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  Mobile Device Management
Enterprise Mobility Management
Mobile device management
        are provided In tabs data on the MDM systems which are used in Russia and also unique information on the companies integrators and their MDM projects below.

The TAdviser Wiki-center [invites] the editor of the MDM block.

The companies can register the systems and projects in the directory of TAdviser/MDMíÑß»½áÔ¡«. The section is in a foreground mode of updating.


Mobile device management (Mobile device management, MDM) — technology of management of lifecycle of the platform which includes functionality of accounting of the used devices, configuration management of OS, management of mobile applications (including their initialization and deinitialization, remote cleaning, remote monitoring and control of faulty situations). Usually these tasks are implemented through installation on the mobile device of the corresponding MDM profiles.

Mobile Device Management is the software for work with corporate systems by means of mobile devices. The market of means of MDM (Mobile Device Management is mobile device management) in recent years was a little consolidated, but on it a wide choice of tools and services is still provided. Among them and mail servers with the built-in MDM functionality, both cloud services, and tools which can be integrated with large-scale packets for systems management. At universal distribution of practice BYOD and the small companies, and big business will be able to find a suitable product both on the needs, and on the budget.

The terms MDM (MAM, EMM) belong to aspect of control of corporate devices and applications. The MDM systems — Mobile Device Management came the first to the arena. Their producers tried to convince IT and cybersecurity administrators that data application of systems resolves all security issues and managements in corporate mobility. But the MDM systems do exactly what are intended for — they manage devices. It became quickly enough clear that not less (and sometimes and more) management of applications is important. Each application is unique — contains the set of applied settings, parameters of connection to corporate service, security settings, etc. Therefore vendors of MDM began to develop in the solutions functionality of MAM — Mobile Application Management. At the same time the term MDM already managed to get accustomed therefore new generations of systems were still called MDM — at least, they were so called by IT administrators. There was also an integrating term — EMMEnterprise Mobility Management. It includes both MDM, and MAM, and sets of the server middleware allowing to solve problems of integration of mobile applications with corporate services — for example, a problem of file synchronization (such applications often call Enterprise File Sharing).

