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+ Vasin Vasily Ivanovich
Vasin Vasily Ivanovich
Vasin Vasily Ivanovich


Vasily Vasin was born on February 12, 1962 in Bryansk. He graduated from the Bryansk Institute of Transport Engineering with a degree in Dynamics and Strength of Machines.

From 1985 to 1991 - engineer of the All-Union Research Diesel Locomotive Institute (VNITI) in Kolomna, graduate student.

1991: Getting started at R-Style

In 1991, Vasin's cousin Vyacheslav Rudnikov invited him to work in Moscow, in his own company R-Style, which sold computer equipment and software.

By the mid-1990s, R-Style became one of the largest sellers of computer equipment, had its own assembly shop in Singapore, and began production of software. By that time, the companions managed to distribute duties. Vyacheslav Rudnikov became the president of the entire group. Vasily Vasin in 1994 headed the distribution company RSI, which was part of the holding.

In 1999, Vasin became president, and Rudnikov chairman of the board of shareholders of R-Style.

We have a structure in the company similar to the system of separation of powers: there is a "legislative" and "executive" power. I am the head of the "executive" and the board of shareholders is the "parliament." The Board develops a strategy and determines development paths, evaluates the company's performance. And the president implements the tasks set by the board of shareholders, - Vasin explained

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for December 2006[1], Vasin owned a package of 12.62% in R-Style, 53% in Rudnikov.

Until 2012, R-Style was one of the top 10 largest IT companies in Russia. Revenue in 2012 amounted to 35.9 billion rubles.

2012: Sale of part of the business to Alexander Klyachin

In 2012, an entrepreneur who Alexander Klyachin owns the capital's hotel "" and the Azimut Metropol hotel chain acquired shares in a number of legal entities of the group of companies in the fall of 2012, the R-Style key of which is, CJSC R-Style said "." Businessman Eight regional divisions of R-Style, a training center and a Minsk office specializing in development also became part of the deal. According software to the newspaper, Klyachin became the controlling shareholder of the integrator. The sellers were the founders and key shareholders of the company (53% Vyacheslav Rudnikov) and (Vasily Vasin 12.62%), while Vasin remained a minority shareholder of R-Style and retained the post of CEO. The fact of the transaction was confirmed by the official representative of Alexander Klyachin and Vasily Vasin. The parties did not disclose the amount of the transaction. According to estimates by a source Kommersant familiar with the details of the deal, it amounted to approximately $100 million.

2013: Creation of Redsys Company

In 2013, Vasily Vasin established a new IT company. Redsys One of Redsys' biggest clients was the Pension Fund. Russia The company's revenue in 2017 exceeded 6 billion. rubles

In 2019, after the arrest in the corruption case of the deputy head of the fund, Alexei Ivanov, the Redsys business went downhill.

2020: Mention in FIU case

On October 5, 2020, it became known about the case initiated by the Investigative Committee of Russia against Alexei Ananyev. He was accused of paying bribes to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) in exchange for patronage when concluding government contracts. Vasily Vasin, according to RBC, was also mentioned in this case. Read more here. However, according to Kommersant's information, no complaints against the owner of Redsys from law enforcement agencies after the initiation of criminal cases against the banker Ananyev arose.

2022-2023: Bankruptcy, debt more than 5 billion rubles, litigation about property

In February 2022, Vasily Vasin was declared bankrupt. The Arbitration Court of the Kaluga Region then decided to introduce a procedure for the sale of property for a period of six months - until August 2022.

In July 2023, TAdviser examined materials published in the Electronic Justice open database and found out that litigation was ongoing in the bankruptcy case.

From the published court decision of February 2022, it follows that the total amount of debt to creditors, known to Vasily Vasin as a debtor, and undisputed by him, the delay in which, by the time he was declared bankrupt, took place for more than three months, is more than 5 billion rubles[2].

As part of the bankruptcy case of Vasily Vasin, creditors said "National Bank Trust" "(photo:"

The creditor is the National Bank Trust. The main debt to him is 3 883 987 750 rubles, as well as interest in the amount of 87,971,098 rubles and a penalty of 1 097 629 478 rubles[3].

At the same time, the financial situation of Vasily Vasin does not allow you to fully pay off the creditor, follows from the documents published by the court. So, in accordance with the information provided by Vasily Vasin to the court, at the time of the bankruptcy case, he did not work, his average salary for 2020 was about 129 thousand rubles, he was not an individual entrepreneur and did not have real estate.

It also follows from Vasin's statement to the court that a vehicle was registered behind him, which was sold to him in 1994 and has not been deregistered.

The same court decision states that a division of property was made between Vasin and his wife, confirmed by the decision of the Gagarinsky District Court of Moscow of June 2020, and a marriage contract was concluded in February 2020.

The debtor also indicated that he was the founder of Er-ES Service Volga LLC, Forward-Auto LLC, a private joint-stock company with limited liability Ralieva. The bankruptcy court decision states that Vasin has funds in his accounts, but how much is not specified.

The court concluded that the financial situation of Vasily Vasin does not allow settlements with creditors within the period established by law for the implementation of the debt restructuring plan, and the debtor himself does not meet the requirements for approving the debt restructuring plan, since he does not have a source of income that, according to the law, must meet the sufficiency criterion.

In February 2023, the financial manager in the bankruptcy case, Vasily Vasin, appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Kaluga Region with an application to invalidate the transaction - the aforementioned marriage agreement between him and his wife[4].

In the same month, the National Bank Trust also appealed to the court - with an application to invalidate Vasily Vasin's transactions to alienate property in favor of his wife, including a marriage agreement dated February 2020 concluded between the spouses, and an amicable agreement on the division of property between them, approved by a court ruling in June 2020.

The Bank asks to apply the consequences of the invalidity of these transactions - to recognize for the spouses Vasin the rights of common joint ownership of the list of property from 36 points, which includes about 25 land plots in the Kaluga region, 4 houses and residential buildings and a number of non-residential structures[5].

The main part of this property is located in the Kaluga region, the district of Meshchovsky, the village of Serebryano. The largest of the land plots, the size of which is given in court documents, is an area of ​ ​ 1,029,300 square meters. m. (like 144 football fields). According to the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, this is agricultural land, which is allowed to be used for farming. The list also includes a reinforced concrete building of a grain warehouse with a total area of ​ ​ 450.2 sq.m.

And in March, the bank appealed to the court with an application to invalidate the registration of the ownership of another relative Vasily Vasin and apply the consequences of the invalidity of the transactions made in the form of the return of property to the bankruptcy estate of the debtor. Here we are talking about a list of property of ten points, which includes 4 land plots, two residential buildings, an apartment in Moscow, a car and a garage, as well as the right to participate in Asygor LLP, registered in the UK[6].

In June 2023, the Arbitration Court of the Kaluga Region determined to attract the wife of Vasily Vasin to the trial as a third party who does not declare independent claims regarding the subject of the dispute[7].

Disputes over property issues have yet to be considered by the court.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as of mid-2023, almost all legal entities related to the R-Style group ceased their activities: some were simply liquidated, and some after the bankruptcy and sale of property was completed.

The latter include R-Style JSC, which ceased operations in connection with its liquidation on the basis of an arbitration court ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings in August 2022, Sibir Engineering LLC - similarly in August 2022, Er-Style Group LLC - in April 2020.

In September 2022, Redsis LLC was also declared bankrupt, where Vasily Vasin had previously acted as a founder. Bankruptcy proceedings were opened against this legal entity.

