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+ Cherepennikov Anton Andreevich
Cherepennikov Anton Andreevich
Cherepennikov Anton Andreevich

Anton Cherepennikov is a Russian businessman, founder and owner of ICS Holding (limited liability company Holding Intelligent Computer Systems).


Anton was born on May 7, 1983 in Moscow.


In 2000, he entered the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman, and in 2005 he graduated from the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

In the late 2000s, Anton took up SORM business, founded the Osnova Lab company.


The passion for esports games has grown into a serious large-scale business. In 2010, Cherepennikov revived the team at his own expense on the basis of the Iron Will club Over the next few years, the team firmly strengthened at the top of the ranking of the best teams in the world, becoming the repeated world champion in the Counter-Strike discipline.


In 2015, he acquired Malvin Systems and merged the companies into the Citadel Group of Companies.

In 2015, the founder of the Natus Vincere e-sports club Alexander Kokhanovsky and Cherepennikov combined their e-sports assets, creating the ESforce e-sports holding based on the club


In 2016, Anton Cherepennikov created the Group of Companies Outpost"," in the focus of which - system integration and


In 2017, Cherepennikov opened in Moscow the largest esports stadium in Europe - Yota Arena. Investments in the construction of the arena amounted to more than $10 million.

As of December 2017, Anton Cherepennikov is a famous gamer (Sneg nickname), the creator of the and gaming holding team. ESforce[1]. In addition, he is the founder of the holding Citadel"," specializing in development ON in the field, information security as well as the production of operational search systems (). SORM [2]


In March 2018, he founded Kryptonit LLC, a player in the Russian TMT market.

In December 2018, Cherepennikov founded the ICS Holding company, which should unite 23 IT companies, including Citadel, the Forpost system integrator and the Kryptonit information security product developer.


Plans to purchase a stake in KNS Group

In January 2019, a message appeared about Anton Cherepennikov's plans to buy a stake in KNS Group, a server and DSS developer that is part of NCC. Read more here.

Purchase of a stake in KNS Group

In January 2019, it was announced that Anton Cherepennikov bought a stake in KNS Group, a server and DSS developer that previously belonged to the National Computer Corporation (NCC).[3]

Plans for the superiority of ICS Holding over Yandex in terms of revenue

On March 11, 2019, Vedomosti published an interview with Anton Cherepennikov. The businessman said that ICS Holding is comparable to Group in terms of revenue and expects to overtake Yandex in this indicator. At the same time, the holding is not going to be like Yandex  или Group. Read more here.

2021: Purchase of ICS Holding

On October 8, 2021, it became known about the beginning of the process of selling ICS Holding to its founder Anton Cherepennikov. The seller is Alisher Usmanov's USM group, its general director Ivan Streshinsky said in an interview with Kommersant. Read more here.

2022: Conclusion of the transaction for the purchase of ICS Holding

On February 2, 2022, it became known about the sale of the ICS Holding IT group to its founder Anton Cherepennikov. Financial and other terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Read more here.

2023: Passing Away

On July 22, 2023, on Saturday, at the age of 40, the head of ICS Holding Anton Cherepennikov passed away, according to a statement on the company's website.

The preliminary cause of death is cardiac arrest.

Awards and titles

In 2016, he took 6th place in the ranking of the most successful young businessmen in Russia according to the "Secret of the Company."

In 2017, he entered the top 20 successful young businessmen of Russia according to RBC. Nominated for the prestigious RBK-2018 Award for his great contribution to the development of the e-sports industry in Russia.

In 2018, "Businessman of the Year" according to GQ magazine.

In 2019, he entered the rating of 100 young economic leaders in Russia according to the Institut Choiseul.
