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Scape Technologies






+ Nadella Satya (Satya Nadella)

Scape Technologies — the British developer of technologies of computer vision founded in 2016. The company develops the cloud Visual Engine engine allowing to create and build in 3D maps from normal videos and images for implementation in scales of the city of augmented reality. At the same time the solution is used not by GPS and also the called service of visual positioning (Visual Positioning Service) which defines location of the user more precisely.


2020: Facebook purchased Scape Technologies

In February, 2020 it became known of sale of Scape Technologies of Facebook company. The cost of the transaction is not disclosed, but, according to TechCrunch, it is about the amount of $40 million. The edition with reference to the informants writes that Facebook purchased not all Scape, but a 75% share.

First the technology was focused on applications of augmented reality, but at the same time it had a potential for use in mobile and logistic applications and also in robots and unmanned vehicles.

It became known of sale of Scape Technologies of Facebook company
The majority of means of three-dimensional reconstruction are limited to memory of the specific machine — it is said on the startup website. — Our Vision Engine differs in capability of horizontal scaling within up to 100 servers on demand for a scope of areas of the size of the whole cities.

By February 10, 2020 the Scape service is available only in London though initially the company was going to implement support and other cities. It is possible that it will occur after the companies is a part of Facebook.

As for Facebook, the company does not say how it will involve developments of Scape. The social network has several projects in the field of augmented reality which develop in division of Oculus.

The Entrepreneur First program which helps individuals to create the technology companies was also engaged in financing of Scape Technologies.[1]
