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Paradigm (Paradaym Geofizikal)


The Paradigm company is a developer of software solutions for the oil and gas industry around the world. Technologies and smoothly running workflows of the company allow clients to obtain more exact and complete information about object of studying at the expense of a combination of the advanced scientific achievements, effective use of opportunities of modern desktop and cluster computing systems and also flexible management tools data. Reduction of risk of exploration and development of hydrocarbons is result.

In the organization about 700 employees work, and its departments on sale, consulting and work with users are located in 25 countries worldwide. On assurance of Paradigm, over 650 state oil companies are among her customers.

In Russia the organization conducts the activity since 1998. According to the USRLE, Paradaym geofizikal LLC was registered in Moscow in August, 2001. At the moment the company for 100% belongs to structure "Paradaym geofizikat (Netherlands)". Erchenkov Mikhail is registered as her CEO.

According to base " circuit.focus ", revenue of the Russian division of Paradigm in 2015 made one million p328 (a gain for 12% in comparison with previous year), net profit — one million p74.7.