Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Shue Zaurbek Yusufovich
Shue Zaurbek Yusufovich


Born on November 19, 1968 in the village. Dauria Zabaikalsky district Chita region (March 1, 2008 as a result of a referendum on the unification of the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, the Trans-Baikal Territory was formed).

In 1993 he graduated from the North Caucasus Order of Friendship of Peoples Mining and Metallurgical Institute with a degree in Industrial Electronics.

In 1996, he received a red diploma in Banking, graduating from the Moscow Banking School of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In 2012 he graduated from Adygea State University with a degree in Jurisprudence.

1987: Military service in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces

In the period from 1987 to 1989 he served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the military rank was sergeant.

1993: Suburban Trade and Construction Joint Stock Company Ruslan

He began his career in 1993 in Prigorodny trade-construction Ruslan Joint-Stock Company as an electrical technician.

1994: National Bank of the Republic of Adygea

In the period from 1994 to 1996 - software engineer, from 1996 to 1999 - chief engineer of the National Bank of the Republic of Adygea of ​ ​ the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In the period from 1999 to 2018, he held senior positions of the National Bank of the Republic of Adygea of ​ ​ the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (from May 2014 he was transformed into the Branch of the National Bank for the Republic of Adygea of ​ ​ the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

2008: Member of the Council of People's Deputies of MO Maykop City

From March 2008 to September 2013 - Member of the Council of People's Deputies of the Maykop City municipality of the second convocation.

He initiated the creation and implementation in Adygea of ​ ​ the social project "Grandmother-online" - "Grandfather-online" to teach the basics of computer literacy and working skills Internet in a network of elderly people.

2018: Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Adygea on the development of the digital economy

By the decree of the Head of the Republic of Adygea dated May 31, 2018 No. 73, he was appointed to the post of state civil service of the Republic of Adygea, Adviser to the Head of the Republic of Adygea on the development of the digital economy.

2019: Minister of Digital Development, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Adygea

In accordance with the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Adygea dated February 6, 2019, No. 15 was appointed to the post of Minister of Digital Development, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Adygea.

2021: 52nd place in the ranking of regional IT officials in terms of income

For the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, the family income of the Minister of Digital Development, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Adygea amounted to 6.1 million rubles. The personal income of the official is 5,857,826 rubles, the income of family members is 233,224 rubles. As a result, 52nd place in the ranking of regional IT officials by income for 2021 according to CNews Analytics[1].


During his work at the National Bank of the Republic of Adygea of ​ ​ the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, he was repeatedly awarded diplomas and thanks with entry into his personal business. On the eve of the 150th anniversary of the Bank of Russia, it was encouraged by the award clock.
