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CorpSoft24 Corp Soft JSC


Cloud service provider.
Revenue Ths. rub

Number of employees

CorpSoft24 is a cloud provider that since 2009 has been providing the entire range of cloud services under the IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and SaaS (software as a service) models; more than 150 large and medium-sized businesses are clients of the services provided. Since 2014, the company has been developing the direction of methodology and automation of business processes based on the 1C platform and is currently the largest 1C partner with maximum partner status. Among the customers are the largest Russian and international companies and state organizations. Since 2019, CorpSoft24 has been a software developer for information security systems and monitoring/recording the working hours of employees, based on biometric identification and artificial intelligence. Since 2020, the CorpSoft24 has been providing services for maintaining and maintaining accounting and personnel records.

CorpSoft24 is an IT ecosystem that allows businesses to receive non-core services (cloud infrastructure, implementation and maintenance of 1C products, information security services and outsourcing of accounting and legal services) in one window.

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth of 38%

CorpSoft24 March 5, 2024, it reported revenue growth in 2023 by more than 38%. This dynamics is due to an increase in the number of large projects and the development of the cloud direction.

The digital ecosystem of CorpSoft24 includes traditional IaaS services, data center a large range, cloud services SaaS a number of own developments in the field of human resources and. information security Also, within the framework of the ecosystem, the company carries out projects for the implementation and maintenance of products. "1C

CorpSoft24 strives to offer customers a comprehensive solution: the cloud as the foundation of information systems and automation with further support based on the 1C platform.

In 2023, the total revenue of the CorpSoft24 increased by 38.7% compared to 2022. An increase in the number of large-scale automation projects that the company implemented for customers of medium and large businesses had a great impact on such dynamics. Another point of growth is cloud services, the demand in which has not decreased for a long time.

In connection with the development of project activities and development, the company is expanding its staff of specialists: in 2023, the number of CorpSoft24 employees increased by 18%. The central office of the company is located in Moscow, branches - in Izhevsk and Vladimir.

In 2024, CorpSoft24 plans to increase the dynamics of the main business indicators, expand the expertise of the team and the capabilities of the IT infrastructure.

The company also expects to continue the implementation of large projects and the development of its own digital solutions provided under the SaaS model.

For example, the employee performance management service REWTAS is both actively used within the CorpSoft24 and offered to customers in the cloud for free when using other services. The area of ​ ​ information security, which started in 2022, will expand in the coming years. For March 2024, it is represented by a system of hidden labeling of electronic documents and a service biometric for protecting information systems.

Every year, CorpSoft24 have several new large clients who turn to us mainly on recommendation, and requests come precisely for large-scale projects, with the need to implement extraordinary tasks, "said Konstantin Renzyaev, General Director of CorpSoft24.


Logo until February 2022

2024: Spin off CorpLab's innovation lab into a separate unit

The company CorpSoft24 has allocated a separate division in the structure - the CorpLab innovation laboratory, which will be engaged in the search for ideas and the development of new solutions for the Russian market. CorpLab accumulates CorpSoft24 experience in creating software, will create and test flexible business solutions. The company announced this on May 31, 2024.

A feature of CorpLab will be testing various hypotheses and niches to create software products that would meet the current needs of the Russian business and the CorpSoft24 itself as much as possible.

The laboratory will study current technological trends in the field of cloud computing, AI and neural networks, work closely with CorpSoft24 client services to study the needs of customers and offer them services and tools.

When choosing a direction for the development of new solutions, we rely on several factors at once: first of all, these are the current tasks of our clients that require solution. In addition, we follow trends in the market, experiment with neural networks and other technologies, this allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of industry development and implement the course we have adopted for the innovative development of the company, "said Ivan Bolgar, CorpSoft24 Development Director.

According to him, choosing a niche for the development of new solutions CorpSoft24 carefully studies the market. Due to the consistently high demand for import substitution, CorpLab is engaged in both the development of programs that replace software from Western vendors that have left the market and the creation of more affordable alternatives to existing solutions.

The complexity of creating each specific product depends on the task being solved. The MVP development period can be from several weeks to six months, and the release of the finished solution takes from several months to a year.

At the start, the most difficult thing to choose is the most relevant business need, to assess the commercial potential of the finished product. At the development stage - to lay the right architecture of the future solution so that the nascent product can develop and scale, "Ivan Bolgar emphasized.

As of May 2024, the core of CorpLab is made up of analysts, architects and developers. As the direction grows and develops, the staff of the center will increase. In addition to bringing commercial products to market, CorpLab is now responsible for the development of internal CorpSoft24 solutions.

We don't want to be shoemakers without boots, so we develop many solutions based on our own needs, we also test the MVP work on ourselves. Such a close connection with CorpLab and the process of creating a new one, it seems to me, feeds the spirit of the technology company and the culture of innovation that is absolutely necessary for successful development in the IT market, "said Konstantin Renzyaev, CEO of CorpSoft24.

Over the past few years, CorpSoft24 has brought to market a number of original software solutions.

In 2020, there was a system REWTAS for monitoring Time and Attendance and employees, as well as a solution for based enterprise data protection. biometric identifications Both products are included in since Register of Russian Software 2020. REWTAS is constantly updated and refined: recently, for example, it has its own in. chat boat Telegram

The original development of the CorpSoft24 is the technology of hidden labeling of documents: it works on the basis of AI and allows you to determine which of the company's employees has become the source of corporate information leakage.

In addition, in 2024, a service was developed to decrypt meetings on the basis: neuronets it is located on the basis of protected cloudy servers companies and is completely Russian. Also recently launched a cloud account synchronization service for enterprise clients of the CorpSoft24 cloud platform.

2021: TAdviser interview with Deputy CEO Mikhail Papura

In April 2021, Mikhail Papura, Deputy General Director of Corpsoft24, told TAdviser about the Rewtas system, which can not only provide control and monitoring of employees outside the office, but also give managers full information about the workload and productivity of personnel. Read more here.


Revenue growth of 30%

The company CorpSoft24 on December 14, 2020 announced the results of operations for 2020. Despite the pandemic, the company's annual revenue grew by 30% compared to 2019. The staff of specialists was also increased.

Revenue growth is explained by increased demand for key areas of CorpSoft24: cloud services (IaaS, SaaS, docker registry, etc.), implementation and maintenance of 1C products, a set of enterprise information security solutions, and custom software development.

We have developed a number of products that allow customers to quickly rebuild business processes in connection with the pandemic, "says Konstantin Renzyaev, CEO of Corpsoft24. - One of the most popular developments turned out to be a biometric protection service. It reduces the risk of data breaches and protects businesses from cyber attacks.

The company recalled that the service entered the Register of Domestic Software in 2020. The system monitors the fact of peeping the contents of the screen by unauthorized persons, blocks attempts to enter under someone else's account, blocks the access of an authorized user if it detects that another person has sat down at the computer.

This is not the only CorpSoft24 product to secure access to data and improve business processes: the company has developed a system for StegMark hidden document labeling and monitoring the work of Rewtas remote employees.

Our goal for the next year is to bring products to the international market, - notes Konstantin Renzyaev. Cloud services will be another growth point for the company. It is already clear that cloud services are a trend that will develop after the pandemic: these technologies began to be actively used during self-isolation, company leaders appreciated the advantages they give and extend contracts. Our vector for the coming years is to create a sustainable ecosystem for customers, when the services we provide are closely connected and work on the principle of "one window."

As of December 2020, the staff of CorpSoft24 specialists, which was originally built as a geographically distributed company, totals 120 people. Employees work throughout the country - except for Moscow, the company is represented in seven cities: Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, Izhevsk, Volgograd, Vladimir and Saratov.

Receiving a grant in the amount of 20 million rubles for the Rewtas monitoring system

The company Corpsoft24 received a grant in the amount of 20 million rubles from the Innovation Assistance Fund for the development and development of the Rewtas system (Remote Employee Working Time Accounting System) for monitoring and recording the working time of employees on the "remote." This became known on December 18, 2020. Read more here.

The technology of biometric protection of information systems from unauthorized access has been developed

The solution created by the company's specialists on the basis of the facial recognition system allows you to ensure the security of all the necessary data. The services of biometric protection of information systems (IS) take into account all possible options for the development of events and guarantee the owner of the data that when authenticating the user at the time of entering the login/password, the account owner is directly in front of the computer. An attempt to log into the system under someone else's login will be unsuccessful.


Migration of 1C users from Microsoft ecosystem to open source: possible advantages and pitfalls

What are the reasons why 1C users are thinking about migrating from the Microsoft ecosystem to alternative solutions, and what should customers who decide to move? About this in the joint material TAdviser and CorpSoft24.

How to Move Your Infrastructure to the Cloud

Cloud technologies continue to be an attractive alternative for infrastructure development, both in terms of cost-effectiveness and solution flexibility. However, many companies face the challenge of migrating to the clouds of existing IT systems. Using the solutions of the company CorpSoft24 in the article "TADdetails: Moving infrastructure to the cloud - 5 practical steps" tells about what preparatory procedures need to be carried out in order to "move" to the cloud.

Massive Cloud Infrastructure Failure

On February 9, 2018, a failure occurred in the Bitrix24 collaboration system, as a result of which about 30% of service users encountered interruptions in its operation. About this "Bitrix24" reported on his page in the social network "VKontakte"[1].

The company called the reason for this the failure of the network equipment "Corp Soft" - the hosting provider of the Russian part of its service. The failure disabled both reserved data centers of the service, the Bitrix24 report said.

After that, the service was moved to Amazon servers in Germany, said 1C-Bitrix CEO Sergei Ryzhikov on his Facebook page. On February 12, he wrote there that[2] again had a failure at Corp Soft].

Again, there is no connectivity, and both data centers work intermittently. Again, about 30% of customers hooked. We continue to transfer projects to Amazon. We are trying to do everything possible and impossible, - said Sergey Ryzhikov.

On February 13, Corp Soft released a message in which it stated that in the period from 09.02.2018 to 12.02.2018, its monitoring systems registered a "massive failure in the operation of the geographically distributed cloud infrastructure"[3]. It was expressed in the failure of the service part of cloud components while their nodal availability

"Bitrix24" spoke about the reasons for the massive failure

An internal investigation conducted by the company showed that the cause of the incident was a network attack on the communication channel between its data centers. During the diagnostics, it was found that data transmitted through the cloud infrastructure, as well as when traffic passes through optical channels between data centers, was unauthorized modified at a low level.

It is argued that the problem was only network availability, and the data on the servers and DSS themselves were not affected.

The problem mainly affected clients whose information systems used several interconnected virtual machines located in different data centers. Naturally, this primarily affected large customers, including those providing their own services, which made the problem even more significant and resonant, "says Konstantin Renzyaev, general director of Corp Soft JSC, whose words are quoted in the message.

Corp Soft specialists checked the switches and found a vulnerability. After that, the company turned to law enforcement agencies with a statement in an attempt to identify customers and perpetrators of the hacker attack.

In April 2019, Corp Soft told TAdviser that all the problems had been resolved, and Bitrix is still a client of the company.


Interview with Renzyaev Konstantin

CorpSoft24 CEO Konstantin Renzyaev in an interview with TAdviser spoke about what actions companies need to take in order to meet the requirements of the Federal Law on Personal Data No. 152, and how to save on this process.

CorpSoft24 passed QMS audit for compliance with ISO 9001:2008 standard

CorpSoft24 (Corp JSC) Software announced in February 2016 that it had passed certification for compliance with the requirements of the quality management system according to the standard ISO 9001:2008 in the field of providing services for the implementation and maintenance of software products of the company. "1C

In December 2015, the international company Bureau Veritas conducted an audit of business processes CorpSoft24 and based on the results of the company, an international certificate of QMS ISO 9001:2008 was issued.

This certificate certifies that CorpSoft24 provides the following services in accordance with the international standard: assistance in choosing software, selling software products, delivery, installation, setup, implementation, after-sales service, user training.


For 2016, among the company's clients are Inter RAO, Cetelem Bank, Masterdent, IBS Group, BARS Group, GBOU HPE KSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Medical Information Systems, etc.

2015: New brand, new CEO

In December 2015, Corp Soft announced that it had begun providing services under a new brand - CorpSoft24, as well as a change in CEO. Prior to that, the company worked in the market under the Cloud4Y brand (Cloud For You - Cloud For You/You). Instead of the ideologist and founder of the project, Cloud4Y Nikolai Fokin, Konstantin Renzyaev was appointed to the post of general director . Nikolai Fokin left the company due to disagreements with other founders of Corp Soft regarding the further development strategy of the project and continues to develop the Cloud4Y project within the framework of the new legal entity. More details on the link.


In 2013, the Cloud4Y project took 3rd place among cloud suppliers of third-party products according to CNews Analytics.
