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SIAM consulting



Demetra-Holding - 100%


Revenue and Net Profit Ths. rub



SIAM Consulting LLC specializes in providing consulting services for the development, implementation and integration of software and equipment. The company also analyzes the need for outsourcing in order to reduce costs and consult on the selection of an external team. Acts as an external provider of IT service management services.

SIAM Consulting LLC provides consulting services for the development, implementation and integration of software and equipment. The company analyzes the need for outsourcing in order to reduce costs and consult on the selection of an external team. Acts as an external provider of IT service management services and Service Desk service. Areas in which SIAM Consulting offers solutions:

SIAM Consulting is the developer of a number of software products:

  • ASUKiD (Automated Treasury and Contracts Management System);
  • "ACS VP" (Automated car fleet management system, which includes the Car Planning and Tie-in Module (MPiPV) and the Module for Accounting Downtime under Loading/Unloading (MCPV)).
  • Optimizer decision support system to effectively solve the problem of assigning an empty fleet of cars for loading.

Performance indicators


At the end of 2023, Siam Consulting raised 378.1 million rubles against 357.7 million rubles a year earlier. Net profit during this time rose from 38.5 million to 66.2 million rubles.


In 2016, SIAM Consulting's revenue amounted to 457 million rubles, a decrease of 8% compared to 2015. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, SIAM Consulting took 92nd place.


2023: Demeter Holding bought Siam Consulting

The largest grain trader in Russia, Demetra-Holding, bought Siam Consulting. Information about this transaction was reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL) in April 2024.

As Interfax notes with reference to this register, the former company Siam Consulting was owned by individuals. Financial and other parameters of the transaction are not disclosed.

Russia's largest grain trader Demetra-Holding bought IT company Siam Consulting

Demeter-Holding confirmed to the agency the fact of the takeover of Siam Consulting and said that this purchase will help the holding strengthen its own IT expertise and actively develop new digital competencies, including to improve business processes.

As part of the development and expansion of Demeter-Holding's business, the issue of digitalization and improvement of business processes is becoming increasingly important, the holding said.

As of April 2024, Demetra-Holding combined assets in the field of export logistics and grain trade. It includes the largest Russian grain terminals - Novorossiysk Grain Terminal (100%), Taman Grain Terminal Complex (50%), Novorossiysk Bread Products Plant (NKHP, 35.36%) and other assets. Most of the company's assets were acquired using debt financing.

As for Siam Consulting, it specializes in IT services for the management, maintenance and development of 1C products, automation of railway logistics, financing of planning and budgeting. The company also develops infrastructure IT services and management consulting.[1]
