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Buterin Vitaly (Vitaliy Buterin)




+ Vitaliy Buterin
Buterin Vitaly (Vitaliy Buterin)
Buterin Vitaly (Vitaliy Buterin)

Vitalik Buterin is a Canadian programmer of Russian origin, the creator of the Ethereum blockchain platform, which allows developers to create smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) in which arbitrary ownership rules, deal formats and registration rules can be implemented.


Vitalik Buterin was born on January 31, 1994 in Kolomna, speaks Russian. At the age of six, he moved with his parents to Canada. He lived in Switzerland for three years, in 2017 he moved to Singapore. Buterin quit his studies at the University of Waterloo for the sake of working on blockchain projects.

2011: Co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine

Buterin became interested in bitcoin in 2011 , and in the same year he became a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine. In 2012, Bitcoin Magazine began to be published as a print edition and became the first major print edition on this topic. Before starting work on Ethereum, he was also engaged in various open source projects related to bitcoin.

2015: Launch of the Ethereum blockchain platform

The Ethereum network, developed by Vitalik, was launched on July 30, 2015.


In the top ten most influential people under 40

On August 17, 2017, Fortune published a ranking of the most influential people under the age of 40. Vitalik Buterin was in tenth place on this list.

Observers of the authoritative magazine called Buterin a genius, who created the second most expensive cryptocurrency in the world after Bitcoin. In just a year, Ethereum's capitalization has grown from $1 billion to almost $30 billion.

The authors of the rating note that Buterin's project by August 17, 2017 is estimated at about the same as the popular Snapchat messenger and Airbnb rental service.

Vitalik Buterin

Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel and Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky are ranked 21st and 4th in the list of most influential people under 40, respectively. Vitalik Buterin entered this rating for the first time.

The first place in it in 2017 was taken by French President Emmanuel Macron (Emmanuel Macron), the second - the founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg).

According to journalists, Zuckerberg has been a titan of the IT industry for so long that his youth is no longer something outstanding or worthy of special attention. The authors of the rating are confident that Zuckerberg will appear on this list more than once.

Chen Wei and Jean Liu, who founded the Chinese transport company Didi Chuxing, are in third position on the list.

Buterin shared the tenth line of the rating with Brian Armstrong, the CEO of the leading American bitcoin exchange Coinbase. 

It is worth noting that 23-year-old Vitalik Buterin turned out to be a more influential young man than the head and founder of the Shopify music service Tobias Lutke and co-founder and CEO data storage Dropbox of the service company Drew Houston[1]

Fundraising for Vitalik Buterin's fitness improvement

In November 2017, members of the cryptocurrency community announced an ICO crowdfunding campaign aimed at improving the fitness of Ethereum Cryptocurrency (ETH) creator Vitalik Buterin.

Some think too much about the future of others and forget about their own. We, representatives of the cryptocurrency community, undertook to help one altruistic but self-forgiving genius. We mean Vitalik Buterin!, "- says the web page of the FitVitalik campaign[2]

Fundraising using cryptocurrencies starts on November 25, 2017 and will last 14 days, for which it is planned to attract 2000 ETH from investors.

Fan-created collage featuring Vitalik Buterin as a "pitching"

All the money will go to pay for Buterin to visit the gym, the services of a personal trainer and the preparation of a healthy diet. According to a group of enthusiasts operating under the name FitVitalik, after Buterin comes into proper fitness, he will be able to choose a coach and gym as he sees fit. The only restriction is that no more than $4,000 is allowed to be spent per month from the FitVitalik fund.

Although this ICO project is more like a parody, it is designed according to all the rules. Campaign organizers detail to potential investors what pushed them to take this step, and even cite a scientifically based "roadmap" that should lead to success.

All the funds raised will be used to pay for Buterin to visit the gym, the services of a personal trainer and draw up a healthy diet regime
Many people are very concerned about Vitalik's health and fundraising with the ICO will change his future. We need even more cool ideas from Vitalik, we need a healthy Ethereum cryptocurrency and a healthy leader who can create new products and get Ethereum to the moon.

Also, the FitVitalik team is actively "promoting" the campaign on popular discussion platforms of the cryptocurrency community and online resources, including, and messenger Telegram social networks Facebook , Twitter forums Reddit and BitcoinTalk.[3]

2018: Cryptocurrency market opinion: Bubble will burst soon

On July 31, 2018, Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem, expressed his opinion on Twitter about the current state of the cryptocurrency market, responding to a tweet that indicates a drop in web traffic on the Coinbase exchange that has occurred since the beginning of 2018.

The author of the tweet, cryptosceptic Tim Swanson wrote:

"Are SimilarWeb data correct? Below are statistics on total visits to the Coinbase exchange from stationary and mobile devices over the past six months. "

Buterin commented:

"And what, is someone surprised? Kryptopuzyr is about to burst. "

This is not the first time Buterin has expressed his thoughts on the ups and downs in an unsustainable crypto market. In June 2018, he noted that "bubbles are impossible to get rid of otherwise than allowing them to go through their course and burst in the end."

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin: crypto puzzle is about to burst


Vitaly Buterin entered the rating of crypto millionaires

On January 11, 2021, Forbes magazine published a rating of the richest people who made their fortune thanks to cryptocurrencies. Some of the participants in the list have become much richer thanks to the growth of the bitcoin exchange rate. Vitaly Buterin also entered the rating of crypto millionaires from Forbes. Read more here.

Donation of $1 billion in cryptocurrency to fight COVID-19 in India

On May 13, 2021, it became known about the charitable assistance provided by Vitalik Buterin of India, in which there is a powerful wave of the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.

cryptocurrencies air The internet entrepreneur, known for creating "," donated 400 Ethereum tokens and 50.7 trillion SHIB (Shiba Inu) tokens to the India Anti-Fight Relief Fund. COVID-19 At the time of the transfer of funds, we are talking about an amount of $1 billion.

Representatives of the Indian Foundation thanked Buterin through the social network Twitter. They said they were going to "thoughtfully" sell the coins received "to ensure that our goals to combat COVID-19 are met."

Vitalik Buterin donated $1 billion in cryptocurrency to fight coronavirus in India
We decided to convert the donation gradually over a period of time, the organization added.

This is not Vitalik Buterin's only act of charity. He previously donated $336 million to Ethereum and Dogelon Mars (ELON) to the Methuselah Foundation, which specializes in research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In addition, he sent another 13 thousand Ethereum tokens to the non-profit Givewell Foundation, which sponsors charitable organizations around the world.

The billionaire also donated funds to Gitcoin (helps open source project developers), MRI (creates secure artificial intelligence) and Charter Cities Institute (develops the idea of ​ ​ a new kind of city that will bring tens of millions of people out of poverty).

The amount of funds received by charitable organizations may be much lower than the original, since Buterin's actions significantly affected the cost of cryptocurrencies. By 9:30 Moscow time on May 13, 2021, Shiba Inu was cheaper by 29.35%, Dogelon Mars - by 58.31%, Akita Inu - by 33.93%.[4]

2022: Acquisition of investment passport of Montenegro

In 2022, Vitaly Buterin received a residence permit for investments in Montenegro.


After the fall of the cryptocurrency market, Vitalik Buterin began to attract interest in broadcasting with unusual costumes.
