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Vladimir Ulyanov with honors graduated from a magistracy of the Budapest university of technology and economy majoring in "Robots and the robotic systems". Held responsible posts in the development area of software products and the guide of projects in banking sector. Works in the field of information security since 2000. Has wealth of experience and a wide range Inter - owls in the field of data protection.


Vladimir Ulyanov works in the field of information security since 2003.

In 2012 headed analytical center Zecurion.

2020: As a part of Expert advice of Coordination council of non-profit organizations of Russia

Vladimir Ulyanov, the head of analytical center of Zecurion company, the Russian developer of solutions for corporate security, was a part of expert advice of KS NPO concerning information security. On June 5, 2020 the Zecurion company reported about it.

Main objective of consolidation are government relations and development of the initiatives useful to society and the state. The leading non-profit organizations of the all-Russian, interregional, regional and local scales on different activities among which there are an education and medicine, transport, an entrepreneurship, social and consumer spheres, etc. are a part of KS NPO. The top analyst of Zecurion Vladimir Ulyanov will act as the expert of Council for the "Cyber Security and Increase in Literacy of the Population concerning Cybersecurity" direction.

We are glad that such expert in the field of information security as Vladimir Ulyanov will participate in actions and projects of Coordination council of non-profit organizations of Russia. Its experience will increase the level of public examination in the field of modern information technologies and cyberthreats which became the integral component of the different social industries,
noted Maxim Bardin, the vice-chairman of KS NPO.