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Uniastrum Bank



East Bank





+ Uniastrum Bank
+ East Bank

LLC CB Uniastrum Bank is one of the Banks of Russia providing a universal range of financial services and products in the field of crediting. Uniastrum Bank has a regional branch network.


2017: Accession of Uniastrum Bank to Vostochny bank

On January 20, 2017 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities records about reorganization of PJSC CB Vostochny in the form of accession to it of CB UNIASTRUM BANK (LLC) and about the termination of activity of CB UNIASTRUM BANK (LLC) by reorganization in the form of accession are made. Corresponding changes are made to the Charter of PJSC CB Vostochny. All rights and duties and also property of the attached UNIASTRUM BANK, its network of departments and also obligations for customer service passed to PJSC CB Vostochny. Departments of the attached Bank continue to work under a brand of East.

The Chairman of the board of PJSC CB Vostochny Alexey Kordichev remains the head of bank.

Assets of Bank increased by 40%, and the customer base increased to 40 thousand subjects of SME which passed to service into Vostochny bank, at the same time the portfolio of the credits and guarantees to subjects of SME makes 60 billion rubles.

In 2017 as a result of consolidation the bank is going to cut down total expenses of 2 billion rubles two a bankovn and will continue profitable in 2017 to be agrees international the standartamfinansovy reporting.

Clients of East will be able to use without changes those services which they used earlier. In addition for legal entities the range of the provided services based on the products developed in Uniastrum Bank will be expanded. Also corporate clients of the united bank can expect state support when crediting thanks to the subsidized rate and receiving guarantees within state programs of support of small and medium business.

Clients of Uniastrum Bank are connected and work at the systems of the united bank. The arising issues concerning service in bank are resolved in an operating mode.

Clients of Uniastrum Bank - legal entities - can receive all necessary service in bank departments which continue to function as before. The system of the bank electronic due payments (BEDP) of Vostochny bank works in full, clients of Uniastrum Bank can make all payments through the BESP system of Vostochny bank. All products and services for small and medium business also pass into the united bank.

Retail clients of Uniastrum Bank will get access to digital services of Vostochny bank and will be able to use all product line of bank: deposits, debit cards which enter the five of the best debit cards according to FrankResearchGroup research company. Also for clients on favorable terms there are available credit cards of Vostochny bank and the mortgage credits with the lowered interest rates. Debit cards of Uniastrum Bank continue to be supported without change of rates and in all ATM network of Uniastrum Bank and East.


At the end of 2013 Uniastrum Bank enters in top-20 banks by the size of a portfolio of the credits of SME according to RAEX. According to the ratings of RBC Uniastrum Bank takes the 60th place on the value of assets, the 52nd place on the value of the loan portfolio, the 45th place on crediting of individuals. Uniastrum Bank is a participant of deposit insurance system. The regional network of Bank includes more than 180 offices in 49 Russian regions.

After accession of Uniastrum Bank to Vostochny bank (East Express bank) the brand of the first, as envisioned by owners and top management of two credit institutions, will stop the existence, mass media reported in the summer of 2016. The Uniastrum Bank refused comments, East Express emphasized that before reading plans for accession of Uniastrum Bank, it is necessary to receive the solution of Federal Antimonopoly Service: the petition for prior consent to accession arrived there only on July 1. The term of waiting can be up to 30 days.

There is also the second petition FULL FACE, reported other source close to two credit institutions. He specified that the second request — on accession approval already of East to Uniastrum Bank — was sent to antimonopoly service after the first. It was made because owners of credit institutions not up to the end agreed about a configuration of the joint bank structure.