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State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in Moscow State Inspectorate for Real Estate




+ State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in Moscow (State Inspectorate for Real Estate)

IT at the State Real Estate Inspectorate

2021: The ability to check the identity of an employee of the State Inspectorate for Real Estate

Residents of Moscow can now check the identity of an employee of the State Real Estate Inspectorate and the legitimacy of his actions using a QR code that appeared in their official certificates of the updated format. The State Inspectorate announced this on September 18, 2021. When scanning the QR code, the user will open the page of the portal, which reflects the current status of the inspector of the control department. Read more here.


2023: In Moscow, inspectors on electric scooters began checking real estate

In May 2023, employees of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in Moscow began to use electric scooters during their inspections. Thanks to such transport, inspectors can increase efficiency, increase coverage of the territory and reduce the time for control, according to the website of the mayor of the capital.

With the onset of a warm season, inspectors, during a survey of subordinate districts for illegal buildings, facts of self-seizure of land and other property and land offenses, can use electric scooters, "said Ivan Bobrov, head of the State Inspectorate for Real Estate, part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the capital.

Employees of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in Moscow began to use electric scooters

According to him, by May 2023, the department's park has 17 devices that provide the inspection staff of seven Moscow districts, where the use of electric scooters is advisable due to the peculiarities of the territory. Among the advantages of electric scooters, Bobrov highlighted their compactness, maneuverability and ease of maintenance. In addition, through a special application, it is possible to track their current state, he stressed.

According to the head of the control department, the inspectors adhere to the rules of the road and safe control of the scooter: they observe the speed limit and safe distance, are attentive to pedestrians.

By May 10, 2023, the Mobile Inspector project is operating in the Central, Northern, Eastern, North-Western, South-Eastern, North-Eastern administrative districts, as well as in Zelenograd.[1]


Dismantling 10 thousand square meters of self-construction in the center of Moscow

Since the beginning of the year, the State Inspectorate for Real Estate on the territory of the Central Administrative District has examined about 850 hectares of urban territory. The State Inspectorate announced this on January 13, 2021.

{{quote 'More than 10 thousand inspection activities have been carried out. During the inspections, 1,150 violations of land and property legislation were revealed. The main ones are associated with violation of the requirements for the placement of summer cafes, they account for 40 percent, about 39 percent - with the use of non-intended purpose and 18 - with the lack of title documents to the land, the illegal reorganization of non-residential fund facilities is 10 percent, - said the head of the State Inspectorate for Real Estate Vladislav Ovchinsky. }}

Thanks to the inventory and monitoring of the territory, 341 objects of unauthorized construction were recorded in the Central Administrative District using control tools, of which 122 are objects with property rights, the decision to dismantle which is made by the judicial authorities, 219 are objects for which ownership rights are not registered. Such objects are dismantled either voluntarily - by the user, or by the State Real Estate Inspectorate. Over the year, 170 self-building facilities with an area of ​ ​ 10.1 thousand square meters were dismantled in the center of the capital.

As part of the inventory, more than 800 objects in an unsatisfactory, dilapidated state were identified, of which 23 objects were restored, and 8 were dismantled.

So, for example, in the summer of 2021, the last surviving gatehouse-cordegardia of the Chamber-College Rampart was restored in the capital. Previously, the historical building was in disrepair and was used as a cabin. The structure was restored and put in order.

Vladislav Ovchinsky clarified that decisions on demolition are made only for emergency objects that cannot be restored, which pose a threat to the life and health of citizens and are not objects of cultural heritage. In other cases, objects are given a second life they are restored and preserved.

In addition, from March 15 to November 15, 2021, summer cafes were checked in the center of Moscow, 412 violations were revealed when placing seasonal facilities. All violations were eliminated.

A lot of work was carried out to implement the Free Access project in Moscow, including in the Central Administrative District. Within the framework of the project, 61 appeals were received, 17 facts of illegal placement of fencing devices were confirmed. For example, measures were promptly taken and free access to the land at the address: 20/1 Tverskaya Street, where the territory adjacent to the administrative office building was illegally blocked, automatic gates were installed. The territory was used by employees for parking personal vehicles. Currently, the gates are dismantled, unhindered passage and passage are provided.

Dismantling 546 thousand square meters of self-construction

In 2021, 546 thousand square meters of self-construction were dismantled in Moscow. The State Real Estate Inspectorate announced this on January 10, 2022.

Of these, more than half - 53 percent were dismantled by the owners on a voluntary basis. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

Work to identify and suppress objects of illegal construction on the territory of Moscow is carried out by the State Inspectorate for Real Estate on an ongoing basis, events are held in all administrative districts of the capital. In 2021, 2,232 self-constructions with a total area of ​ ​ 546 thousand square meters were dismantled, 76.5 percent of violations were identified using technological solutions. Among them are artificial intelligence, automated algorithms, quadcopters, city video surveillance cameras and robotics, which is 37 percent higher than in 2020, "said Deputy Mayor Vladimir Efimov.

The tasks of the control department include not only the identification of illegal buildings, but also the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and preventing the emergence of self-building, as well as improving the appearance of the city and reducing the number of offenses when using real estate.

Illegal buildings not only violate the architectural appearance of the city, impede the development of road transport infrastructure and sometimes block streets, but are also objects of potential danger, since they are built in violation of the norms and requirements of urban planning and land legislation. We promptly take measures and carry out preventive work in order to prevent the construction of new illegal buildings. Since the beginning of 2021, about 14 facts of violation of requirements related to construction or reconstruction have been suppressed at the construction stage, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the State Inspectorate for Real Estate.
