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Ximi Pro


Kaspersky Kaspersky - 49%



Ximi Pro is a Russian developer of technologies for ensuring the security of container IT infrastructure (containerization, one of the types of virtualization that allows you to run third-party applications in isolation from the operating system).


2023: Kaspersky Lab bought 49% in Ximi Pro

On February 20, 2023, Kaspersky Lab announced the purchase of 49% in Ximi Pro. Its participants did not disclose the financial terms of the transaction.

According to Interfax, citing a statement from Kaspersky Lab, this acquisition will allow the company to offer its own solutions for protecting container infrastructures with the ability to identify threats and respond to them in such environments. A pilot version of such a product is scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2023, and commercial sales will begin in the third quarter of the same year.

February 20, 2023 Kaspersky Lab announced the purchase of 49% in Ximi Pro
One of the key objectives of our strategy is to build an ecosystem that will cover all security scenarios for all digital assets of our corporate customers. We see an increasing demand for container security, as more and more companies use such infrastructure, "says Andrey Efremov, director of business development at Kaspersky Lab. - The product that we will bring to the market will be in demand in various industries, not only in IT and software development, but also in banks, in retail, in industry, in general, wherever there is modern development.

According to the forecast of Gartner analysts, which is cited in Kaspersky Lab, by 2024 the container application market will grow to $944 million. The rise is due to the fact that this form of virtualization helps to optimize corporate IT infrastructures and development processes. However, when conducting targeted attacks, the container infrastructure often acts as the initial vector due to configuration errors and the presence of vulnerabilities in key components, the Russian company explained.[1]
