Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



+ Cherkashin Pavel


Graduate of geographical faculty MSU.

2002 - 2004 - the CEO of Sputnik Labs which he headed after leaving Actis Systems.

July, 2004 - September, 2006 - the CEO of Siebel Systems in Russia.

September, 2006 - September, 2009 - the CEO of Adobe Systems in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS.

From September 28, 2009 to August, 2011 - the CEO of the direction of consumer and on-line strategy of Microsoft Rus (first of all the MSN portal). Here also the mobile direction of consumer business of Microsoft belonged. Submitted directly to Nikolay Pryanishnikov, the president of Microsoft in Russia.

Since launch of the Russian-language version of MSN (allows to read news, to create blogs, to use service of instant messaging Messenger, e-mail and the search system) in 2007 the resource could not make the notable competition to the Russian analogs — and Rambler. "In spite of the fact that in absolute values we are still far from market leaders, our growth rates are much higher, than at competitors. Last financial year we became profitable — it occurred ahead of plan for a year" — mister Cherkashin reported.

The press service of the Russian representative office specified that in two years of work of Pavel Cherkashin the audience of the MSN portal increased four times. The director of investments of ABRT fund Nikolay Mityushin considers that traffic of MSN grew "generally due to wide circulation of the Internet Explorer browser on which the website of MSN is set by the home page by default".

As reported Kommersant[1] Pavel Cherkashin[1], it leaves to develop own projects. "I was engaged in startups earlier, and now I am going to devote to it more than time. Perhaps, I will create fund" — he explained.

Personal business projects

Pavel Cherkashin "laid a hand" to creation and development several companies, including Actis Systems, Sputnic Labs, AdWatch. Besides, the hobby he calls investment of interesting technology projects. Among them there is, in particular, a new advertizing Krible system.


"I am at heart "startup" — best of all I am able to begin new projects, to develop them and to bring to the level when they can independently exist further — Cherkashin explains the job change reasons. — I made it for Adobe, and before — for own projects".

According to Cherkashin, his principle — not to sit on site, "that an eye was not hackneyed". "Now it is interesting to me to move towards consumer market — one of the most underestimated today in Russia. This that direction where there is a chance to make significant breakthrough forward. And Microsoft is that place where it can be done with the greatest efficiency" — he says.