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Баннер в шапке 2


Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich
Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich


In 2000, he graduated with honors from the medical faculty of Irkutsk State Medical University. He received his second higher education at the Institute for Advanced Training of Educational Workers in the specialty "psychologist."



Since 1999, he worked in various positions in socially significant projects in the region, in 2007 he headed the regional agency for youth policy. In 2010, he moved to the post of deputy minister, then was appointed Minister for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Irkutsk Region.

After working in the Irkutsk region, Ivanov moved to Moscow. In March 2014, he headed the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Monitoring and Clinical and Economic Expertise" of Roszdravnadzor, which was then transformed into the National Quality Institute of Roszdravnadzor.

2022: Appointment as Director General of the Medical Engineering Research Institute of Roszdravnadzor

In April 2022, it became known about the change of Director General of the All-Russian Research and Testing Institute of Medical Technology (VNIIIMT), subordinate to Roszdravnadzor. He was appointed Igor Ivanov, who had previously led the National Quality Institute of Roszdravnadzor.

The previous head of VNIIIMT, former adviser to the head of Roszdravnadzor Denis Sharikadze, was appointed acting general director of the institute in October 2017. By April 2022, it is not known about the new place of his work, as for the National Institute of Quality, the deputy head of the institution Igor Kazmin was appointed interim head.

By the beginning of April 2022, Igor Ivanov is the head of the Department of Innovative Technologies for Health Management of the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education of the Medical Institute of RUDN, and has the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.[1]
