Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Residents of Ryazan Yang Vladimirovich
Residents of Ryazan Yang Vladimirovich


Jan Ryazantsev was born in 1963.

Graduated from the Tambov institute of chemical mechanical engineering majoring in "automation of chemical productions".


In 1987 founded one of the first independent commercial scientific organizations — Fund of technical creativity. In 1990 created and headed New Systems company. In the 1990s this company financed and performed several projects in the field of alternative power engineering, electrophysics, instrument making.


From 2002 to 2007 Jan Ryazantsev worked as the head of department of investment projects and perspective technologies of the Central research Institute of Technology (Moscow).


In 2007 held a post of the director of investments, and afterwards — directors of the department of investments in "Russian Venture Capital Company" (RVCC). Directed the organization and carrying out competitive selections of management companies for transfer of means of RVC to trust management and according to the results of tenders.

2018: Charge of plunder of 1.3 billion rubles

On June 19, 2018 it became known of Jan Ryazantsev's arrest for embezzlement of budget funds. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR), the ex-director of the department of investments and the former board member of JSC Russian Venture Capital Company (RVCC) together with Mikhail Chuchkevich — the being senior adviser of Anatoly Chubais in Rusnano and the partner of the ex-minister of Open government Mikhail Abyzov — stole  1.3 billion rubles.

According to Kommersant, criminal case under  Part 4  of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large scale fraud)  concerning Jan Ryazantsev and Mikhail Chuchkevich it was initiated in March, 2018.

Jan Ryazantsev

According to the investigators, in 2012 Ryazantsev, knowing about the investments into the producer of Alion Energy solar batteries planned by RVC, entered collusion with the board member of this Chuchkevichem company. From that moment to 2016 they transfered from the account of RVC to account of Alion Energy of $22.7 million. At the same time the Board of Directors of venture capital company did not make the decision on investments, and Alion Energy was on the verge of bankruptcy.

After budgetary funds appeared in Alion Energy, accomplices transferred them to accounts of other companies, cashed and appropriated, investigators consider.

Ryazantsev and Chuchkevich were delayed by Russian Investigative Committee officers. Presnensky district court of Moscow satisfied petitions for their arrests for two months. In particular, mister Chuchkevich appeared in the pre-trial detention center because had residence permit in Ukraine where, according to the investigators, it could disappear.

Ryazantsev and Chuchkevich deny the fault and are going to appeal against arrests. The edition notes that in case new persons involved can appear.

It is the former employee, it is dismissed last year. Investigative actions are conducted in connection with the violations in investment discipline allowed in previous years. The company is interested in the fastest and fair trial — said to Kommersant in RVC.[1] 


In 2010 Jan Ryazantsev, speaking at a seminar, said that considers increase in the professional grade of employees of the venture industry in the field of protection and use of intellectual property crucial:

Today for development of the technology market, so, and the market of venture investments, the problem of high-quality and reliable protection of intellectual property is, perhaps, key. To both venture funds, and the innovative companies profound knowledge about methods of protection of the developments and technologies in international market is vital
