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  Desktop as a Service
Desktop as service
        are provided In tabs data on the DaaS-systems which are used in Russia and also unique information on the companies integrators and their SaaS projects below.

The TAdviser Wiki-center [invites] the editor of the technology DaaS block.

The companies can register the systems and projects in the directory of TAdviser/DaaS free of charge. The section is in a foreground mode of updating.


Desktop as a Service is the direction which develops together with a cloud hosting in the Russian market. Certainly, it is service which differs from already proved classical VDI, but at the same time integrates in itself all pluses of cloud computing.

DaaS is a consumption pattern of IT at which the customer receives in the form of complex service the necessary equipment and also all accompanying works on its deployment, maintenance and upgrade at once and in full if necessary. Payment of such service is made on a monthly basis. After the duration of the contract the possibility of transition of the equipment to the customer is provided, or it returns to the supplier after completion of cooperation or for renovation of the park of the computer equipment.

Representatives of small business and large enterprises, use the IT services provided by the third-party companies starting with the software and infrastructure, finishing with environments of desktops for the PC and mobile devices. The software as service (Software-as-a-Service, SaaS) and infrastructure as service (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS) the developed markets with volumes in several billion US dollars represent, and the DaaS market (Desktops-as-a-Service, a desktop as service) still is at a formation stage.

Suppliers prefer to execute delivery of DaaS through the data processing centers or joint resources allowing them to retain control over infrastructure. Besides, suppliers of DaaS services prefer to select the hypervisors, and any trademark has no dominant position.

