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New Stream



2021: Rusinvest acquires the company and its assets at auction for 110.8 billion rubles

On May 18, 2021, Rusinvest LLC became the winner of the auction for the sale of the property of the Antipinsky oil refinery, follows from the data of the unified federal register of bankruptcy information.

"The winner is Rusinvest LLC," the trading card says. The initial price during the auction did not change and amounted to 110.8 billion rubles.

Buildings and industrial structures, land for rent, equipment and components, a share in the amount of 100% of the authorized capital of the oil company "New Stream" and more were put up for auction in a single lot. In addition to Rusinvest LLC, the company SBK Set LLC (structure) was announced for auction. Sberbank

The owner of the Rusinvest company, according to the information in the register, is Anatoly Yablonsky. He is Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Avangard Bank, heads the Union of Cognac Producers, and heads the Board of Directors of the Kizlyar Cognac Plant. His own business is mainly concentrated in the Kostroma region and merged into the Rusenergokapital management company, which includes organizations in the field of housing and communal services and the electric power industry, including the largest sales company in the region.


Arrest of the head of the company Dmitry Mazurov

On July 13, 2019, the founder and chairman of the board of directors of the New Stream group of companies Dmitry Mazurov was detained at Sheremetyevo airport on arrival from a foreign business trip. He is suspected of fraud. On July 15, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow arrested Mazurov and sent him to a pre-trial detention center until September 12. Read more here.

The detention of Dmitry Mazurov coincided with attempts to seize three oil fields from Novy Stream in the Buzuluksky Bor national park.

The company received them in 2015 for 16 billion rubles, bypassing all the largest oil and gas holdings in Russia.

Now licenses for facilities with reserves of 50 million tons of oil can be revoked due to accusations of disrupting the timing of geological work.

Antipinsky refinery comes under the control of Sberbank and Socar JV - Sokar Energoresurs

Novy Potok JSC managed oil production and refining companies, the largest of which in May 2019 was Antipinsky Refinery JSC.

In May 2019, due to the difficult financial situation and, as a result, interruptions in oil supplies that began back in 2018, the Antipinsky refinery was forced to suspend work and go under the control of the main creditor - Sberbank.

On May 18, the Antipinsky Refinery filed an application with the Arbitration Court of the Tyumen Region to declare itself bankrupt, indicating the amount of claims in this case - 346.4 billion rubles. Later, the creditors of the refinery - Absolut Bank, Moscow Credit Bank and others joined the case. After Sberbank gained control over the refinery, it was sold to a joint venture of the bank and Azerbaijani Socar - Sokar Energoresurs.

Afipsky refinery transferred to the Safmar group

The New Stream group also included the Mari Refinery, under the management of the Afip Refinery with a capacity of 6 million tons. In May, the Afipsky refinery entered the Safmar group of Mikhail Gutseriev. A representative of Novy Stream explained to TASS that the company remains the managing partner of the Mari Refinery.

Also under the control of Novy Potok was the oil company of the same name, carrying out geological exploration and preparation for the start of industrial production of hydrocarbons at the Mogutovsky, part of the Gremyachevsky and Vorontsovsky fields in the Orenburg region.

Mari Refinery - moved to the structure of the "Debt Center"

As it became known to Kommersant on November 14, 2019, the last oil asset of Dmitry Mazurov's New Stream group, the Mari Oil Refinery, moved to the Debt Center structure, which Kommersant's sources associate with the Moscow Credit Bank (MKB). The bank itself is a large lender to the refinery, and all shares of the plant are pledged to it. A Kommersant source close to the ICD denies any connection with the Dolgov Center. Lawyers note: if other creditors prove the affiliation of the ICD and the Debt Center, the bank's claims during the bankruptcy of the Mari Refinery may be subordinated.

2017: Igor Makarov acquires 50% of the company

On October 2, 2017, it became known that Igor Makarov's Areti group of companies buys 50% of Dmitry Mazurov's New Stream group. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed.

The press service of Novy Stream confirmed to Forbes that Mazurov and Makarov will jointly own and manage the group of companies that owns Antipinsky (Tyumen Region) and the Mari Refinery, mining assets in the Orenburg Region and bitumen production in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.