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Developers: Practice of Success
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018
Last Release Date: 2022/07/04
Branches: State and social structures,  Internet services,  Real estate
Technology: Information Security - Means of encryption,  Informatization of state functions,  EDMS


The main articles are:

SmartDeal is a product that allows you to quickly move to a Digital channel without papers, "live signatures" and "wet" seals.

The SmartDeal digital platform was created for electronic interaction with Rosreestr, a tool used by banks, developers, real estate agencies and large copyright holders. Based on the SmartDeal platform, companies can build their own real estate transaction registration factory and provide it as a service to their customers.

2023: Mobile App Out

The company "Practice of Success" on May 18, 2023 announced the launch of a mobile application for the electronic registration of real estate transactions SmartDeal, intended for individuals and representatives of legal entities. The mobile app includes a personal account for sellers and buyers. The first three combat transactions using the buyer's mobile application and personal account have already been carried out in the A101 Group of Companies. Read more here.


Receipt of Transaction Registration Statement

From July 4, 2022, an additional feature is available to users of the SmartDeal platform. Now SmartDeal customers receive an extract from Rosreestr in response to registration actions, supplemented with documents on the transaction. The request for this option arose after the algorithm of interaction between departments changed and the participants in the transaction began to receive an updated version of the notification from the regulator.

To simplify the procedure, Rosreestr from June 29 refused special registration stamps on all types of contracts. Now registration of rights and cadastral registration are confirmed only by an extract from the real estate register. For the convenience of customers, SmartDeal complements the statement with transaction documents so that they are collected as part of a single message - this is especially important for companies that conduct many transactions.

Conducting an intercontinental real estate transaction with SmartDeal

The technology for issuing electronic signatures using NFC chips, introduced by the SmartDeal platform in conjunction with InfoTeCS Internet Trust, made it possible to conduct an intercontinental deal. This was announced on June 20, 2022 by the Practice of Success company. SmartDeal is under the hood of the service. Read more here.

Possibility of remote issuance of electronic signature certificate

A completely remote procedure for issuing an electronic signature certificate has become available to SmartDeal customers. The company Practice Success announced this on February 21, 2022. Identity identification is carried out without the participation of a courier. Thanks to this, real estate transactions can be carried out from anywhere in Russia and the world without any restrictions. The updated procedure is based on NFC technology, its application was made possible thanks to SmartDeal's cooperation with InfoTeCS Internet Trust.

The client's enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKEP) is necessary for any real estate transactions in Russia that are carried out in an online format. Until February 2022, SmartDeal issued UKEP certificates only with the participation of an employee who had to personally identify the client's identity. As a rule, with remote transactions, employees themselves came to the client, which created additional costs and difficulties for all participants in the process. SmartDeal, as a company that sees its mission as a transition to seamless online property purchase procedures, has continued to work to remove the latest offline barriers.

The updated scheme for issuing UKEP certificates allows you to remotely identify the identity of customers who have a valid passport of the last sample smartphone and with support for NFC technology. The passport holder downloads to smartphone mobile application IDPoint, attaches the passport to, to the smartphone undergoes additional verification, and within 10 - 15 minutes certification center confirms his identity remotely. An electronic signature certificate is transferred to the smartphone. After that, you can immediately sign documents for the transaction.

The procedure is distinguished by speed, convenience for all parties to the transaction, cost reduction for its organizers, time saving for the client, as well as a higher level of security. Multifactor authentication eliminates the threat of, for example, using someone else's passport.

{{quote 'We have long worked to remove the last barrier because it is important for many market participants. Issuing UKEP certificates through a courier is not always convenient for the client. It was a brake on the digitalization of the market, because it presented additional difficulties. Now the issuance of the certificate is completely sewn up "under the hood" of the platform, you no longer need to think about it. This is the only technology that allows a transaction to become remote without reservations, and therefore can change the market for online home sales, "said Mikhail Svetlyshev, director of development of the SmartDeal platform. }}

IDPoint mobile qualified electronic signature technology combines a high level of security and convenience of mass use. Thanks to SmartDeal, technologies reach people - added Anton Meluzov, Deputy General Director for Business Development of InfoTeCS Internet Trust JSC.


FSB Crypto Protection License

The platform for digital interaction with Rosreestr SmartDeal received a license from the FSB of Russia in the field of information cryptographic protection. Thus, the state confirmed that all conditions for safe transactions have been created on the platform, the Practice of Success company reported on May 26, 2021.

The document was issued by the Center for Licensing, Certification and Security of state the FSB. This is an extended license: unlike the standard resolution with which most companies in the market work, it allows not only, to cipher data but also to create information telecommunication and systems using cryptography. This means that SmartDeal products and services are able to ensure security at all stages - whether it is the client electronic signature who puts in his own, smartphone conducting mortgage a transaction with or bank transferring data to Rosreestr.

For banks, the license guarantees the reliability of a mortgage transaction and eliminates the threat of fraud associated with remote loan issuance. Security services of large banks working with SmartDeal have previously confirmed the quality of the platform's services after their own inspections. The company is included in the register of Roskomnadzor personal data operators, its hardware encryption tools and communication channels are certified and comply with GOSTs and federal laws, the Success Practice emphasized.

"It is the extended license that most fully reflects the specifics of our work. We are creating a comprehensive platform that includes elements of cryptographic protection against well-known Russian vendors. We are increasingly approached by major market players, especially those with government participation, who need official confirmation that our solutions meet the highest requirements. Now there is such confirmation. Moreover, an expanded license is rare, so, in fact, the state recognizes us as the most secure platform for electronic real estate transactions, "said Alexey Makarov, founder and CEO of SmartDeal.

Inclusion in the Unified Register of Russian Programs

The B2B platform for electronic registration of real estate transactions SmartDeal is included in the Unified Register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases. This was announced on March 31, 2021 by the developer Practice of Success.

SmartDeal provides developers, to banks real estate agencies and marketplaces with a digital product for registering real estate transactions in. Federal Registration Service Users get a single platform for forming joint transactions with support of all types (electronic signatures UKEP) and convenient. integration API Electronic interaction with Rosreestr accelerates the registration of contracts, electronic mortgages or payment of state duty. The platform is used for March 2021 by more than 100 banks construction and companies. Among the clients are six systemically important banks and federal developers.

SmartDeal is a Russian technological product that, in addition to the simplicity and convenience of electronic interaction in the process of concluding real estate transactions, guarantees customers a high level of security, development independence and full local support, "explains Alexey Makarov, founder and CEO of SmartDeal. - We are pleased to officially confirm the advantages of the product by inclusion in the Unified Register of Russian software and thereby expand the pool of companies that our system can help.


Starting the service

On November 27, 2018, the company Practice of Success announced the launch of the service for urgent order of statements with USRN payment on readiness. According to the company, the service allows the user to get an extract with data from Federal Registration Service the USRN in a few clicks, cheaply and conveniently. This will be useful, for example, for to purchase an apartment to check the seller's information. Without leaving your home, you can also check whether the transaction went through when real estate buying, selling or refinancing. Additionally, you can find out the cadastral value of the object and the date of its change in Rosreestr. Information on cadastral value is provided free of charge.

As of November 2018, SmartDeal is the only service that allows you to receive an extract without prepayment.

The SmartDeal service is directly integrated with the web services of the FSIS USRN, which guarantees its uninterrupted operation even with difficulties with the Rosreestr portal. After problems with the availability of electronic services of Rosreestr on November 9, 2018, the department promptly introduced technical solutions that protect the portal from "parsing" by intermediary sites. On the other hand, civilized integration using web services has not failed throughout its operation and is used by leading companies in providing information services related to real estate registration, such as SmartDeal.

SmartDeal simplifies the challenges customers face when buying or other real estate transactions. As of November 2018, users are accustomed to the high level of service of various online marketplaces and widespread "uberization," we do the same in the field of real estate registration. Users are not used to waiting long and receiving refusals. We are directly and officially connected to Rosreestr, which guarantees reliability.

Alexey Makarov, CEO of Success Practice

As of November 2018, statements under the SmartDeal platform are available to individual customers on request. The platform development plans include the use of a service model. As of November 2018, SmartDeal is testing scenarios for providing the service, such as subscribing to changes in object information. The user pays for the statement once and, if changes appear in the databases, he will receive the corresponding update. As of November 2018, this scenario is in great demand on the market due to the problem of the relevance of information in state databases.

For companies that need to receive mass statements, it is possible to connect to SmartDeal through the API.

Integration with Karma P2P Credit Platform

Karma, a decentralized P2P lending platform, on November 1, 2018 announced the completion of the first transactions using the SmartDeal solution for remote registration of collateral. Now individual clients and entrepreneurs in Russia can digitize the deposit in the form of real estate and get the necessary registration in Rosreestr without leaving their homes. Read more here.

Completion of registration of the first electronic mortgage

On September 24, 2018, Practice Success announced that Rosreestr had completed the registration of the first electronic mortgage for Raiffeisen Bank, filed through the SmartDeal digital platform.

author '= Alexey Makarov, CEO of Practice of Success, developer of the SmartDeal platform '
Thanks to digital progress, we get a more advanced and protected document flow from "paper" errors. Electronic mortgages significantly speed up the registration of collateral when buying a home in a mortgage and other operations, the transition from paper to electronic document management reduces the costs of banks at all stages - from issuing a mortgage to servicing a mortgage loan.

SmartDeal is located in, in cloud protected, hosting the service can be used both through web-, browser filling out applications in, and with interface the help of. integration API Professional participants in the real estate market can register in the system and use the SmartDeal functionality to form appeals to Rosreestr.

For example, to form an electronic mortgage, a bank employee creates an application for its registration, attaches and signs documents with the client. SmartDeal allows you to form an enhanced electronic signature for verification of the operation. Then the electronic mortgage is sent to the Rosreestr verification service, after a successful check, SmartDeal automatically generates the entire package of documents necessary for registering the mortgage.

The state duty payment mechanism built into SmartDeal allows you to pay as soon as possible.

Integration with the Digital Mortgage platform

On September 4, 2018, Kreditit and Practice of Success announced the completion of a project to integrate digital real estate services: Digital Mortgage mortgage management platforms for developers and SmartDeal platforms for interaction with Rosreestr, respectively. The result of the project was a reduction in the time for submitting and considering mortgage applications from banks and registering a transaction in Rosreestr by four times. Integration will allow banks and developers to speed up the conclusion of transactions for mortgages by 30% and increase their number, and customers - save time, transfer the entire document flow online and quickly get the keys to the apartment. Read more here.

Supply of the first embedded part

SmartDeal - a digital platform for real estate registration - conducted the first operation to file an electronic mortgage. This was announced on July 10, 2018 at the developer of the Practice of Success platform.

The completed electronic mortgage form signed by the pledgee and the pledgee is sent to the Rosreestr electronic mortgage verification service. After successful verification, the electronic mortgage file along with the verification protocol and accompanying files was attached to the application for registration of the restriction (encumbrance) of ownership and issuance of the mortgage. The appeal was sent to the Rosreestr, the number was received, the ICD was formed and the status "Accepted for work" was assigned.

According to company representatives, the SmartDeal platform was created for electronic interaction with Rosreestr, a tool used by banks, developers, real estate agencies and large copyright holders. The opportunity to issue electronic mortgages appeared on July 1 after the entry into force of the amendments to the Federal Law "On Mortgage (Real Estate Pledge)." Immediately after that, the SmartDeal service became available - the release and registration of an electronic mortgage. The first partner to register an electronic mortgage using SmartDeal was Raiffeisen Bank.

Electronic mortgages allow you to speed up the registration of collateral when buying a home in a mortgage and other transactions. The SmartDeal platform, in turn, optimizes and automates the process of filing electronic mortgages for banks and other participants in the real estate market, noted in the "Practice of Success."

SmartDeal. Description


  • Multifunctionality:
    • Wide coverage of registration actions: DDU, Purchase-Sale, registration of property, assignment, all types of mortgage and more than 15 types of registration actions.

  • Collaboration:

    • System of transactions with many Partners (combinations of Banks, Developers and other market participants), preservation of the customer base and confidentiality of transactions.

  • Availability:

    • Support for all types of electronic signatures: cloud and physical media. Authorization with password by SMS, email. As in the bank, everything is on the client's device.

  • Integration

    • APIs for integrating systems such as CRM or other familiar applications.

  • Safety

    • Registered operator of personal data in Roskomnadzor according to the 152-FZ requirements, full compliance of the 63-FZ signature, cryptographic protection of GOST channels with certificates.


  • Speed
    • Automatically fill in up to 50% of the information

  • Convenience

    • Manage all transactions in your personal account

  • Availability

    • Issuance of EP certificate in 3 minutes, formation of signature instantly

  • Uninterrupted operation

    • Guarantee delivery of applications and timely reporting of results

  • Efficiency

    • Minimize% failures and suspensions with built-in check engine

  • Exclusivity

    • Provision of mass payment mechanism for state duty

Platform Interaction Algorithm

SmartDeal is integrated with Rosreestr's electronic services.

SmartDeal is hosted in the cloud, in secure hosting. The SmartDeal interface allows you to work in it both through a regular browser, filling out statements in the interface, and using API integration (a set of specialized libraries allows you to easily integrate the service with the information system). For clients with a developed IT infrastructure, there is an option to install an instance of software on the customer's own servers.

Professional participants in the real estate market can register in the system and share the SmartDeal functionality to form appeals to Rosreestr.

For example, an employee of the developer creates an application for registration of an equity agreement, attaches and signs the necessary documents, a bank employee adds a loan agreement to the application, issues a cloud electronic signature for the client, attaches documents and signs documents and an application with the client. Then the formed appeal is sent to Rosreestr. Upon arrival at the Rosreestr, the case is assigned the number and ID of the HSCS (incoming document ledger). If applications belong to the paid category, then the payment code is formed and sent to the e-mail to the applicants, and the SmartDeal displays the appeal number, CID, status awaiting payment and payment codes (UIN). After payment, the status changes to "Accepted for Work." After completing the registration actions, you can see the outputs from Rosreestr in SmartDeal.

Similarly, SmartDeal users can issue other popular types of transactions, such as: purchase and sale, donation, registration of property (including shared ownership), assignment and more than 15 types of registration actions.

To speed up the creation of applications, SmartDeal provides the functionality of auto-filling most fields, reusing previously entered data (from an application for the release of an electronic signature and applications for registration), as well as directories that facilitate the user's work, for example, "Developer's Directory" and "Residential Complexes Directory."

Main functions

SmartDeal allows you to carry out electronic legally significant document flow with Rosreestr using the electronic services of Rosreestr.

With the help of SmartDeal, you can apply to Rosreestr for both registration of rights and cadastral registration, as well as request information on the rights and characteristics of real estate objects contained in the unified state register of real estate.

The main features of SmartDeal are:

  • Application for registration of rights and cadastral registration;
  • Request for information from the USRN;
  • Receive documents prepared in response to applications and requests.

SmartDeal is intended for qualified users who are specialists in the subject area.


SmartDeal Integration Library (SIL) is provided as downloadable libraries/modules for popular programming languages ​ ​ - Java, Ruby, Python,.Net, Node.js, PHP.

Structurally, SIL is an add-on for seamless communication with REST API SmartDeal via https.

The main purpose is to mask the difficulties of authorization, session maintenance, compliance with the permissible limits of values ​ ​ and check the correctness of the format of the communication protocol between the client and the server.

Each SIL language implementation is provided in precompiled open source form.