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NetSpeed Systems






NetSpeed Systems — the American developer of the tools used for development of the single-crystal systems (SoC). The company is founded in 2011, and for several years it saved up a big portfolio of patents. Among them — technology of high-speed interfaces for information exchange between modules of the single-crystal systems.


2018: Intel purchased NetSpeed

In September, 2018 Intel announced NetSpeed Systems acquisition, but did not set the price of the transaction. Due to this purchase the American processor giant intends to cut down expenses on development of chips.

Under the terms of the agreement, the NetSpeed command will join division of Intel Silicon Engineering Group led by Jim Keller, and the CEO of the sold Sundari Mitra company (Sundari Mitra) will continue to direct the wards. Mitra will hold a position of the vice president of Intel and will submit to Jim Keller.

Sundari Mitra and Jim Keller

Intel promises to comply conditions of all contracts which were signed earlier by NetSpeed. The division of Intel Capital was among investors of NetSpeed.

It is supposed that developments of NetSpeed will help Intel quicker and with the minimum costs to create and test the new single-crystal systems and also to increase data transfer rate between functional units of the central processor.

As notes the VentureBeat edition as SoC become complicated, and there are more and more new rules for technology processes, developers actively use tools, like what offers NetSpeed, for process automation of development and validation — it saves money and time.

The NetSpeed technology ​​ helps architects to estimate and optimize SoC performance prior to production, using system approach, the automation managed by the user and modern algorithms.[1]
