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Yunusov Ruslan
Yunusov Ruslan


Ruslan Yunusov is a head with experience in the oil and gas industry, as well as in investment and innovation companies. Educated at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, graduating from the university with honors in physics. At the ANH under the Government of the Russian Federation, he received a qualification as an economist in finance and credit. It has about 15 publications on nauchnoy̆ fizicheskoy̆ topics and on finansovo-ekonomicheskoy̆ topics.

As of 2016, he is the general director of the RCC. During the time that Ruslan heads the RCC, a total of 8 laboratories were built in the center and 10 scientific groups were created. Also, 12 projects appeared in the RCC, which are at different stages of technological readiness.

As of March 2021 - General Director of the RCC, head of the project office for quantum technologies of the State Corporation Rosatom.

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