its party excluding marketingo - piarno - political approaches".


  • Integrated with Neolant Infoling company which offices are located in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk.
  • Opened the engineering center "Neolant Atomproyekt" which performed a number of design and research works for nuclear sector and also projects in the field of characterization and treatment of radioactive waste (Russian joint stock company).
  • Received the status of system integrator consultant (CSI partner) of Autodesk in Russia and the CIS countries.
  • Began work on the first international project – participation in development of a geographic information system of the Western Kurna-2 field by request "Lukoil Oversiz".

2011: Absorption of GIS integrator

In 2011 Neolant purchased Real Geo Project (RGP) company which main activity is creation corporate GIS systems based on platforms of Autodesk and Oracle and provision of services in this area. Neolant calculated that the transaction will allow it to enter the markets of town planning, new to itself, health care and others[1].

The CEO Neolant Vitaly Kononov and the marketing director Neolant Elena Konvisar by the time of the transaction were familiar not the first day with the CEO of RGP Galina Yemelyanova. Earlier all of them together worked in "The Russian of the industrial company", the developer, integrator and distributor of GIS and a CAD. With entry into structure Neolant Yemelyanova became the codirector of department of geoinformation technologies of the company.

Products & Services

Flagship software products of own development for the market of industrial and civil engineering: * the Polynom – the Russian 3D CAD for complex design at construction new and upgrades of the existing technology objects;

  • Somoks.CMP – the Russian software package on process automation of planning, management and control of construction works with a binding to the scheduling and network diagram intended for 2D-6D of planning and construction of industrial and civil facilities of any complexity;
  • Neosynthesis – the Russian PLM system (from ang. Plant Lifecycle Management is management of lifecycle of an industrial facility), providing management of engineering data at all stages of lifecycle of an infrastructure facility;
  • InterBridge is the software product for operational broadcast of graphic and semantic 2D/3D data between a CAD and PLM of different platforms allowing to create and browse uniform 2D/3D model large-scale technology objects.

  • In May, 2018 between AO "RVC" and Neolant Group the agreement on acceptance of experts of Neolant Group in the working group "Smart City" at technical committee was reached 194 "The cyber-physical systems" and upon mutually beneficial cooperation in the Smart City direction. Within activity of technical committee 194 on standardization NEOLANT Group will take part in development of a number of national standards in the field of "The smart city":
  • GOST P "Smart city. Reference structure of ICT. Part 1. Structure of business processes of the Smart city" (harmonization with the ISO/IEC 30145-1);
  • GOST P "Smart city. Reference structure of ICT. Part 2. A management structure knowledge of the Smart city" (harmonization with the ISO/IEC 30145-2);
  • GOST P "Smart city. Reference structure of ICT. Part 3. The engineering systems of the Smart city" (harmonization with the ISO/IEC 30145-3);
  • GOST P "Smart city. ICT indicators" (harmonization with the ISO/IEC 30146).

Neolant Group develops the Smart City direction and participates in a number of pilot projects in regions of the Russian Federation, successfully adapting the long-term industry experience and digital solutions to city objects of capital construction, infrastructure and historical and cultural heritage. The basic structural element of the concept "Smart city" from Neolant Group is the Digital asset – a virtual prototype of an object which integrates diverse information on an object and all participants of management process in unified information environment, including the operating, construction, project, design, repair, research and other subcontract organizations. Such method allows not only to minimize organizational, functional, information and financial gaps and to provide effective management of an asset for its lifecycle, but also to manage objects of capital construction and city infrastructures as the uniform digital territory.

Offices of the company

  • NEOLANT - the Central office NEOLANT Group, Moscow
  • "NEOLANT East", Tyumen
  • "NEOLANT West", St. Petersburg
  • "NEOLANT Service", Stavropol
  • "NEOLANT of TEHAKC", Kaliningrad
  • Neolant Infoling, Krasnoyarsk
  • "NEOLANT Siberia", Irkutsk
  • Real Geo Project, Dubna
  • "NEOLANT TECHNOLOGY" - Project office, Korolyov
  • "NEOLANT of YaRT", Zheleznogorsk


The partner network NEOLANT includes such companies as Autodesk, Bentley, CIC Consulting Informatico, Dassault Systemes, DocsVision, Envinet, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intergraph, Esti MAP, Microsoft, Noumenon Consulting Ltd, OpenText, Oracle, SAS, SKODA JS a.s., Veeam, Vmware, Wonderware, PMSOFT, SCANEX.

Customers are strategic partners: Giprotyumenneftegaz, NIAEP Consolidated companyAtomstroyexport Ltd, RusGazEngineering Group.